Lumia.Imaging.Adjustments Namespace
Contains types used to perform adjustments of e.g. levels, hue, saturation and brightness in an image.
Class | Description | |
ArgbColorCurves |
A collection of four Curve objects, one per ARGB channel.
AutoEnhanceEffect |
Automatically enhances white balance, brightness and contrast, and/or applies local boost to the image. |
AutoEnhanceFilter |
Automatically enhances white balance, brightness and contrast, and/or applies local boost to the image. |
AutoFixAnalyzer |
Analyzes an image and produces parameters for the SaturationLightnessEffect and the TemperatureAndTintEffect which, when applied, will improve the visual quality of the image.
AutoFixAnalyzerResult |
A collection of parameters resulting from AutoFixAnalysis.
AutoLevelsEffect |
Balances the intensity level of the image, for example making dark images lighter and vice versa. |
AutoLevelsFilter |
Balances the intensity level of the image, for example making dark images lighter and vice versa. |
BlurEffect | Blurs the image. |
BlurFilter |
Applies a blur effect to the image. |
BrightnessEffect |
Adjusts the brightness in the image. |
BrightnessFilter |
Adjusts the brightness in the image. |
ColorAdjustEffect |
Adjusts the RGB color composition of the image. |
ColorAdjustFilter |
Adjusts the RGB color composition of the image. |
ColorBoostEffect |
Amplifies the colors of the image. |
ColorBoostFilter |
Amplifies the colors of the image. |
ColorizationEffect |
Adjusts color tone and luminance/chrominance levels, adds a single color to an image. |
ColorizationFilter |
Adjusts color tone and luminance/chrominance levels, adds a single color to an image. |
ContrastEffect |
Adjusts the contrast in the image. |
ContrastFilter |
Adjusts the contrast in the image. |
Curve |
A curve, either specified as a list of values or by interpolation between control points.
CurveMinMaxPair |
A pair of min and max curves.
CurvesEffect |
Transforms colors in the image using color curves. |
CurvesFilter |
Transforms colors in the image using color curves. |
DespeckleEffect |
Applies a despeckle effect, removing noise from the image. |
DespeckleFilter |
Applies a despeckle effect, removing noise from the image. |
ExposureEffect |
Adjust the brightness of an image using one of the modes in ExposureMode. |
ExposureFilter |
Adjust the brightness of an image using one of the modes in ExposureMode. |
GaussianNoiseEffect |
Applies Gaussian noise to the image. |
GaussianNoiseFilter |
Applies Gaussian noise to the image. |
GrayscaleEffect |
Converts the image to grayscale using a mixture of the color components. |
GrayscaleFilter |
Converts the image to grayscale using a mixture of the color components. |
HdrEffect |
Applies local tone mapping to a single image to achieve an HDR-like effect. |
HueSaturationEffect |
Adjusts the hue and saturation of the image. |
HueSaturationFilter |
Adjusts the hue and saturation of the image. |
HueSaturationLightnessEffect |
A effect that can be used to change hue, saturation and lightness differently based on each hue value in the image. |
HueSaturationLightnessFilter |
A filter that can be used to change hue, saturation and lightness differently based on each hue value in the image. |
LensBlurCustomKernel |
Defines a custom kernel used for blurring by LensBlurEffect.
LensBlurEffect | Applies blur to an image in a way similar to how out-of-focus areas are rendered by a lens, an effect also known as bokeh. |
LensBlurFocusEdgeSoftening |
Specifies LensBlur focus edge softening behavior.
LensBlurPredefinedKernel |
Defines a predefined kernel shape used for blurring by LensBlurEffect.
LevelsEffect |
Adjusts levels in the current image. |
LevelsFilter |
Adjusts levels in the current image. |
LocalBoostAutomaticEffect |
Automatically boost and enhance images with unequal illumination. |
LocalBoostAutomaticFilter |
Automatically boost and enhance images with unequal illumination. |
LocalBoostEffect |
Manually boost and enhance images with unequal illumination. |
LocalBoostFilter |
Manually boost and enhance images with unequal illumination. |
NoiseEffect |
Applies noise to the image. |
NoiseFilter |
Applies noise to the image. |
RedEyeRemovalEffect |
An effect that removes red eyes from a collection of defined eye areas. |
RedEyeRemovalFilter |
A filter that removes red eyes from a collection of defined eye areas. |
RgbLevelsEffect |
Adjusts RGB levels in the current image. |
RgbLevelsFilter |
Adjusts RGB levels in the current image. |
RgbMixerEffect |
Maps a linear combination of all input color channels onto each output color channel so that c_out = f(a_in, r_in, g_in, b_in). |
RgbMixerFilter |
Maps a linear combination of all input color channels onto each output color channel so that c_out = f(a_in, r_in, g_in, b_in). |
SaturationLightnessEffect |
Transforms saturation and/or lightness in the image using saturation and lightness curves. |
SaturationLightnessFilter |
Transforms saturation and/or lightness in the image using saturation and lightness curves. |
SharpnessEffect |
Enhances the sharpness of the image, allowing for precise settings. |
SharpnessFilter |
Enhances the sharpness of the image, allowing for precise settings. |
TemperatureAndTintEffect |
Adjusts the color temperature and tint of the image. |
TemperatureAndTintFilter |
Adjusts the color temperature and tint of the image. |
VibranceEffect |
Adjusts the brightness in the image. |
VibranceFilter |
Increases the saturation in the image, while allowing skin color tones to be preserved or more moderately saturated. |
WhiteBalanceEffect |
Adjusts the white balance in the image. |
WhiteBalanceFilter |
Adjusts the white balance in the image. |
WhiteboardEnhancementEffect |
Enhances text and drawings in an image of a whiteboard. |
WhiteboardEnhancementFilter |
Enhances text and drawings in an image of a whiteboard. |
Structure | Description | |
Levels |
Represents levels in RGB levels Effect.
Interface | Description | |
ILensBlurKernel |
Defines a kernel used for bluring by LensBlurEffect.
Enumeration | Description | |
BlurRegionShape |
Describes how the blur region is interpreted by the blur effect.
CurveInterpolation |
Curve interpolation modes that are used with Curves.
DespeckleLevel |
The amount of despeckling done by the despeckle effect.
ExposureMode |
Exposure modes to use with the exposure effect.
LensBlurFocusAreaEdgeMirroring |
Determines whether pixels in the focus area should be sampled when applying blur. If mirroring is on, then samples that would be located inside the focus area are instead taken from a mirrored location outside it.
LensBlurFocusEdgeSofteningMode |
Determines if and how much of the edge of the focus area will be softened.
LensBlurKernelMapType |
Selects how the kernel map values should be interpreted.
LensBlurPredefinedKernelShape |
Predefined shapes for LensBlurEffect.
NoiseLevel |
The amount of noise added by the noise effect.
RedEyeRemovalMode |
Methods used with RedEyeRemoval effect to correct the red eye.
WhiteBalanceMode |
The white balance modes used with the AutoEnhanceEffect.
WhiteboardEnhancementMode |
The whiteboard enhancement modes used with the WhiteBoardEnhancementEffect.
WhitePointCalculationMode |
The ways in which the white point can be calculated by the white balance effect.