
How to End a Class with Momentum and Sell Private Lessons

A successful group class wrap-up will grow your online following, and potentially your private lesson business. Be sure to save the last few minutes of class to talk about your other Live Studio creations and the benefit of private lessons.

Incorporate the following in your group class closing script:

  • Promote upcoming classes

Do your best to always have upcoming classes scheduled so students can add them to their calendar right after class! You can quickly share the date, class topic, and what the student will take away from the event. If your class receives great attendance, mention you will add another class for the same time next week once you log off. 

  • Recommend watching your prerecorded videos

Do you have prerecorded videos on Live Studio? Encourage students to watch your content after class. Students can filter videos by teacher name or title.

  • Pitch private lessons

If you are available, quickly share the benefits of 1-on-1 private lessons. You can also mention the current class time you are teaching is available!

  • Personalize your farewell

Be sure to thank the students in attendance for coming! Add a personal touch by shouting out student names who participated, and how you look forward to seeing them again.

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