
გაზიარება არხიდან:

AzureWebAppContainer@1 - Azure Web App for Containers v1 task

This task deploys containers to Azure App Service.


# Azure Web App for Containers v1
# Deploy containers to Azure App Service.
- task: AzureWebAppContainer@1
    azureSubscription: # string. Required. Azure subscription. 
    appName: # string. Required. App name. 
    #deployToSlotOrASE: false # boolean. Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment. Default: false.
    #resourceGroupName: # string. Required when deployToSlotOrASE = true. Resource group. 
    #slotName: 'production' # string. Required when deployToSlotOrASE = true. Slot. Default: production.
    #containers: # string. Alias: imageName. Image name. 
    #multicontainerConfigFile: # string. Configuration File. 
    #containerCommand: # string. Startup command. 
  # Application and Configuration Settings
    #appSettings: # string. App settings. 
    #configurationStrings: # string. Configuration settings.


azureSubscription - Azure subscription
string. Required.

The name of the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.

appName - App name
string. Required.

Specifies the name of an existing Azure App Service. Only app services based on the selected app type will be listed.

deployToSlotOrASE - Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment
boolean. Default value: false.

Selects the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or an Azure App Service Environment.
For both targets, the task needs a resource group name.
If the deployment target is a slot, the default is the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
If the deployment target is an Azure App Service Environment, leave the slot name as production, and specify the resource group name.

resourceGroupName - Resource group
string. Required when deployToSlotOrASE = true.

The resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an Azure App Service Environment.
Specifies the Azure resource group that contains the Azure App Service indicated above.

slotName - Slot
string. Required when deployToSlotOrASE = true. Default value: production.

Specifies an existing slot, excluding the production slot.

containers - Image name
Input alias: imageName. string.

Specifies the fully qualified container image name. For example, myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest or python:3.7.2-alpine/.
For a multi-container scenario, multiple container image names can be provided.

multicontainerConfigFile - Configuration File

The path of the Docker-Compose file. Must be a fully qualified path or a path relative to the default working directory.

containerCommand - Startup command

Specifies the start up command.
For example:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll

appSettings - App settings

Edits the web app application settings using the syntax -key value (for example: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000 -WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE). A value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes (for example: "Eastern Standard Time").

configurationStrings - Configuration settings

Edits the web app application settings using the syntax -key value (for example: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11). A value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.

Task control options

All tasks have control options in addition to their task inputs. For more information, see Control options and common task properties.

Output variables

This task defines the following output variables, which you can consume in downstream steps, jobs, and stages.

The application URL of the selected Azure App Service.


Requirement Description
Pipeline types YAML, Classic build, Classic release
Runs on Agent, DeploymentGroup
Demands None
Capabilities This task does not satisfy any demands for subsequent tasks in the job.
Command restrictions Any
Settable variables Any
Agent version 2.104.1 or greater
Task category Deploy