
Language Selection

On this page of the Internet Explorer 7 Customization Wizard, you must choose the language for the Internet Explorer Administration Kit 7 (IEAK 7) custom package.


On the computer on which you are installing the IEAK 7 package, the language for IEAK 7 must be the same as the language for Internet Explorer — otherwise, IEAK 7 will not work correctly.

If the language that you want to use for the package is not listed in the drop-down list on this page of the wizard, close the wizard, insert the IEAK product CD that contains the language that you want to use, and then restart the wizard. For information about ordering an IEAK product CD, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId.



Target language

Select the language that you want to use from this list.

You must run the Internet Explorer 7 Customization Wizard once for each language that you plan to support. To retain settings across multiple versions of the package, specify the same destination folder for all versions. The different language versions are saved in separate subfolders within that destination folder.

For example, EN is the abbreviation for English, and DE is the abbreviation for German. If you specify C:\Cie\Build1\ as your destination folder, your customized package containing an English-language version of Internet Explorer will be created in the folder C:\Cie\Build1\Flat\Win32\EN\.

Your customized package containing a German-language version of Internet Explorer will be created in the folder C:\Cie\Build1\Flat\Win32\DE\.

Additional references