
Console methods

Using four new console methods, apps can send properties of an object to the console, clear messages in the console, and start and stop profiling in the Microsoft Visual Studio debugger.

These methods enable more comprehensive debugging from within the Visual Studio debugger in Windows 8.

Command Description Ref page
dir Prints the properties of an object to the console. dir
clear Clears messages from the console. Doesn't clear script error messages or script code you entered into the console command line. clear
profile Starts recording profile information under the optional title provided. This command is equivalent to clicking the Start profiling button on the F12 developer toolsProfile tab. profile
profileEnd Stops recording profile information under the last report title. This command is equivalent to clicking the stop profiling button on the F12 tools profile tab. profileEnd


If more than one object or element is provided as parameters to dir, the properties for only the last one are displayed.

To clear all messages in F12 tools, right-click the Console pane and click Clear console.

Profile reports cannot be nested. Stop the current profile or call profileEnd before starting another profiling session. Click the Profile tab to view reports.