
Introduction to IEAK 7


Internet Explorer Administration Kit 7 (IEAK 7) contains programs and tools to help you customize, deploy, and administer Windows Internet Explorer 7 within an organization or, if you are an Internet service provider or Internet content provider, for your customers. IEAK can be used in network environments with or without the Active Directory directory service.

Key features

This following are some of the key capabilities and features in this version of IEAK:

  • Distribution options. You can specify how you want to distribute Internet Explorer — either using a product CD or the local area network (LAN). You can also create a configuration-only package to update Internet Explorer settings without installing code on your customers' or users' computers.

  • Custom components. You can include in-house applications and other programs in the custom package to distribute to your users and computers.

  • Setup experience. Depending on your license type, you can set the level of user interaction during the installation and specify settings for the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, the default browser, and Internet Explorer updates.

  • Search experience. You can customize the list of search providers for your users.

  • Browser experience. You can customize where your users are directed for support; the display of home pages and a welcome page; the list populating Favorites, Links, and Web Feeds; and toolbar buttons.

  • Administrator-approved ActiveX controls. You can specify the controls to run while locking out all others, which reduces overhead and troubleshooting issues. The approved set of Microsoft ActiveX controls can be enabled and administered dynamically by using the options in Additional Settings in IEAK Profile Manager.

  • Automatic Configuration. You can automatically refresh your users' Internet Explorer settings at regular intervals, or every time the browser is started.

User roles

During installation of IEAK 7 you are asked to pick a version, based on your license agreement. This version determines what options are available for you to customize for your Internet Explorer package, the steps you need to take to fully deploy that package, and how you can manage the browser after deployment. A version is available for the following groups:

  • Internet service provider (ISP)

  • Internet content provider (ICP)

  • Corporate administrator

The Internet Explorer 7 Customization Wizard displays the version that you installed in the title area.

Additional references