
Favorites, Links and Feeds

On this page of the Internet Explorer 7 Customization Wizard, you can customize the Favorites, Feeds, and Links features in Internet Explorer 7 by adding links to sites related to your company or services. If you installed the Corporate version of Internet Explorer Administration Kit 7 (IEAK 7), after you deploy the custom package, you can update these settings using IEAK Profile Manager.

Microsoft has provided items in Favorites, Links, and Web Feeds by default. However, you can remove any of these items and/or add new folders and links as part of the custom package.



Place favorites and links at the top of the list in the order specified below

Select this check box to specify that the items you choose are moved to the top of the users' Favorites list. When you select this option, the Up and Down buttons become active.

Delete existing Favorites and Links, if present

If you are a corporate administrator, you can select this option to delete the items on the users' Favorites and Links lists. We recommend that you use this setting with caution, because it removes the links and favorites that your users set up.

  • Only delete the favorites created by the administrator

  • This option becomes active when you select the Delete existing Favorites and Links, if present check box. This option provides a little more control for the items you delete, only deleting the items on your users' Favorites and Links lists that you set up for them.

Delete existing channels, if present

If you are a corporate administrator, select this check box to delete existing channels on your users' computers. Channels are available only on computers that have been upgraded from Internet Explorer 4.0 or Windows 98.


To add a link, click Favorites, Links, or RSS Feeds, or a folder within one of these categories, and then click Add URL. This opens the Details dialog box.


You can add up to 200 links to the Favorites folder.

  • Name

  • Type a name for link in the Name box. This can be a friendly name that helps the user recognize what the link refers to.

  • URL

  • Type the destination of your link in the URL box.

  • Icon

  • To specify a 16 x 16 pixels custom icon for this link, type the name and location of the file in the Icon box, or click Browse to locate the file

  • Make available offline

  • If you are a corporate administrator, select this check box to make this page available to users who are not connected to the Internet. This option is often helpful for users with laptop computers.

Add Folder

To add a folder, click Favorites, Links, RSS Feeds, or a folder within one of these categories, and then click Add Folder. In Name, type a name for the folder.


Select the link you want to change, and then click Edit. Make changes to the information in Name, URL, and Icon, as needed.


To delete a link from Favorites, Links, or Feeds, click the link, and then click Remove.

Test URL

To test a link, click the link in the list, and then click Test URL. This opens an instance of Internet Explorer which attempts to connect to the Web site with that URL.


To import an existing folder of links, click Favorites, Links, or RSS Feeds, and then click Import. In the Browse for Folder dialog box, locate and click the folder of desired links on your computer. These links are most likely located in the <SystemDrive>:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\Favorites folder.

Additional references