
Welcome Page

Internet Explorer 7 displays a first run page when a user first starts the browser. On this page of the Internet Explorer 7 Customization Wizard, you can disable the default first run page, and/or specify whether you want to display a custom welcome page after the first run page. If you do not customize the settings on this page of the wizard, the first time your users open Internet Explorer, they will see the first run page.



Disable the Internet Explorer first run page

Select this check box to prevent your users from seeing the default first run page in Internet Explorer.

Use a custom welcome page (specify URL below)

Select this check box if you want to use a custom welcome page, and then type the URL in the box below.

If you select the Disable the Internet Explorer first run page check box, this welcome page will appear the first time your users open Internet Explorer. If you clear the Disable the Internet Explorer first run page check box, your custom welcome page will appear after the default first run page.

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