Use this task with cURL to upload files. Supported data transfer protocols include FTP, FTPS, SFTP, HTTP, and others.
There is a newer version of this task available at cURLUploader@2.
# cURL Upload Files v1# Use cURL to upload files with FTP, FTPS, SFTP, HTTP, and more.- task:cURLUploader@1 inputs: files:# string. Required. Files. #username: # string. Username. #password: # string. Password. url:# string. Required. URL. #options: # string. Optional Arguments. # Advanced#redirectStderr: true # boolean. Redirect Standard Error to Standard Out. Default: true.
files - Files string. Required.
The file(s) to be uploaded. Wildcards can be used. For example, **\*.zip for all ZIP files in all subfolders.
username - Username string.
Optional. Specifies the username for server authentication.
password - Password string.
Optional. Specifies the password for server authentication. Use a new build variable with its lock enabled on the Variables tab to encrypt this value. Use a secret variable to avoid exposing ths value.
url - URL string. Required.
Specifies the URL to where the file(s) will be uploaded. The directory should end with a trailing slash. Possible URL protocols include DICT://, FILE://, FTP://, FTPS://, GOPHER://, HTTP://, HTTPS://, IMAP://, IMAPS://, LDAP://, LDAPS://, POP3://, POP3S://, RTMP://, RTSP://, SCP://, SFTP://, SMTP://, SMTPS://, TELNET:// and TFTP://.
options - Optional Arguments string.
Optional. The additional arguments that will be passed to cURL.
redirectStderr - Redirect Standard Error to Standard Out boolean. Default value: true.
Adds --stderr - as an argument to cURL. By default, cURL writes its progress bar to stderr, which is interpreted by the build as error output. Enabling this checkbox suppresses that behavior.
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