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Metadata reference for Azure Pipelines Analytics

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019

The Analytics service collects pipeline and test activity generated via Azure Pipelines. This article describes the properties that you can use to generate an Analytics report for pipelines. You use a combination of properties to filter a query, aggregate data, or build a report.


Descriptions of the entities, properties, and enumerated types supported by the Analytics data model are provided. This is an early draft. Please provide feedback on areas you would like to have more information. To query the data model, see Construct OData queries for Analytics.

Entity sets and entity types

The following table summarizes the entity types and entity sets that support Azure Pipelines. All entity types/entity sets are available with Analytics v4.0 preview version. Analytics version v3.0-preview doesn't support snapshots.

EntitySet EntityType Description
Branches Branch Basic information about branches used in tests or pipelines. For a sample report, see Progress status sample report.
ParallelPipelineJobsSnapshot ParallelPipelineJobsSnapshot (Composite) Supports understanding of parallel pipeline consumption. For more information about parallel pipeline tests, see Run tests in parallel using the Visual Studio Test task.
Pipelines Pipeline Properties for a pipeline.
PipelineJobs PipelineJob Individual execution results for a specific Test associated with a TestRun
PipelineRuns PipelineRun Execution information for pipelines. For a sample report, see Pipeline pass rate trend sample report.
PipelineRunActivityResults PipelineRunActivityResult Merged log of all the stages, steps, jobs, and tasks within a specific pipeline execution. For a sample report, see Pipeline task duration sample report.
PipelineTasks PipelineTask Properties for tasks that are used within a pipeline.
TaskAgentPoolSizeSnapshots TaskAgentPoolSizeSnapshot (Composite) Supports understanding of pool size, pipeline jobs, and concurrency. The Historical graph for agent pools illustrates how this entity set can be used.
TaskAgentRequestSnapshots TaskAgentRequestSnapshot (Composite) Supports reporting on task agent requests.


The following properties are valid for the Branches entity set. Surrogate keys associated with Branch include BranchSK and ProjectSK.

Display name Name Data type Description
AnalyticsUpdatedDate DateTime Watermark that indicates the last time the Analytics data was updated.
Branch Name BranchName String The name assigned to a branch when it's created.
Repository Id RepositoryId String The number assigned to a repository when it's created.
Repository Vsts Id RepositoryVstsId String The number assigned to a TFVC repository when it's created.
RepositoryUrl RepositoryUrl String The URL defined for a repository when it's created.

Navigational properties include Project and its referential constraint ProjectSK.


The following properties are valid for the ParallelPipelineJobsSnapshot entity set. Reference keys include:

  • IsHosted
  • ParallelismTag
  • SamplingDate
Display name Name Data type Description
Hosted Or Self-hosted IsHosted Boolean Indicates if the parallel pipeline is run on a Microsoft-hosted agent (True) or is self-hosted (False). For more information, see Azure Pipelines agents.
Failed To Reach All Providers FailedToReachAllProviders Boolean Indicates if the job run reached all providers (True) or not (False).
Number Of Parallel Pipelines Jobs TotalCount Int32 The number of jobs run as part of the snapshot.
Number Of Parallel Pipelines Minutes TotalMinutes Int32 The number of minutes taken to run the snapshot.
Parallelism Type ParallelismTag String A tag that indicates the type of parallelism associated with the job snapshot.
Premium Type IsPremium Boolean Indicates if the parallel pipeline is premium (True) or not (False).
Sample Date SamplingDate DateTime The date associated with the snapshot.


The following properties are valid for Pipelines and its surrogate key PipelineSK.

Display name Name Data type Description
Pipeline Id PipelineId Int32 The ID assigned to the pipeline.
Pipeline Name PipelineName String The name assigned to the pipeline.
Pipeline Version PipelineVersion Int32 The version associated with the pipeline.
Pipeline Process Type PipelineProcessType Enumerated The type of pipeline definition. Valid values are listed below for PipelineProcessType.

Navigational properties include Project and its referential constraint ProjectSK.

PipelineProcessType enumerated type members

The following members are defined for the PipelineProcessType enumerated type that indicates the method used to define the pipeline.

Member name Value Definition
Designer 1 Classic pipeline definition.
Yaml 2 YAML pipeline definition.
Docker 3 Docker pipeline definition.


A pipeline job is a series of steps that run sequentially as a unit. A job is the smallest unit of work that you can schedule to run. Pipelines are organized around jobs, and each pipeline has at least one job. For more information, see Specify jobs in your pipeline.

The following properties are valid for PipelineJobs and its PipelineJobSK surrogate key.

Display name Name Data type Description
Pipeline Full Job Name FullJobName String The full name of a pipeline job.
Pipeline Id PipelineId Int32 The ID assigned to the pipeline in which the job is defined.
Pipeline Job Identifier JobId String The job identifier assigned to a pipeline job when it's created.
Pipeline Job Name JobName String The name assigned to the pipeline job.
Pipeline Stage Name StageName String The stage name associated with the pipeline job.
Pipeline Job Strategy Attributes StrategyAttributes String The attributes defined for the pipeline job.
Stage Identifier StageId String The stage identifier associated with the pipeline job.

Navigational properties include Project and its referential constraint ProjectSK.

For a sample report that queries the PipelineJob entity type, see Pipeline stage wise failures sample report.


A pipeline run represents a single execution of a pipeline. During a run, the pipeline is processed, and agents process one or more jobs. A pipeline run includes jobs, steps, and tasks. For more information, see Pipeline run sequence.

The following properties are valid for the PipelineRun entity type and its PipelineRunSK surrogate key.

Display name Name Data type Description
Canceled Count CanceledCount Int32 The count of pipeline runs that were canceled.
Completed Date CompletedDate DateTime The date and time when the pipeline completes execution.
Failed Count FailedCount Int32 The count of pipeline runs that succeeded.
Number Revision RunNumberRevision Int32 The number assigned to a pipeline run with sequential executions.
Partially Succeeded Count PartiallySucceededCount Int32 The count of pipeline runs that partially succeeded.
Pipeline Run Id PipelineRunId Int32 The number assigned to a pipeline run.
Queued Date QueuedDate DateTime The date and time when the pipeline was queued to run.
Queue Duration Seconds QueueDurationSeconds Decimal The number of seconds the pipeline remained in the queue.
Run Number RunNumber String The number assigned to a pipeline run when it's executed.
Run Outcome RunOutcome Enumerated The outcome assigned to a pipeline upon completion of its execution. Valid values are listed below for PipelineRunOutcome.
Run Reason RunReason Enumerated The condition that caused the pipeline to run. Valid values are listed below for PipelineRunReason.
Run Duration Seconds RunDurationSeconds Decimal The number of seconds it took for the pipeline run to complete.
Started Date StartedDate DateTime The date and time when the pipeline run began.
Succeeded Count SucceededCount Int32 The count of pipeline runs that succeeded.
Total Duration Seconds TotalDurationSeconds Decimal The total number of seconds the pipeline was in the queue and run.

The following navigational properties are supported.

Display name Name -Referential constraint Referenced property
Branch Branch BranchSK BranchSK
Completed On CompletedOn CompletedDateSK DateSK
Queued On QueuedOn QueuedDateSK DateSK
Started On StartedOn QueuedDateSK DateSK
Pipeline Pipeline PipelineSK PipelineSK
Project Project ProjectSK ProjectSK

PipelineRunReason enumerated type members

The following members are defined for the PipelineRunReason enumerated type that indicates the conditions under which each pipeline stage, job, or step runs as described in Specify conditions.

Member name Value Display name
None 0 None
Manual 1 Manual
IndividualCI 2 Individual CI
BatchedCI 4 Batched CI
Schedule 8 Schedule
UserCreated 32 User Created
ValidateShelveset 64 Validate Shelveset
CheckInShelveset 128 Check In Shelveset
PullRequest 256 Pull Request
PipelineRunCompletion 512 Build Completion

PipelineRunOutcome enumerated type members

The following members are defined for the PipelineRunOutcome enumerated type that indicates the outcome of a pipeline run.

Member name Value Display name
None 0 None
Succeed 2 Succeed
PartiallySucceeded 4 Partially Succeeded
Failed 6 Failed
Canceled 32 Canceled


The following properties are valid for the PipelineRunActivityResults entity set and its PipelineRunActivityResultSK surrogate key.

Many properties are date-based or user-based. These properties are associated with the CalendarDate and User entity sets described in Calendar date, Project, and User metadata reference.

Display name Name Data type Description
Abandoned Count AbandonedCount Int32 The count of pipeline runs that were marked as abandoned.
Activity Completed Date ActivityCompletedDate DateTime The date and time when the pipeline run completes execution.
Activity Duration Seconds ActivityDurationSeconds Decimal The total number of seconds the pipeline was in the queue and run.
Activity Started Date ActivityStartedDate DateTime The date-time when the pipeline run started.
Canceled Count CanceledCount Int32 The count of pipeline runs that were canceled.
Failed Count FailedCount Int32 The count of pipeline runs that failed.
Pipeline Activity Type ActivityType Enumerated The type of pipeline activity. Valid values are listed below for PipelineActivityType.
Pipeline Run Id PipelineRunId Int32 The number assigned to a pipeline run when it's executed.
Pipeline Run Outcome PipelineRunOutcome Enumerated The outcome assigned to a pipeline upon completion of its execution. Valid values are listed under PipelineRunOutcome.
Relative Start Time From Job Seconds RelativeStartTimeFromJobSeconds Int32 The number of seconds that elapsed from the start of the job.
Relative Start Time From Stage Seconds RelativeStartTimeFromStageSeconds Int32 The number of seconds that elapsed from the start of the stage.
Relative Start Time From Run Seconds RelativeStartTimeFromRunSeconds Int32 The number of seconds that elapsed from when the run executed.
Skipped Count SkippedCount Int32 The count of pipeline runs that were skipped.
Succeeded Count SucceededCount Int32 The count of pipeline runs that succeeded.
Succeeded With Issues Count SucceededWithIssuesCount Int32 The count of pipeline runs that partially succeeded.
Task Display Name TaskDisplayName String Name of a task executed in the pipeline run.
Task Log Path TaskLogPath String The path of the log file generated by a task.
Task Result TaskOutcome Custom The result of the task that was executed.

For sample reports that query the PipelineRunActivityResult entity type, see Pipeline task duration trend sample report.

Navigation properties include those listed in the following table.

Display Name Name Referential constraint Referenced property
Activity Started On ActivityStartedOn ActivityStartedDateSK DateSK
Branch Branch BranchSK BranchSK
Pipeline Pipeline PipelineSK PipelineSK
Pipeline Task PipelineTask PipelineTaskSK PipelineTaskSK
Pipeline Job PipelineJob PipelineJobSK PipelineJobSK
Pipeline Run Queued On PipelineRunQueuedOn PipelineRunQueuedDateSK DateSK
Pipeline Run Started On PipelineRunStartedOn PipelineRunStartedDateSK DateSK
Pipeline Run Completed On PipelineRunCompletedOn PipelineRunCompletedDateSK DateSK
Pipeline Run Started On PipelineRunStartedOn PipelineRunStartedDateSK DateSK
Project Project ProjectSK ProjectSK

PipelineActivityType enumerated type members

The following members are defined for the PipelineActivityType enumerated type.

Member name Value Display name
Task 0 Task
Approval 1 Approval
AgentWait 2 Agent Wait


The following properties are valid for the PipelineTasks entity set and its surrogate key PipelineTaskSK.

Display name Name Data type Description
Task Definition Id TaskDefinitionId GUID The GUID assigned to a pipeline task.
Task Definition Version TaskDefinitionVersion String The version assigned to a pipeline task.

Navigational properties include Project and its referential constraint ProjectSK.


The following properties are valid for the TaskAgentPoolSizeSnapshots entity set and its surrogate key SamplingDate.

Display name Property name Data type Description
Online Count OnlineCount Int32 The number of agents online in the agent pool when the task was run.
Offline Count OfflineCount Int32 The number of agents offline in the agent pool when the task was run.
Pool Id PoolId Int32 The number assigned to the agent pool.
Sample Date SamplingDate DateTime The date and time when the pool size was snapped.

For a sample report built off of the TaskAgentPoolSizeSnapshot entity, see Historical graph for agent pools (Preview).


Agent pools are allocated when a task is executed. The TaskAgentRequestSnapshots entity set captures data related to the task agent requests.

The following properties are valid for the TaskAgentRequestSnapshot entity type and its surrogate keys SamplingTime and SamplingDateSK.

Display name Name Data type Description
Build Queued IsQueued Boolean Indicates if the build is queued (True) or not queued (False).
Build Running IsRunning Boolean Indicates if the build is running (True) or not running (False).
Hosted Or Self-hosted IsHosted Boolean Indicates if the agent assigned to the task is hosted (True) or self-hosted (False).
Job End Date FinishedDate DateTime The date-time when the task agent request finished running.
FinishedDateSK Int32 The date the task agent request finished running, expressed as YYYYMMDD in the time zone defined for the organization.
Queued Date QueuedDate DateTime The date-time when the task agent request was queued.
QueuedDateSK Int32 The date the task agent request was queued, expressed as YYYYMMDD in the time zone defined for the organization.
Queue Duration Seconds QueueDurationSeconds Decimal The number of seconds the task agent request remained in the queue before an agent was assigned.
Pool Id PoolId Int32 The number assigned to the agent pool assigned to the task agent request.
Pipeline Type PipelineType String The pipeline type containing the task agent request.
Request Id RequestId Int64 The number assigned to the task agent request.
Sample Hour SamplingHour Int32 The number assigned to hour when the request was received.
Sample Time SamplingTime DateTime The date-time when the task agent request was received.
Started Date StartedDate DateTime The date-time when the task agent request was executed.
StartedDateSK Int32 The date the task agent request started execution, expressed as YYYYMMDD in the time zone defined for the organization.

Navigation properties include those listed in the following table.

Display name Name Referential constraint -Referenced property
Branch Branch BranchSK BranchSK
Completed On CompletedOn CompletedDateSK DateSK
Job End Time FinishedOn FinishedDateSK DateSK
Queued On QueuedOn QueuedDateSK DateSK
Pipeline Pipeline PipelineSK PipelineSK
Project Project ProjectSK ProjectSK
Started On StartedOn QueuedDateSK DateSK