
Internet Explorer Setup Options

You can use command-line options to control the way that Setup runs for your users (for your custom version of Windows® Internet Explorer®). You can use options to choose the installation mode, to specify a quiet mode (which removes or reduces the prompts the user receives), or to control whether the computer is restarted after installation.

You can have users include these options when they run Setup, but a more typical scenario is packaging Internet Explorer using another program, such as IExpress Technology and the IExpress Wizard, for a batch installation.

Command-line options for Setup

You can use the following command-line options for Internet Explorer 9 Setup:

[/help][/passive | /quiet][/update-no][/no-default][/nobackup][/ieak-full:<path> | /ieak-branding:<path>][/norestart | /forcerestart][/log:<path>]

Parameter Description


Displays help at the command prompt. Cannot be used with other options.

Setup Modes:

Setup modes are as follows:


Runs the installation without any input from the user.


Identical to /passive, but does not show any user interface.

Setup Options:

Setup options are as follows:


Does not look for Internet Explorer updates.


Does not make Internet Explorer the default browser.


Does not back up the files that would later be required to uninstall Internet Explorer.


Reserved for Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) use.


Reserved for IEAK use.

Restart Options:

Restart options are as follows:


Does not restart when installation is complete.


Restarts after installation.

Miscellaneous Options:

Miscellaneous options are as follows:


Creates a log file at <path>.

Windows Update Setup return codes and status

After an application is installed or its installation fails, Setup needs to report the outcome. Because IE9wzd.exe is packaged inside Ie9setup.exe, return codes cannot be passed back directly. Instead, after installation, Setup returns the information in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\InstallInfo registry branch. Any Failed HResult in this branch means some sort of failure.

Subkey Data type Value (DWORD reflecting the HRESULT from setup, as follows:)



0 = Success



0x80100003 = Files are missing for the requested installation.



0x80100001 = Setup succeeded partially. One or more components are not downloaded/installed. Check the FailedComponents subkey for the list of components.



0x80100002 = Setup succeeded partially, but the user canceled Setup. One or more components are not downloaded/installed.

For items that were not successfully installed, Setup also returns the following information:

Subkey Data type Value



<Name of Components from CIFID>null<Name of Component...>



0 = Install completed successfully.



1 = Suspend Setup. The user canceled Setup and is asked to verify whether to cancel.



2 = No, do not Cancel, resume Setup.



3 = Yes, Cancel confirmed, quit Setup as soon as possible. In some cases, a task in progress, such as copying or extracting files, may need to be completed.

Additional references: