Specifies a space-delimited list of actions. Some valid options are build, clean, test, analyze, and archive. For example,clean build performs a clean build. See Apple: Building from the command line with Xcode FAQ.
Specifies the Xcode project or workspace configuration to build. When using a variable, specify a value (for example, Release) on the Variables tab.
sdk - SDK string. Default value: $(SDK).
Specifies an SDK to use when building the Xcode project or workspace. From the macOS Terminal application, run xcodebuild -showsdks to display the valid list of SDKs. When using a variable, specify a value (for example, iphonesimulator) on the Variables tab.
xcWorkspacePath - Workspace or project path string. Default value: **/*.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace.
Optional. Specifies a relative path from the root of the repository to the Xcode workspace or project. For example, MyApp/MyApp.xcworkspace or MyApp/MyApp.xcodeproj. Wildcards can be used. Learn more about file matching patterns.
scheme - Scheme string.
Optional. Specifies an Xcode scheme name. Must be a shared scheme (shared checkbox under Managed Schemes in Xcode). If you do not specify a scheme, and the specified workspace has a single shared scheme, the workspace scheme will be used.
Specifies the target version of Xcode. Select Default to use the default version of Xcode on the agent machine. Specifying a version number (for example, Xcode 9) relies on the version's location to be set by environment variables on the agent machine (for example, XCODE_9_DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode_9.0.0.app/Contents/Developer). Select Specify path to provide a specific path to the Xcode developer directory.
Specifies the target version of Xcode. Select Default to use the default version of Xcode on the agent machine. Specifying a version number (for example, Xcode 9) relies on the version's location to be set by environment variables on the agent machine (for example, XCODE_9_DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode_9.0.0.app/Contents/Developer). Select Specify path to provide a specific path to the Xcode developer directory.
Specifies the target version of Xcode. Select Default to use the default version of Xcode on the agent machine. Specifying a version number (for example, Xcode 9) relies on the version's location to be set by environment variables on the agent machine (for example, XCODE_9_DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode_9.0.0.app/Contents/Developer). Select Specify path to provide a specific path to the Xcode developer directory.
xcodeDeveloperDir - Xcode developer path string. Optional. Use when xcodeVersion == specifyPath.
Specifies a path to a specific Xcode developer directory (for example, /Applications/Xcode_9.0.0.app/Contents/Developer). This input is useful when multiple versions of Xcode are installed on the agent machine.
Specifies whether an IPA app package file is generated as a part of the build.
archivePath - Archive path string. Optional. Use when packageApp == true.
Specifies a directory where created archives are placed.
exportPath - Export path string. Optional. Use when packageApp == true. Default value: output/$(SDK)/$(Configuration).
Specifies the destination for the product exported from the archive.
exportOptions - Export options string. Optional. Use when packageApp == true. Allowed values: auto (Automatic), plist, specify. Default value: auto.
Specifies options for exporting the archive. When the default value of Automatic is selected, the export method is automatically detected from the archive. Select Plist to specify a plist file containing export options. Select Specify to provide a specific Export method and Team ID.
Specifies the path to the plist file that contains options to use during the export.
exportArgs - Export arguments string. Optional. Use when packageApp == true.
Specifies additional command line arguments used during the export.
signingOption - Signing style string. Allowed values: nosign (Do not code sign), default (Project defaults), manual (Manual signing), auto (Automatic signing). Default value: nosign.
Specifies the method of signing the build. Select Do not code sign to disable signing. Select Project defaults to use only the project's signing configuration. Select Manual signing to force manual signing and optionally specify a signing identity and provisioning profile. Select Automatic signing to force automatic signing and optionally specify a development team ID. If your project requires signing, use the Install Apple... tasks to install certificates and provisioning profiles prior to the Xcode build.
signingIdentity - Signing identity string. Optional. Use when signingOption = manual.
Specifies a signing identity override with which to sign the build. Unlocking the default keychain on the agent machine may be required. If no value is entered, the Xcode project's setting is used.
provisioningProfileUuid - Provisioning profile UUID string. Optional. Use when signingOption = manual.
Specifies the UUID of an installed provisioning profile used for the build. Use separate build tasks with different schemes or targets to specify provisioning profiles by target in a single workspace (iOS, tvOS, watchOS).
provisioningProfileName - Provisioning profile name string. Optional. Use when signingOption = manual.
Specifies the name of an installed provisioning profile used for the build. If specified, this takes precedence over the provisioning profile UUID. Use separate build tasks with different schemes or targets to specify provisioning profiles by target in a single workspace (iOS, tvOS, watchOS).
teamId - Team ID string. Optional. Use when signingOption = auto.
Required if you are a member of multiple development teams. Specifies the 10-character development team ID.
Specifies the destination device's platform used for UI testing when the generic build device isn't valid. Choose Custom to specify a platform not included in this list. When Default is selected, no simulators or devices are targeted.
destinationPlatform - Custom destination platform string. Optional. Use when destinationPlatformOption == custom.
Specifies a destination device's platform used for UI testing when the generic build device isn't valid. Choose Custom to specify a platform not included in the list. When Default is selected, no simulators nor devices are targeted.
destinationTypeOption - Destination type string. Optional. Use when destinationPlatformOption != default && destinationPlatformOption != macOS. Allowed values: simulators (Simulator), devices (Connected Device). Default value: simulators.
Specifies the destination type to use for UI testing. Devices must be connected to the Mac performing the build via a cable or network connection. See Devices and Simulators in Xcode for more information.
destinationSimulators - Simulator string. Optional. Use when destinationPlatformOption != default && destinationPlatformOption != macOS && destinationTypeOption == simulators.
Specifies an Xcode simulator name used for UI testing. For example, iPhone X (iOS and watchOS) or Apple TV 4K (tvOS). An optional target OS version can be specified in the format OS=<versionNumber>, such as iPhone X,OS=11.1. See this list of simulators installed on the Hosted macOS agent for more information.
Specifies an Xcode simulator name used for UI testing. For example, iPhone X (iOS and watchOS) or Apple TV 4K (tvOS). An optional target OS version can be specified in the format OS=<versionNumber>, such as iPhone X,OS=11.1. See this list of simulators installed on the Hosted macOS agent for more information.
destinationDevices - Device string. Optional. Use when destinationPlatformOption != default && destinationPlatformOption != macOS && destinationTypeOption == devices.
Specifies the name of the device used for UI testing, such as Raisa's iPad. Only one device is currently supported. Note that Apple does not allow apostrophes (') in device names. Instead, right single quotation marks (') can be used.
args - Arguments string.
Optional. Specifies additional command line arguments with which to build. This input is useful for specifying -target or -project arguments instead of a workspace/project and scheme. See Apple: Building from the command line with Xcode FAQ.
workingDirectory - Working directory
Input alias: cwd. string.
Optional. Specifies the working directory in which to run the build. If no value is entered, the root of the repository is used.
useXcpretty - Use xcpretty boolean. Default value: true.
Specifies whether to use xcpretty to format xcodebuild output. xcpretty must be installed on the agent machine (It is preinstalled on Azure Pipelines hosted build agents). If xcpretty is not installed, raw xcodebuild output is shown. See xcpretty for more information.
xcprettyArgs - Xcpretty arguments string. Optional. Use when useXcpretty == true.
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