Use this task to deploy a SQL Server database using DACPAC.
This task is deprecated.
# SQL Server database deploy (Deprecated) v1# Deploy a SQL Server database using DACPAC.- task:SqlServerDacpacDeployment@1 inputs: EnvironmentName:# string. Required. Machines. #AdminUserName: # string. Admin Login. #AdminPassword: # string. Password. #Protocol: # 'Http' | 'Https'. Protocol. #TestCertificate: true # boolean. Optional. Use when Protocol = Https. Test Certificate. Default: true.# Deployment DacpacFile:# string. Required. DACPAC File. # Target TargetMethod:'server'# 'server' | 'connectionString' | 'publishProfile'. Required. Specify SQL Using. Default: server. ServerName:'localhost'# string. Required when TargetMethod = server. Server Name. Default: localhost. DatabaseName:# string. Required when TargetMethod = server. Database Name. #SqlUsername: # string. Optional. Use when TargetMethod = server. SQL Username. #SqlPassword: # string. Optional. Use when TargetMethod = server. SQL Password. #ConnectionString: # string. Required when TargetMethod = connectionString. Connection String. #PublishProfile: # string. Publish Profile. #AdditionalArguments: # string. Additional Arguments. # Advanced#DeployInParallel: true # boolean. Deploy in Parallel. Default: true.#ResourceFilteringMethod: 'machineNames' # 'machineNames' | 'tags'. Select Machines By. Default: machineNames.#MachineFilter: # string. Deploy to Machines.
# SQL Server database deploy (Deprecated) v1# Deploy SQL Server Database using DACPAC.- task:SqlServerDacpacDeployment@1 inputs: EnvironmentName:# string. Required. Machines. #AdminUserName: # string. Admin Login. #AdminPassword: # string. Password. #Protocol: # 'Http' | 'Https'. Protocol. #TestCertificate: true # boolean. Optional. Use when Protocol = Https. Test Certificate. Default: true.# Deployment DacpacFile:# string. Required. DACPAC File. # Target TargetMethod:'server'# 'server' | 'connectionString' | 'publishProfile'. Required. Specify SQL Using. Default: server. ServerName:'localhost'# string. Required when TargetMethod = server. Server Name. Default: localhost. DatabaseName:# string. Required when TargetMethod = server. Database Name. #SqlUsername: # string. Optional. Use when TargetMethod = server. SQL Username. #SqlPassword: # string. Optional. Use when TargetMethod = server. SQL Password. #ConnectionString: # string. Required when TargetMethod = connectionString. Connection String. #PublishProfile: # string. Publish Profile. #AdditionalArguments: # string. Additional Arguments. # Advanced#DeployInParallel: true # boolean. Deploy in Parallel. Default: true.#ResourceFilteringMethod: 'machineNames' # 'machineNames' | 'tags'. Select Machines By. Default: machineNames.#MachineFilter: # string. Deploy to Machines.
EnvironmentName - Machines string. Required.
Specifies a comma-separated list of machine IP addresses or FQDNs along with ports. The default port is based on the selected protocol. For example:,, Output variables of other tasks can also be provided, for example $(variableName).
AdminUserName - Admin Login string.
Specifies the administrator login for the target machines.
AdminPassword - Password string.
Specifies the administrator password for the target machines. Variables defined in build or release definitions are accepted as $(passwordVariable). You can mark the variable type as secret to secure it.
Specifies the protocol to use for the WinRM connection with the machine(s). The default value is HTTPS.
TestCertificate - Test Certificate boolean. Optional. Use when Protocol = Https. Default value: true.
Skips the authenticity validation of the machine's certificate by a trusted certification authority. The parameter is required for the WinRM HTTPS protocol.
DacpacFile - DACPAC File string. Required.
Specifies the location of the DACPAC file on the target machines or on a UNC path, like \\BudgetIT\Web\Deploy\FabrikamDB.dacpac. The UNC path should be accessible to the machine's administrator account. Environment variables are also supported, like $env:windir, $env:systemroot, and $env:windir\FabrikamFibre\Web.
Specifies the option to connect to the target SQL Server database. You can provide SQL Server database details, a SQL Server connection string, or a publish profile XML file.
ServerName - Server Name string. Required when TargetMethod = server. Default value: localhost.
Specifies the SQL Server name, like machinename\FabriakmSQL,1433 or localhost or .\SQL2012R2. Specifying localhost connects to the default SQL Server instance on the machine.
DatabaseName - Database Name string. Required when TargetMethod = server.
Specifies the name of the SQL Server database.
SqlUsername - SQL Username string. Optional. Use when TargetMethod = server.
If the SQL Server login is specified, it is used to connect to the SQL Server. The default, Integrated Authentication, uses the machine administrator's credentials.
SqlPassword - SQL Password string. Optional. Use when TargetMethod = server.
If the SQL Server login user name is specified, provide the SQL Server password. The default, Integrated Authentication, uses the machine administrator's credentials.
ConnectionString - Connection String string. Required when TargetMethod = connectionString.
Specifies the SQL Server connection string, like Server=localhost;Database=Fabrikam;User ID=AccountPlaceholder;Password=PasswordPlaceholder;.
PublishProfile - Publish Profile string.
Provides fine-grained control over SQL Server database creation or upgrades. Specifies the path to the publish profile XML file on the target machine or on a UNC share that is accessible by the machine administrator's credentials.
Specifies additional SqlPackage.exe arguments that are applied when creating or updating the SQL Server database, like /p:IgnoreAnsiNulls=True or /p:IgnoreComments=True. These arguments will override the settings in the publish profile XML file (if provided).
DeployInParallel - Deploy in Parallel boolean. Default value: true.
When set to true, runs the database deployment task in parallel on the target machines.
Optional. Specifies a subset of machines by providing machine names or tags.
MachineFilter - Deploy to Machines string.
This input is only valid for machine groups and is not supported for a flat list of machines or output variables yet.
Specifies a list of machines, like,,, or tags, like Role:DB; OS:Win8.1. If multiple tags are provided, the task runs in all machines with the specified tags. For Azure Resource Groups, provide the virtual machine's name, like ffweb or ffdb. The default runs the task in all machines.
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