
StoreServicesNotificationChannelParameters.CustomNotificationChannelUri Property


Gets or sets the URI of the notification channel to use for receiving Partner Center notifications.

 property Platform::String ^ CustomNotificationChannelUri { Platform::String ^ get(); void set(Platform::String ^ value); };
winrt::hstring CustomNotificationChannelUri();

void CustomNotificationChannelUri(winrt::hstring value);
public string CustomNotificationChannelUri { get; set; }
var string = storeServicesNotificationChannelParameters.customNotificationChannelUri;
storeServicesNotificationChannelParameters.customNotificationChannelUri = string;
Public Property CustomNotificationChannelUri As String

Property Value


The URI of the notification channel to use for receiving Partner Center notifications.


If your app already has a notification channel that it uses for push notifications and you want to use this same channel to receive Partner Center notifications, assign the channel URI to this property and pass the parent object to the RegisterNotificationChannelAsync method overload.

Applies to