Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell
Windows PowerShell® は、特にシステム管理用に設計された、タスク ベースのコマンド ライン シェルおよびスクリプト言語です。情報技術 (IT) プロフェッショナル向けのこの参照トピックは、スクリプトを作成してタスクを自動化するために Windows PowerShell コマンドレットを活用するうえでのサポートとなります。
Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) Cmdlets
This reference provides information about the Windows PowerShell cmdlets provided with Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC). The cmdlet help topics in this section are in alphabetical order.
Cmdlet | Description |
Adds a cluster DTC mapping. |
Invokes the Commit process if the specified transaction is the root transaction; otherwise, invokes the Complete method on a transaction object. |
Gets DTC instances. |
Queries the DTC host level properties in the registry. |
Queries the advanced setting for MSDTC in the registry. |
Retrieves the default cluster server. |
Gets cluster DTC Mapping data. |
Gets the default DTC instance. |
Gets DTC log file settings. |
Gets DTC network and security configuration settings. |
Gets information about transactions being handled by the DTC instance. |
Gets a summary of transactions. |
Gets the DTC transactions trace session specific setting of the host. |
Gets the DTC transactions trace setting of the host. |
Installs the local transactions coordinator. |
Enlists a diagnostic Resource Manager for a transaction object. |
Creates a new transaction in a Transaction Manager on the local computer. |
Propagates a transaction from a given diagnostic Resource Manager. |
Removes a cluster DTC mapping. |
Resets the log file of a DTC instance. |
Propagates a transaction to a specified diagnostic Resource Manager. |
Sets the DTC host level properties in the registry. |
Sets DTC instance specific properties in the registry. |
Sets the cluster default transactions coordinator. |
Modifies an existing cluster DTC mapping. |
Sets the default transactions coordinator. |
Modifies the log file settings of a DTC instance. |
Modifies DTC network and security configuration for a DTC instance. |
Modifies the state of a transaction. |
Modifies the DTC transactions trace setting of the host. |
Modifies the DTC transactions trace setting of the host. |
Starts the DTC instance. |
Starts a diagnostic Resource Manager. |
Starts a new DTC transactions trace session for the host. |
Stops a DTC instance. |
Stops and removes a diagnostic Resource Manager job. |
Stops the active DTC transactions trace session on the host. |
Tests whether two computers can participate in networked transactions. |
Invokes the Abort process on the specified transaction. |
Uninstalls the local transactions coordinator. |
Writes the data from an active DTC transactions trace session into the log file. |
To list all the cmdlets that are available, use the Get-Command -Module MsDtc
<コマンドレット名> コマンドレットを使用します。ここで、<コマンドレット名> は、調べようとするコマンドレットの名前です。詳細については、次のコマンドレットを実行できます。
● Get-Help
<コマンドレット名> -Detailed
● Get-Help
<コマンドレット名> -Examples
● Get-Help
<コマンドレット名> -Full