StorageLibrary.AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync メソッド


コンテンツを含む既存のフォルダーを StorageLibrary に追加するための提案があるかどうかを判断します。

 virtual IAsyncOperation<bool> ^ AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync() = AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync;
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.RemoteAsync]
IAsyncOperation<bool> AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync();
public IAsyncOperation<bool> AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync();
function areFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync()
Public Function AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync () As IAsyncOperation(Of Boolean)


True の 場合は、フォルダーの候補があります。 False それ以外の場合


Windows の要件

デバイス ファミリ
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (10.0.16299.0 で導入)
API contract
Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (v5.0 で導入)


private async Task<StorageLibrary> SetupPicturesLibraryAsync()
    if (this.picturesLibrary == null)
        this.picturesLibrary = await StorageLibrary.GetLibraryAsync(KnownLibraryId.Pictures);
        this.picturesLibrary.DefinitionChanged += PicturesLibrary_DefinitionChanged;
    return this.picturesLibrary;

private async void CheckForFolderSuggestions_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var library = await SetupPicturesLibraryAsync();

    if (await library.AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync())
        // There are new folders that could be added to the library.
        // Prompt the user to add one or more of them. 

        // Note that the RequestAddFolderAsync method returns only one folder.
        // If the user adds multiple folders, only one will be returned.
        // In this example, to keep track of all the added folders, the app can subscribe to the
        // StorageLibrary.DefinitionChanged event by awaiting library.RequestAddFolderAsync();

        // Launch the folder suggestion dialog
        var folder = await library.RequestAddFolderAsync(); 

private void PicturesLibrary_DefinitionChanged(StorageLibrary sender, object args)
    foreach (StorageFolder folder in sender.Folders)
        // Do something with every folder in the library


アプリのパッケージ マニフェストに picturesLibrary 機能を含めるのを忘れないでください。 マニフェストの機能の詳細については、「 アプリの機能宣言」を参照してください。


この機能が Windows のバージョンでサポートされていない場合、 メソッドは false を返します
