
Search Provider Customization

On this page of the Internet Explorer 7 Customization Wizard, you can add search providers and set a search provider default for the customized version of Internet Explorer 7. If you installed the Corporate version of Internet Explorer Administration Kit 7 (IEAK 7), after you deploy the custom package, you can update these settings using IEAK Profile Manager.


For installations of Windows Vista, in general, MSN Search will be listed as the default search provider. However, for a computer running Windows Vista, where you have applied a configuration-only package that includes settings for one or more search provider, and the user has not yet opened Internet Explorer on that computer, the MSN Search provider will not be added for that user.



Search Providers

This text box lists any search providers that have been added and also indicates which search provider is the default.


Click this button to import the current list of search providers from the version of Internet Explorer on your computer.


Click this button to add a search provider and then provide the following information.

  • Display Name

  • Type the text you want to appear for the search provider in the Search Options menu in Internet Explorer.

  • URL

  • Type the full URL for the search provider, including the http:// prefix.

Set Default

To set a search provider as the default, select the provider under Search Providers, and then click the Set Default button.


To remove a search provider, select the provider under Search Providers,and then click the Remove button.


You cannot remove the Windows Live search provided by default in Windows Vista using this method.

Search Guide URL Customization

Select this check box if you plan to add the search providers to a custom Web page for your users, and then type the URL for the custom Web page in the text box.

Additional references