
ACS Policy Object

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

The Quality of Service (QoS) ACS Policy performance object provides data about the operation of Microsoft Identity Local Policy Module. Network administrators should monitor the counters provided by this object when the QoS Admission Control Service (ACS) or Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) is enabled on a subnet. The QoS ACS Policy object is available only if the QoS ACS or RSVP has won the Designated Subnet Bandwidth Manager (DSBM) election and is running the Policy-based Admission Control. The Subnet Bandwidth Manager is a QoS signaling technique supported by the Windows Server 2003 family that is used to manage bandwidth on shared media such as 802.1 local area network (LAN) topologies.

There is one object for each subnet being managed by this QoS ACS host.

Counter Name Description Counter Type

Bad User Identity Policy Elements

Shows the number of user Identity Policy Elements that could not be identified by Microsoft Identity Local Policy Module.


DS Cache Size

Shows the number of entries in the directory service cache.


Flow Count PATH Rejections

Shows the number of PATH messages rejected due to flow count policy.


Flow Count RESV Rejections

Shows the number of RESV messages rejected due to flow count policy.


Flow Duration PATH Rejections

Shows the number of PATH messages rejected due to flow duration policy.


Flow Duration RESV Rejections

Shows the number of RESV messages rejected due to flow duration policy.


Flow Rate PATH Rejections

Shows the number of PATH messages rejected due to flow rate policy.


Flow Rate RESV Rejections

Shows the number of RESV messages rejected due to flow rate policy.


Other Policy PATH Rejections

Shows the number of PATH messages rejected due to other policies on the subnet.


Other Policy RESV Rejections

Shows the number of RESV messages rejected due to other policies on the subnet.


PATH Message Changes Admitted

Shows the number of changes to PATH messages admitted.


PATH Messages Admitted

Shows the number of PATH messages admitted.


Peak Rate PATH Rejections

Shows the number of PATH messages rejected because their peak rate exceeded peak rate policy.


Peak Rate RESV Rejections

Shows the number of RESV messages rejected because their peak rate exceeded peak rate policy.


RESV Message Changes Admitted

Shows the number of changes to RESV messages admitted.


RESV Messages Admitted

Shows the number of RESV messages admitted.


Total Flow Rate PATH Rejections

Shows the number of PATH messages rejected because their total peak rate exceeded total flow rate policy.


Total Flow Rate RESV Rejections

Shows the number of RESV messages rejected because their total peak rate exceeded the total flow rate policy.


Total Peak Rate PATH Rejections

Shows the number of PATH messages rejected because their total peak rate exceeded the total peak rate policy.


Total Peak Rate RESV Rejections

Shows the number of RESV messages rejected because their total peak rate exceeded the total peak rate policy.


User ID Change PATH Rejections

Shows the number of PATH messages rejected because the user ID changed.


User ID Change RESV Rejections

Shows the number of RESV messages rejected because the user ID changed.


See Also


Counters by Feature