გაზიარება არხიდან:


Simulation Variables

There are two classes of simulation variables: aircraft and global data. The following tables list all the variables that can appear in XML based gauges, or used from the SimConnect APIs.

See Also

Table of Contents

  • Aircraft Data
    • Aircraft Engine Data
    • Fuel Tank Selection
    • Aircraft Fuel Data
    • Aircraft Lights Data
    • Aircraft Position and Speed Data
    • Aircraft Flight Instrumentation Data
    • Aircraft Avionics Data
    • Aircraft Controls Data
    • Aircraft Autopilot Data
    • Aircraft Landing Gear Data
    • Aircraft Environment Data
    • Helicopter Specific Data
    • Aircraft Miscellaneous Systems Data
    • Miscellaneous Data
    • Aircraft String Data
    • AI Controlled Aircraft
    • Carrier Operations
    • Racing
  • Environment Data
  • Program Data
  • Units of Measurement

Aircraft Data

Notes (Gauges)

Aircraft data is referenced by A: in XML gauges. Some parameters take an index to determine which of a multiple of system is being queried. In XML gauges the syntax for adding an index is :N, for example:

Notes (SimConnect)

Simulation variables are referenced from within SimConnect clients with the SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition call (see the SimConnect document for full details). When the units are listed as a structure or as a string, enter the empty string, or simply NULL, in the units parameter of this function call.

For example:
hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "Kohlsman setting hg", "inHg"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "Indicated Altitude", "feet"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "Plane Latitude", "degrees"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "Plane Longitude", "degrees"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_2, "Category", null);               \\ string hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_2, "AI Waypoint List", null);       \\ structure

Unless the Units column in the following table identifies the units as a structure or a string, the data will be returned by default in a signed 64 bit floating point value. The SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition has an optional parameter to change this to a signed 32 or 64 bit integer, or a signed 32 bit floating point value.

Notes (Multiplayer)

When the simulation is running in multiplayer mode, only a small number of variables are communicated between aircraft. This is noted in the Multiplayer column (All aircraft or Shared Cockpit).

Aircraft Engine Data

In the multiplayer Shared Cockpit mode the only supported index is 1, which means that the data is assumed to be identical for all engines. In single player mode engine indexes are from 1 to 4.

NUMBER OF ENGINES Number of engines (minimum 0, maximum 4) Number N -
ENGINE CONTROL SELECT Selected engines (combination of bit flags)
1 = Engine 1
2 = Engine 2
4 = Engine 3
8 = Engine 4
Mask Y -
THROTTLE LOWER LIMIT Percent throttle defining lower limit (negative for reverse thrust equipped airplanes) Percent N -
ENGINE TYPE Engine type:
0 = Piston
1 = Jet
2 = None
3 = Helo(Bell) turbine
4 = Unsupported
5 = Turboprop
Enum N -
MASTER IGNITION SWITCH Aircraft master ignition switch (grounds all engines magnetos) Bool N -
GENERAL ENG COMBUSTION:index Combustion flag Bool Y Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
GENERAL ENG MASTER ALTERNATOR:index Alternator (generator) switch Bool N Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
GENERAL ENG FUEL PUMP SWITCH:index Fuel pump switch Bool N Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
GENERAL ENG FUEL PUMP ON:index Fuel pump on/off Bool N -
GENERAL ENG RPM:index Engine rpm Rpm N -
GENERAL ENG PCT MAX RPM:index Percent of max rated rpm Percent N -
GENERAL ENG MAX REACHED RPM:index Maximum attained rpm Rpm N -
GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:index Percent of max throttle position Percent Y Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
GENERAL ENG MIXTURE LEVER POSITION:index Percent of max mixture lever position Percent Y Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
GENERAL ENG PROPELLER LEVER POSITION:index Percent of max prop lever position Percent Y Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
GENERAL ENG STARTER:index Engine starter on/off Bool N -
GENERAL ENG EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE:index Engine exhaust gas temperature. Rankine Y -
GENERAL ENG OIL PRESSURE:index Engine oil pressure Psf Y -
GENERAL ENG OIL LEAKED PERCENT:index Percent of max oil capacity leaked Percent N -
GENERAL ENG COMBUSTION SOUND PERCENT:index Percent of maximum engine sound Percent N -
GENERAL ENG DAMAGE PERCENT:index Percent of total engine damage Percent N -
GENERAL ENG OIL TEMPERATURE:index Engine oil temperature Rankine Y -
GENERAL ENG FAILED:index Fail flag Bool N -
GENERAL ENG GENERATOR SWITCH:index Alternator (generator) switch Bool N -
GENERAL ENG GENERATOR ACTIVE:index Alternator (generator) on/off Bool Y -
GENERAL ENG ANTI ICE POSITION:index Engine anti-ice switch Bool N -
GENERAL ENG FUEL VALVE:index Fuel valve state Bool N Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
GENERAL ENG FUEL PRESSURE:index Engine fuel pressure Psi Y -
GENERAL ENG ELAPSED TIME:index Total engine elapsed time Hours N -
RECIP ENG COWL FLAP POSITION:index Percent cowl flap opened Percent Y Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
RECIP ENG PRIMER:index Engine primer position Bool Y -
RECIP ENG MANIFOLD PRESSURE:index Engine manifold pressure Psi Y -
RECIP ENG ALTERNATE AIR POSITION:index Alternate air control Position Y -
RECIP ENG COOLANT RESERVOIR PERCENT:index Percent coolant available Percent Y -
RECIP ENG LEFT MAGNETO:index Left magneto state Bool Y Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
RECIP ENG RIGHT MAGNETO:index Right magneto state Bool Y Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
RECIP ENG BRAKE POWER:index Brake power produced by engine Foot pounds per second Y -
RECIP ENG STARTER TORQUE:index Torque produced by engine Foot pound Y -
RECIP ENG TURBOCHARGER FAILED:index Turbo failed state Bool Y -
RECIP ENG EMERGENCY BOOST ACTIVE:index War emergency power active Bool Y -
RECIP ENG EMERGENCY BOOST ELAPSED TIME:index Elapsed time war emergency power active Hours Y -
RECIP ENG WASTEGATE POSITION:index Percent turbo wastegate closed Percent Y -
RECIP ENG TURBINE INLET TEMPERATURE:index Engine turbine inlet temperature Celsius Y -
RECIP ENG CYLINDER HEAD TEMPERATURE:index Engine cylinder head temperature Celsius Y -
RECIP ENG RADIATOR TEMPERATURE:index Engine radiator temperature Celsius Y -
RECIP ENG FUEL AVAILABLE:index True if fuel is available Bool Y -
RECIP ENG FUEL FLOW:index Engine fuel flow Pounds per hour Y -
RECIP ENG FUEL TANK SELECTOR:index Fuel tank selected for engine. See fuel tank list. Enum N -
RECIP ENG FUEL TANKS USED:index Fuel tanks used, one or more of the following bit flags:
Center 1 Bit 0
Center 2 Bit 1
Center 3 Bit 2
Left Main Bit 3
Left Aux Bit 4
Left Tip Bit 5
Right Main Bit 6
Right Aux Bit 7
Right Tip Bit 8
External 1 Bit 9
External 2 Bit 10
Mask Y -
RECIP ENG FUEL NUMBER TANKS USED:index Number of tanks currently being used Number N -
RECIP CARBURETOR TEMPERATURE:index Carburetor temperature Celsius Y -
RECIP MIXTURE RATIO:index Fuel / Air mixture ratio Ratio Y -
TURB ENG N1:index Turbine engine N1 Percent Y Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
TURB ENG N2:index Turbine engine N2 Percent Y Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
TURB ENG CORRECTED N1:index Turbine engine corrected N1 Percent Y Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
TURB ENG CORRECTED N2:index Turbine engine corrected N2 Percent Y Shared Cockpit (Index of 1 only).
TURB ENG CORRECTED FF:index Corrected fuel flow Pounds per hour Y -
TURB ENG MAX TORQUE PERCENT:index Percent of max rated torque Percent Y -
TURB ENG PRESSURE RATIO:index Engine pressure ratio Ratio Y -
TURB ENG ITT:index Engine ITT Rankine Y -
TURB ENG AFTERBURNER:index Afterburner state Bool N -
TURB ENG JET THRUST:index Engine jet thrust Pounds N -
TURB ENG BLEED AIR:index Bleed air pressure Psi N -
TURB ENG TANK SELECTOR:index Fuel tank selected for engine. See fuel tank list. Enum N -
TURB ENG TANKS USED:index Fuel tanks used, one or more of the following bit flags:
Center 1 Bit 0
Center 2 Bit 1
Center 3 Bit 2
Left Main Bit 3
Left Aux Bit 4
Left Tip Bit 5
Right Main Bit 6
Right Aux Bit 7
Right Tip Bit 8
External 1 Bit 9
External 2 Bit 10
Mask N -
TURB ENG NUM TANKS USED:index Number of tanks currently being used Number N -
TURB ENG FUEL FLOW PPH:index Engine fuel flow Pounds per hour N -
TURB ENG FUEL AVAILABLE:index True if fuel is available Bool N -
TURB ENG REVERSE NOZZLE PERCENT:index Percent thrust reverser nozzles deployed Percent N -
TURB ENG VIBRATION:index Engine vibration value Number N -
ENG FAILED:index Failure flag Number N -
ENG RPM ANIMATION PERCENT:index Percent max rated rpm used for visual animation Percent N -
ENG ON FIRE:index On fire state Bool Y -
ENG FUEL FLOW BUG POSITION:index Fuel flow reference Pounds per hour N -
PROP RPM:index Propeller rpm Rpm Y -
PROP MAX RPM PERCENT:index Percent of max rated rpm Percent N -
PROP THRUST:index Propeller thrust Pounds N -
PROP BETA:index Prop blade pitch angle Radians N -
PROP FEATHERING INHIBIT:index Feathering inhibit flag Bool N -
PROP FEATHERED:index Feathered state Bool N -
PROP SYNC DELTA LEVER:index Corrected prop correction input on slaved engine Position N -
PROP AUTO FEATHER ARMED:index Auto-feather armed state Bool N -
PROP FEATHER SWITCH:index Prop feather switch Bool N -
PANEL AUTO FEATHER SWITCH:index Auto-feather arming switch Bool N -
PROP SYNC ACTIVE:index True if prop sync is active Bool N -
PROP DEICE SWITCH:index True if prop deice switch on Bool N -
ENG COMBUSTION True if the engine is running Bool N -
ENG N1 RPM:index Engine N1 rpm Rpm (0 to 16384 = 0 to 100%) N -
ENG N2 RPM:index Engine N2 rpm Rpm(0 to 16384 = 0 to 100%) N -
ENG FUEL FLOW GPH:index Engine fuel flow Gallons per hour N -
ENG FUEL FLOW PPH:index Engine fuel flow Pounds per hour N -
ENG TORQUE:index Torque Foot pounds N -
ENG ANTI ICE:index Anti-ice switch Bool N -
ENG PRESSURE RATIO:index Engine pressure ratio Ratio (0-16384) N -
ENG EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE:index Exhaust gas temperature Rankine N -
ENG EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE GES:index Governed engine setting Percent over 100 N -
ENG CYLINDER HEAD TEMPERATURE:index Engine cylinder head temperature Rankine N -
ENG OIL TEMPERATURE:index Engine oil temperature Rankine N -
ENG OIL PRESSURE:index Engine oil pressure Pounds per square foot N -
ENG OIL QUANTITY:index Engine oil quantitiy as a percentage of full capacity Percent over 100 N -
ENG HYDRAULIC PRESSURE:index Engine hydraulic pressure Pounds per square foot N -
ENG HYDRAULIC QUANTITY:index Engine hydraulic fluid quantity, as a percentage of total capacity Percent over 100 N -
ENG MANIFOLD PRESSURE:index Engine manifold pressure. inHG. N -
ENG VIBRATION:index Engine vibration Number N -
ENG RPM SCALER:index Obsolete Scalar N -
ENG MAX RPM Maximum rpm Rpm N -
GENERAL ENG STARTER ACTIVE True if engine starter is active Bool N -
GENERAL ENG FUEL USED SINCE START Fuel used since the engines were last started Pounds N -
TURB ENG PRIMARY NOZZLE PERCENT:index Percent thrust of primary nozzle Percent over 100 N -
TURB ENG IGNITION SWITCH True if the turbine engine ignition switch is on Bool N -
TURB ENG MASTER STARTER SWITCH True if the turbine engine master starter switch is on Bool N -
TURB ENG AFTERBURNER STAGE ACTIVE The stage of the afterburner, or 0 if the afterburner is not active. Number N -
TURB ENG AFTERBURNER PCT ACTIVE The percentage that the afterburner is running at. Percent_over_100 N -

Fuel Tank Selection

0 Off
1 All
2 Left
3 Right
4 Left auxiliary
5 Right auxiliary
6 Center
7 Center2
8 Center3
9 External1
10 External2
11 Right tip
12 Left tip
13 Crossfeed
14 Crossfeed left to right
15 Crossfeed right to left
16 Both
17 External
18 Isolate
19 Left main
20 Right main

Aircraft Fuel Data

FUEL TANK CENTER LEVEL Percent of maximum capacity Percent Over 100 Y -
FUEL TANK CENTER2 LEVEL Percent of maximum capacity Percent Over 100 Y -
FUEL TANK CENTER3 LEVEL Percent of maximum capacity Percent Over 100 Y -
FUEL TANK LEFT MAIN LEVEL Percent of maximum capacity Percent Over 100 Y -
FUEL TANK LEFT AUX LEVEL Percent of maximum capacity Percent Over 100 Y -
FUEL TANK LEFT TIP LEVEL Percent of maximum capacity Percent Over 100 Y -
FUEL TANK RIGHT MAIN LEVEL Percent of maximum capacity Percent Over 100 Y -
FUEL TANK RIGHT AUX LEVEL Percent of maximum capacity Percent Over 100 Y -
FUEL TANK RIGHT TIP LEVEL Percent of maximum capacity Percent Over 100 Y -
FUEL TANK EXTERNAL1 LEVEL Percent of maximum capacity Percent Over 100 Y -
FUEL TANK EXTERNAL2 LEVEL Percent of maximum capacity Percent Over 100 Y -
FUEL TANK CENTER CAPACITY Maximum capacity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL TANK CENTER2 CAPACITY Maximum capacity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL TANK CENTER3 CAPACITY Maximum capacity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL TANK LEFT MAIN CAPACITY Maximum capacity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL TANK LEFT AUX CAPACITY Maximum capacity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL TANK LEFT TIP CAPACITY Maximum capacity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL TANK RIGHT MAIN CAPACITY Maximum capacity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL TANK RIGHT AUX CAPACITY Maximum capacity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL TANK RIGHT TIP CAPACITY Maximum capacity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL TANK EXTERNAL1 CAPACITY Maximum capacity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL TANK EXTERNAL2 CAPACITY Maximum capacity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL LEFT CAPACITY Maximum capacity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL RIGHT CAPACITY Maximum capacity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL TANK CENTER QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons Y -
FUEL TANK CENTER2 QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons Y -
FUEL TANK CENTER3 QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons Y -
FUEL TANK LEFT MAIN QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons Y -
FUEL TANK LEFT AUX QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons Y -
FUEL TANK LEFT TIP QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons Y -
FUEL TANK RIGHT MAIN QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons Y -
FUEL TANK RIGHT AUX QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons Y -
FUEL TANK RIGHT TIP QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons Y -
FUEL TANK EXTERNAL1 QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons Y -
FUEL TANK EXTERNAL2 QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons Y -
FUEL LEFT QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL RIGHT QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL TOTAL QUANTITY Current quantity in volume Gallons N -
FUEL WEIGHT PER GALLON Fuel weight per gallon Pounds N -
FUEL TANK SELECTOR:index Which tank is selected. See fuel tank list. Enum N -
FUEL CROSS FEED Cross feed valve:
0 = Closed
1 = Open
Enum N -
FUEL TOTAL CAPACITY Total capacity of the aircraft Gallons N -
FUEL SELECTED QUANTITY PERCENT Percent or capacity for selected tank Percent Over 100 N -
FUEL SELECTED QUANTITY Quantity of selected tank Gallons N -
FUEL TOTAL QUANTITY WEIGHT Current total fuel weight of the aircraft Pounds N -
NUM FUEL SELECTORS Number of selectors on the aircraft Number N -
UNLIMITED FUEL Unlimited fuel flag Bool N -
ESTIMATED FUEL FLOW Estimated fuel flow at cruise Pounds per hour N -

Aircraft Lights Data

LIGHT STROBE Light switch state Bool N All aircraft
LIGHT PANEL Light switch state Bool N All aircraft
LIGHT LANDING Light switch state Bool N All aircraft
LIGHT TAXI Light switch state Bool N All aircraft
LIGHT BEACON Light switch state Bool N All aircraft
LIGHT NAV Light switch state Bool N All aircraft
LIGHT LOGO Light switch state Bool N All aircraft
LIGHT WING Light switch state Bool N All aircraft
LIGHT RECOGNITION Light switch state Bool N All aircraft
LIGHT CABIN Light switch state Bool N All aircraft
0x0001: Nav
0x0002: Beacon
0x0004: Landing
0x0008: Taxi
0x0010: Strobe
0x0020: Panel
0x0040: Recognition
0x0080: Wing
0x0100: Logo
0x0200: Cabin
Mask N -
LIGHT STATES Same as LIGHT ON STATES Mask N All aircraft
LANDING LIGHT PBH Landing light pitch bank and heading SIMCONNECT_DATA_XYZ structure N -
LIGHT TAXI ON Return true if the light is on. Bool N -
LIGHT STROBE ON Return true if the light is on. Bool N -
LIGHT PANEL ON Return true if the light is on. Bool N -
LIGHT RECOGNITION ON Return true if the light is on. Bool N -
LIGHT WING ON Return true if the light is on. Bool N -
LIGHT LOGO ON Return true if the light is on. Bool N -
LIGHT CABIN ON Return true if the light is on. Bool N -
LIGHT HEAD ON Return true if the light is on. Bool N -
LIGHT BRAKE ON Return true if the light is on. Bool N -
LIGHT NAV ON Return true if the light is on. Bool N -
LIGHT BEACON ON Return true if the light is on. Bool N -
LIGHT LANDING ON Return true if the light is on. Bool N -

Aircraft Position and Speed Data

GROUND VELOCITY Speed relative to the earths surface Knots N -
TOTAL WORLD VELOCITY Speed relative to the earths center Feet per second N -
VELOCITY BODY Z True longitudinal speed, relative to aircraft axis Feet per second Y -
VELOCITY BODY X True lateral speed, relative to aircraft axis Feet per second Y -
VELOCITY BODY Y True vertical speed, relative to aircraft axis Feet per second Y -
VELOCITY WORLD Z Speed relative to earth, in North/South direction Feet per second Y -
VELOCITY WORLD X Speed relative to earth, in East/West direction Feet per second Y -
VELOCITY WORLD Y Speed relative to earth, in vertical direction Feet per second Y -
ACCELERATION WORLD X Acceleration relative to earth, in east/west direction Feet per second squared Y -
ACCELERATION WORLD Y Acceleration relative to earch, in vertical direction Feet per second squared Y -
ACCELERATION WORLD Z Acceleration relative to earth, in north/south direction Feet per second squared Y -
ACCELERATION BODY X Acceleration relative to aircraft axix, in east/west direction Feet per second squared Y -
ACCELERATION BODY Y Acceleration relative to aircraft axis, in vertical direction Feet per second squared Y -
ACCELERATION BODY Z Acceleration relative to aircraft axis, in north/south direction Feet per second squared Y -
ROTATION VELOCITY BODY X Rotation relative to aircraft axis Feet per second Y -
ROTATION VELOCITY BODY Y Rotation relative to aircraft axis Feet per second Y -
ROTATION VELOCITY BODY Z Rotation relative to aircraft axis Feet per second Y -
RELATIVE WIND VELOCITY BODY X Lateral speed relative to wind Feet per second N -
RELATIVE WIND VELOCITY BODY Y Vertical speed relative to wind Feet per second N -
RELATIVE WIND VELOCITY BODY Z Longitudinal speed relative to wind Feet per second N -
PLANE ALT ABOVE GROUND Altitude above the surface Feet Y -
PLANE LATITUDE Latitude of aircraft, North is positive, South negative Radians Y -
PLANE LONGITUDE Longitude of aircraft, East is positive, West negative Radians Y -
PLANE ALTITUDE Altitude of aircraft Feet Y -
PLANE PITCH DEGREES Pitch angle, although the name mentions degrees the units used are radians Radians Y -
PLANE BANK DEGREES Bank angle, although the name mentions degrees the units used are radians Radians Y -
PLANE HEADING DEGREES TRUE Heading relative to true north, although the name mentions degrees the units used are radians Radians Y -
PLANE HEADING DEGREES MAGNETIC Heading relative to magnetic north, although the name mentions degrees the units used are radians Radians Y -
MAGVAR Magnetic variation Degrees N -
GROUND ALTITUDE Altitude of surface Meters N -
SURFACE TYPE Type of surface:
0 = Concrete
1 = Grass
2 = Water
3 = Grass_bumpy
4 = Asphalt
5 = Short_grass
6 = Long_grass
7 = Hard_turf
8 = Snow
9 = Ice
10 = Urban
11 = Forest
12 = Dirt
13 = Coral
14 = Gravel
15 = Oil_treated
16 = Steel_mats
17 = Bituminus
18 = Brick
19 = Macadam
20 = Planks
21 = Sand
22 = Shale
23 = Tarmac
24 = Wright_flyer_track
Enum N -
SIM ON GROUND On ground flag Bool N -
INCIDENCE ALPHA Angle of attack Radians N -
INCIDENCE BETA Sideslip angle Radians N -
WING FLEX PCT:index The current wing flex. Different values can be set for each wing (for example, during banking). Set an index of 1 for the left wing, and 2 for the right wing. Percent over 100 Y -
STRUCT LATLONALT Returns the latitude, longitude and altitude of the user aircraft. SIMCONNECT_DATA_LATLONALTstructure N -
STRUCT LATLONALTPBH Returns the pitch, bank and heading of the user aircraft. SIMCONNECT_DATA_LATLONALTstructure N -
STRUCT SURFACE RELATIVE VELOCITY The relative surface velocity. SIMCONNECT_DATA_XYZ structure, feet per second N -
STRUCT WORLDVELOCITY The world velocity. SIMCONNECT_DATA_XYZ structure, feet per second N -
STRUCT WORLD ROTATION VELOCITY The world rotation velocity. SIMCONNECT_DATA_XYZ structure, radians per second N -
STRUCT BODY VELOCITY The object body velocity. SIMCONNECT_DATA_XYZ structure, feet per second N -
STRUCT BODY ROTATION VELOCITY The body rotation velocity. Individual body rotation values are in the Aircraft Position and Speed section. SIMCONNECT_DATA_XYZ structure, radians per second N -
STRUCT WORLD ACCELERATION The world acceleration for each axis. Individual world acceleration values are in the Aircraft Position and Speed section. SIMCONNECT_DATA_XYZ structure, feet per second squared N -
STRUCT ENGINE POSITION:index The engine position relative to the reference datum position for the aircraft. SIMCONNECT_DATA_XYZ structure, feet. N -
STRUCT EYEPOINT DYNAMIC ANGLE The angle of the eyepoint view. Zero, zero, zero is straight ahead. SIMCONNECT_DATA_XYZ structure, radians N -
EYEPOINT POSITION The eyepoint position relative to the reference datum position for the aircraft. SIMCONNECT_DATA_XYZ structure, feet N -

Aircraft Flight Instrumentation Data

AIRSPEED TRUE True airspeed Knots Y -
AIRSPEED INDICATED Indicated airspeed Knots Y -
AIRSPEED TRUE CALIBRATE Angle of True calibration scale on airspeed indicator Degrees Y Shared Cockpit
AIRSPEED BARBER POLE Redline airspeed (dynamic on some aircraft) Knots N -
AIRSPEED MACH Current mach Mach N -
VERTICAL SPEED Vertical speed indication Feet per second Y -
MACH MAX OPERATE Maximum design mach Mach N -
STALL WARNING Stall warning state Bool N -
OVERSPEED WARNING Overspeed warning state Bool N -
BARBER POLE MACH Mach associated with maximum airspeed Mach N -
INDICATED ALTITUDE Altimeter indication Feet Y -
KOHLSMAN SETTING MB Altimeter setting Millibars Y -
KOHLSMAN SETTING HG Altimeter setting Inches of Mercury, inHg N -
ATTITUDE BARS POSITION AI reference pitch reference bars Percent Over 100 N -
ATTITUDE CAGE AI caged state Bool N -
WISKEY COMPASS INDICATION DEGREES Magnetic compass indication Degrees Y -
PLANE HEADING DEGREES GYRO Heading indicator (directional gyro) indication Radians Y -
HEADING INDICATOR Heading indicator (directional gyro) indication Radians N -
GYRO DRIFT ERROR Angular error of heading indicator Radians N -
DELTA HEADING RATE Rate of turn of heading indicator Radians per second Y -
TURN COORDINATOR BALL Turn coordinator ball position Position 128 (-127 to 127) N -
ANGLE OF ATTACK INDICATOR AoA indication Radians N -
RADIO HEIGHT Radar altitude Feet N -
PARTIAL PANEL ADF Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
PARTIAL PANEL AIRSPEED Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
PARTIAL PANEL ALTIMETER Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
PARTIAL PANEL ATTITUDE Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
PARTIAL PANEL COMM Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
PARTIAL PANEL COMPASS Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
PARTIAL PANEL ELECTRICAL Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
PARTIAL PANEL AVIONICS Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum N -
PARTIAL PANEL ENGINE Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
PARTIAL PANEL FUEL INDICATOR Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum N -
PARTIAL PANEL HEADING Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
PARTIAL PANEL VERTICAL VELOCITY Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
PARTIAL PANEL TRANSPONDER Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
PARTIAL PANEL NAV Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
PARTIAL PANEL PITOT Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
PARTIAL PANEL TURN COORDINATOR Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum N -
PARTIAL PANEL VACUUM Gauge fail flag (0 = ok, 1 = fail, 2 = blank) Enum Y -
MAX G FORCE Maximum G force attained Gforce N -
MIN G FORCE Minimum G force attained Gforce N -
SUCTION PRESSURE Vacuum system suction pressure Inches of Mercury, inHg Y -

Aircraft Avionics Data

AVIONICS MASTER SWITCH Avionics switch state Bool N All aircraft
NAV SOUND:index Nav audio flag. Index of 1 or 2. Bool N Shared Cockpit
DME SOUND DME audio flag Bool N Shared Cockpit
ADF SOUND:index ADF audio flag. Index of 0 or 1. Bool N Shared Cockpit
MARKER SOUND Marker audio flag Bool N Shared Cockpit
COM TRANSMIT:index Audio panel com transmit state. Index of 1 or 2. Bool N Shared Cockpit
COM RECIEVE ALL Flag if all Coms receiving Bool N Shared Cockpit
COM ACTIVE FREQUENCY:index Com frequency. Index is 1 or 2. Frequency BCD16 N All aircraft
COM STANDBY FREQUENCY:index Com standby frequency. Index is 1 or 2. Frequency BCD16 N All aircraft
COM STATUS:index Radio status flag :
-1 =Invalid
0 = OK
1 = Does not exist
2 = No electricity
3 = Failed
Enum N -
NAV AVAILABLE:index Flag if Nav equipped on aircraft Bool N -
NAV ACTIVE FREQUENCY:index Nav active frequency. Index is 1 or 2. MHz N Shared Cockpit
NAV STANDBY FREQUENCY:index Nav standby frequency. Index is 1 or 2. MHz N Shared Cockpit
NAV SIGNAL:index Nav signal strength Number N -
NAV HAS NAV:index Flag if Nav has signal Bool N -
NAV HAS LOCALIZER:index Flag if tuned station is a localizer Bool N -
NAV HAS DME:index Flag if tuned station has a DME Bool N -
NAV HAS GLIDE SLOPE:index Flag if tuned station has a glideslope Bool N -
NAV BACK COURSE FLAGS:index Returns the following bit flags:
BIT0: 1=back course available
BIT1: 1=localizer tuned in
BIT2: 1=on course
BIT7: 1=station active
Flags N -
NAV MAGVAR:index Magnetic variation of tuned nav station Degrees N -
NAV RADIAL:index Radial that aircraft is on Degrees N -
NAV RADIAL ERROR:index Difference between current radial and OBS tuned radial Degrees N -
NAV LOCALIZER:index Localizer course heading Degrees N -
NAV GLIDE SLOPE ERROR:index Difference between current position and glideslope angle. Note that this provides 32 bit floating point precision, rather than the 8 bit integer precision of NAV GSI. Degrees N -
NAV CDI:index CDI needle deflection (+/- 127) Number N -
NAV GSI:index Glideslope needle deflection (+/- 119). Note that this provides only 8 bit precision, whereas NAV GLIDE SLOPE ERROR provides 32 bit floating point precision. Number N -
NAV TOFROM:index Nav TO/FROM flag:
0 = Off
1 = TO
2 = FROM
Enum N -
NAV GS FLAG:index Glideslope flag Bool N -
NAV OBS:index OBS setting. Index of 1 or 2. Degrees N Shared Cockpit
NAV DME:index DME distance Nautical miles N -
NAV DMESPEED:index DME speed Knots N -
ADF ACTIVE FREQUENCY:index ADF frequency. Index of 1 or 2. Frequency ADF BCD32 N Shared Cockpit
ADF STANDBY FREQUENCY:index ADF standby frequency Hz N -
ADF RADIAL:index Current direction from NDB station Degrees N -
ADF SIGNAL:index Signal strength Number N -
TRANSPONDER CODE:index 4-digit code BCO16 N All aircraft (Index of 1 only).
MARKER BEACON STATE Marker beacon state:
0 = None
1 = Outer
2 = Middle
3 = Inner
Enum Y -
INNER MARKER Inner marker state Bool Y -
MIDDLE MARKER Middle marker state Bool Y -
OUTER MARKER Outer marker state Bool Y -
NAV RAW GLIDE SLOPE:index Glide slope angle Degrees N -
ADF CARD ADF compass rose setting Degrees N Shared Cockpit
HSI CDI NEEDLE Needle deflection (+/- 127) Number N -
HSI GSI NEEDLE Needle deflection (+/- 119) Number N -
HSI CDI NEEDLE VALID Signal valid Bool N -
HSI GSI NEEDLE VALID Signal valid Bool N -
0 = Off
1 = TO
2 = FROM
Enum N -
HSI BEARING VALID This will return true if the HSI BEARING variable contains valid data. Bool N -
HSI BEARING If the GPS DRIVES NAV1 variable is true and the HSI BEARING VALID variable is true, this variable contains the HSI needle bearing. If the GPS DRIVES NAV1 variable is false and the HSI BEARING VALID variable is true, this variable contains the ADF1 frequency. Degrees N -
HSI HAS LOCALIZER Station is a localizer Bool N -
HSI SPEED DME/GPS speed Knots N -
HSI DISTANCE DME/GPS distance Nautical miles N -
GPS POSITION LAT Current GPS latitude Degrees N -
GPS POSITION LON Current GPS longitude Degrees N -
GPS POSITION ALT Current GPS altitude Meters N -
GPS MAGVAR Current GPS magnetic variation Radians N -
GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN Flight plan mode active Bool N -
GPS IS ACTIVE WAY POINT Waypoint mode active Bool N -
GPS IS ARRIVED Is flight plan destination reached Bool N -
GPS IS DIRECTTO FLIGHTPLAN Is Direct To Waypoint mode active Bool N -
GPS GROUND SPEED Current ground speed Meters per second N -
GPS GROUND TRUE HEADING Current true heading Radians N -
GPS GROUND MAGNETIC TRACK Current magnetic ground track Radians N -
GPS GROUND TRUE TRACK Current true ground track Radians N -
GPS WP DISTANCE Distance to waypoint Meters N -
GPS WP BEARING Magnetic bearing to waypoint Radians N -
GPS WP TRUE BEARING True bearing to waypoint Radians N -
GPS WP CROSS TRK Cross track distance Meters N -
GPS WP DESIRED TRACK Desired track to waypoint Radians N -
GPS WP TRUE REQ HDG Required true heading to waypoint Radians N -
GPS WP VERTICAL SPEED Vertical speed to waypoint Meters per second N -
GPS WP TRACK ANGLE ERROR Tracking angle error to waypoint Radians N -
GPS ETE Estimated time enroute to destination Seconds N -
GPS ETA Estimated time of arrival at destination Seconds N -
GPS WP NEXT LAT Latitude of next waypoint Degrees N -
GPS WP NEXT LON Longitude of next waypoint Degrees N -
GPS WP NEXT ALT Altitude of next waypoint Meters N -
GPS WP PREV VALID Is previous waypoint valid (i.e. current waypoint is not the first waypoint) Bool N -
GPS WP PREV LAT Latitude of previous waypoint Degrees N -
GPS WP PREV LON Longitude of previous waypoint Degrees N -
GPS WP PREV ALT Altitude of previous waypoint Meters N -
GPS WP ETE Estimated time enroute to waypoint Seconds N -
GPS WP ETA Estimated time of arrival at waypoint Seconds N -
GPS COURSE TO STEER Suggested heading to steer (for autopilot) Radians N -
GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP INDEX Index of waypoint Number N -
GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP COUNT Number of waypoints Number N -
GPS IS ACTIVE WP LOCKED Is switching to next waypoint locked Bool N -
GPS IS APPROACH LOADED Is approach loaded Bool N -
GPS IS APPROACH ACTIVE Is approach mode active Bool N -
GPS APPROACH MODE Sub mode within approach mode :
0 = None
1 = Transition
2 = Final
3 = Missed
Enum N -
GPS APPROACH WP TYPE Waypoint type within approach mode :
0 = None
1 = Fix
2 = Procedure turn left
3 = Procedure turn right
4 = Dme arc left
5 = Dme arc right
6 = Holding left
7 = Holding right
8 = Distance
9 = Altitude
10 = Manual sequence
11 = Vector to final
Enum N -
GPS APPROACH IS WP RUNWAY Waypoint is the runway Bool N -
GPS APPROACH SEGMENT TYPE Segment type within approach :
0 = Line
1 = Arc clockwise
2 = Arc counter-clockwise
Enum N -
GPS APPROACH APPROACH INDEX Index of approach for given airport Number N -
0 = None
1 = GPS
2 = VOR
3 = NDB
4 = ILS
5 = Localizer
6 = SDF
7 = LDA
10 = RNAV
11 = Backcourse
Enum N -
GPS APPROACH TRANSITION INDEX Index of approach transition Number N -
GPS APPROACH IS FINAL Is approach transition final approach segment Bool N -
GPS APPROACH IS MISSED Is approach segment missed approach segment Bool N -
GPS APPROACH TIMEZONE DEVIATION Deviation of local time from GMT Seconds N -
GPS APPROACH WP INDEX Index of current waypoint Number N -
GPS APPROACH WP COUNT Number of waypoints Number N -
GPS DRIVES NAV1 GPS is driving Nav 1 indicator Bool N Shared Cockpit
COM RECEIVE ALL Toggles all COM radios to receive on Bool N -
COM AVAILABLE True if either COM1 or COM2 is available Bool N -
COM TEST:index Enter an index of 1 or 2. True if the COM system is working. Bool N -
TRANSPONDER AVAILABLE True if a transponder is available Bool N -
ADF AVAILABLE True if ADF is available Bool N -
ADF FREQUENCY:index Legacy, use ADF ACTIVE FREQUENCY Frequency BCD16 N -
ADF IDENT ICAO code String N -
ADF NAME Descriptive name String N -
NAV IDENT ICAO code String N -
NAV NAME Descriptive name String N -
NAV CODES:index Returns bit flags with the following meaning:
BIT7: 0= VOR  1= Localizer
BIT6: 1= glideslope available
BIT5: 1= no localizer backcourse
BIT4: 1= DME transmitter at glide slope transmitter
BIT3: 1= no nav signal available
BIT2: 1= voice available
BIT1: 1 = TACAN available
BIT0: 1= DME available
Flags N -
NAV GLIDE SLOPE The glide slope gradient. Number N -
NAV RELATIVE BEARING TO STATION:index Relative bearing to station Degrees N -
SELECTED DME Selected DME Number N Shared Cockpit
GPS WP NEXT ID ID of next GPS waypoint String N -
GPS WP PREV ID ID of previous GPS waypoint String N -
GPS TARGET DISTANCE Distance to target Meters N -
GPS TARGET ALTITUDE Altitude of GPS target Meters N -
ADF LATLONALT:index Returns the latitude, longitude and altitude of the station the radio equipment is currently tuned to, or zeros if the radio is not tuned to any ADF station. Index of 1 or 2 for ADF 1 and ADF 2. SIMCONNECT_DATA_LATLONALTstructure N -
NAV VOR LATLONALT:index Returns the VOR station latitude, longitude and altitude. SIMCONNECT_DATA_LATLONALTstructure N -
NAV GS LATLONALT:index Returns the glide slope. SIMCONNECT_DATA_LATLONALTstructure N -
NAV DME LATLONALT:index Returns the DME station. SIMCONNECT_DATA_LATLONALTstructure N -
INNER MARKER LATLONALT Returns the latitude, longitude and altitude of the inner marker of an approach to a runway, if the aircraft is within the required proximity, otherwise it will return zeros. SIMCONNECT_DATA_LATLONALTstructure N -
MIDDLE MARKER LATLONALT Returns the latitude, longitude and altitude of the middle marker. SIMCONNECT_DATA_LATLONALTstructure N -
OUTER MARKER LATLONALT Returns the latitude, longitude and altitude of the outer marker. SIMCONNECT_DATA_LATLONALTstructure N -

Aircraft Controls Data

YOKE Y POSITION Percent control deflection fore/aft (for animation) Position (-16K to 0) -16K = Yoke fully pushed in Y -
YOKE X POSITION Percent control deflection left/right (for animation) Position (-16K to 0) -16K = Y -
RUDDER PEDAL POSITION Percent rudder pedal deflection (for animation) Position (-16K to 0) -16K = left pedal pushed full in Y -
RUDDER POSITION Percent rudder input deflection Position (-16K to 0) -16K = full left Y -
ELEVATOR POSITION Percent elevator input deflection Position (-16K to 0) -16K = full down Y -
AILERON POSITION Percent aileron input left/right Position (-16K to 0) -16K = full left Y -
ELEVATOR TRIM POSITION Elevator trim deflection Radians Y Shared Cockpit
ELEVATOR TRIM INDICATOR Percent elevator trim (for indication) Position (-16K to 0) -16K = full down N -
ELEVATOR TRIM PCT Percent elevator trim Percent Over 100 N -
BRAKE LEFT POSITION Percent left brake Position (0 to 32K) 0 = off, 32K full Y -
BRAKE RIGHT POSITION Percent right brake Position (0 to 32K) 0 = off, 32K full Y -
BRAKE INDICATOR Brake on indication Position (0 to 16K) 0 = off, 16K full N -
BRAKE PARKING POSITION Parking brake on Position (0 to 32K) 0 = off, 32K full Y Shared Cockpit
BRAKE PARKING INDICATOR Parking brake indicator Bool N -
SPOILERS ARMED Auto-spoilers armed Bool N All aircraft
SPOILERS HANDLE POSITION Spoiler handle position Percent Over 100 or Position (16K = down, 0 = up) Y All aircraft
SPOILERS LEFT POSITION Percent left spoiler deflected Percent Over 100 or Position (0 = retracted, 16K fully extended) N -
SPOILERS RIGHT POSITION Percent right spoiler deflected Percent Over 100 or Position (0 = retracted, 16K fully extended) N -
FLAPS HANDLE PERCENT Percent flap handle extended Percent Over 100 N -
FLAPS HANDLE INDEX Index of current flap position Number Y All aircraft
FLAPS NUM HANDLE POSITIONS Number of flap positions Number N -
TRAILING EDGE FLAPS LEFT PERCENT Percent left trailing edge flap extended Percent Over 100 Y -
TRAILING EDGE FLAPS RIGHT PERCENT Percent right trailing edge flap extended Percent Over 100 Y -
TRAILING EDGE FLAPS LEFT ANGLE Angle left trailing edge flap extended. Use TRAILING EDGE FLAPS LEFT PERCENT to set a value. Radians N -
TRAILING EDGE FLAPS RIGHT ANGLE Angle right trailing edge flap extended. Use TRAILING EDGE FLAPS RIGHT PERCENT to set a value. Radians N -
LEADING EDGE FLAPS LEFT PERCENT Percent left leading edge flap extended Percent Over 100 Y -
LEADING EDGE FLAPS RIGHT PERCENT Percent right leading edge flap extended Percent Over 100 Y -
LEADING EDGE FLAPS LEFT ANGLE Angle left leading edge flap extended. Use LEADING EDGE FLAPS LEFT PERCENT to set a value. Radians N -
LEADING EDGE FLAPS RIGHT ANGLE Angle right leading edge flap extended. Use LEADING EDGE FLAPS RIGHT PERCENT to set a value. Radians N -
AILERON LEFT DEFLECTION Angle deflection Radians N -
AILERON LEFT DEFLECTION PCT Percent deflection Percent Over 100 N -
AILERON RIGHT DEFLECTION Angle deflection Radians N -
AILERON RIGHT DEFLECTION PCT Percent deflection Percent Over 100 N -
AILERON AVERAGE DEFLECTION Angle deflection Radians N -
AILERON TRIM Angle deflection Radians N -
AILERON TRIM PCT Percent deflection Percent Over 100 Y Shared Cockpit
RUDDER DEFLECTION Angle deflection Radians N -
RUDDER DEFLECTION PCT Percent deflection Percent Over 100 N -
RUDDER TRIM Angle deflection Radians N -
RUDDER TRIM PCT Percent deflection Percent Over 100 Y Shared Cockpit
FLAPS AVAILABLE True if flaps available Bool N -
FLAP DAMAGE BY SPEED True if flagps are damaged by excessive speed Bool N -
FLAP SPEED EXCEEDED True if safe speed limit for flaps exceeded Bool N -
ELEVATOR DEFLECTION Angle deflection Radians N -
ELEVATOR DEFLECTION PCT Percent deflection Percent Over 100 N -
ALTERNATE STATIC SOURCE OPEN Alternate static air source Bool N All aircraft
AILERON TRIM PCT The trim position of the ailerons. Zero is fully retracted. Float. Percent over 100 Y -
RUDDER TRIM PCT The trim position of the rudder. Zero is no trim. Float. Percent over 100 Y -
FOLDING WING HANDLE POSITION True if the folding wing handle is engaged. Bool N -
FUEL DUMP SWITCH If true the aircraft is dumping fuel at the rate set in the configuration file. Bool N -

Aircraft Autopilot Data

AUTOPILOT AVAILABLE Available flag Bool N -
AUTOPILOT MASTER On/off flag Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT NAV SELECTED Index of Nav radio selected Number N -
AUTOPILOT WING LEVELER Wing leveler active Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT NAV1 LOCK Lateral nav mode active Bool N -
AUTOPILOT HEADING LOCK Heading mode active Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT HEADING LOCK DIR Selected heading Degrees N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK Altitude hole active Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR Selected altitude Feet N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT ATTITUDE HOLD Attitude hold active Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT GLIDESLOPE HOLD GS hold active Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT PITCH HOLD REF Current reference pitch Radians N -
AUTOPILOT APPROACH HOLD Approach mode active Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT BACKCOURSE HOLD Back course mode active Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT VERTICAL HOLD VAR Selected vertical speed Feet/minute N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT PITCH HOLD Set to True if the autopilot pitch hold has is engaged. Bool N -
AUTOPILOT FLIGHT DIRECTOR ACTIVE Flight director active Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT FLIGHT DIRECTOR PITCH Reference pitch angle Radians N -
AUTOPILOT FLIGHT DIRECTOR BANK Reference bank angle Radians N -
AUTOPILOT AIRSPEED HOLD Airspeed hold active Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT AIRSPEED HOLD VAR Selected airspeed Knots N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT MACH HOLD Mach hold active Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT MACH HOLD VAR Selected mach Number N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT YAW DAMPER Yaw damper active Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT RPM HOLD VAR Selected rpm Number N -
AUTOPILOT THROTTLE ARM Autothrottle armed Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT TAKEOFF POWER ACTIVE Takeoff / Go Around power mode active Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOTHROTTLE ACTIVE Auto-throttle active Bool N -
AUTOPILOT NAV1 LOCK True if autopilot nav1 lock applied Bool N Shared Cockpit
AUTOPILOT VERTICAL HOLD True if autopilot vertical hold applied Bool N -
AUTOPILOT RPM HOLD True if autopilot rpm hold applied Bool N -
AUTOPILOT MAX BANK True if autopilot max bank applied Radians N -
FLY BY WIRE ELAC SWITCH True if the fly by wire Elevators and Ailerons computer is on. Bool N -
FLY BY WIRE FAC SWITCH True if the fly by wire Flight Augmentation computer is on. Bool N -
FLY BY WIRE SEC SWITCH True if the fly by wire Spoilers and Elevators computer is on. Bool N -
FLY BY WIRE ELAC FAILED True if the Elevators and Ailerons computer has failed. Bool N -
FLY BY WIRE FAC FAILED True if the Flight Augmentation computer has failed. Bool N -
FLY BY WIRE SEC FAILED True if the Spoilers and Elevators computer has failed. Bool N -

Aircraft Landing Gear Data

IS GEAR RETRACTABLE True if gear can be retracted Bool N -
IS GEAR SKIS True if landing gear is skis Bool N -
IS GEAR FLOATS True if landing gear is floats Bool N -
IS GEAR SKIDS True if landing gear is skids Bool N -
IS GEAR WHEELS True if landing gear is wheels Bool N -
GEAR HANDLE POSITION True if gear handle is applied Bool Y All aircraft
GEAR HYDRAULIC PRESSURE Gear hydraulic pressure Pound force per square foot (psf) N -
TAILWHEEL LOCK ON True if tailwheel lock applied Bool N -
GEAR CENTER POSITION Percent center gear extended Percent Over 100 Y -
GEAR LEFT POSITION Percent left gear extended Percent Over 100 Y -
GEAR RIGHT POSITION Percent right gear extended Percent Over 100 Y -
GEAR TAIL POSITION Percent tail gear extended Percent Over 100 N -
GEAR AUX POSITION Percent auxiliary gear extended Percent Over 100 N -
GEAR POSITION:index Position of landing gear:
0 = unknown
1 = up
2 = down
Enum Y -
GEAR ANIMATION POSITION:index Percent gear animation extended Number N -
GEAR TOTAL PCT EXTENDED Percent total gear extended Percentage N -
AUTO BRAKE SWITCH CB Auto brake switch position Number N -
WATER RUDDER HANDLE POSITION Position of the water rudder handle (0 handle retracted, 100 rudder handle applied) Percent Over 100 Y All aircraft
WATER LEFT RUDDER EXTENDED Percent extended Percentage N -
WATER RIGHT RUDDER EXTENDED Percent extended Percentage N -
GEAR CENTER STEER ANGLE Center wheel angle, negative to the left, positive to the right. Percent Over 100 N -
GEAR LEFT STEER ANGLE Left wheel angle, negative to the left, positive to the right. Percent Over 100 N -
GEAR RIGHT STEER ANGLE Right wheel angle, negative to the left, positive to the right. Percent Over 100 N -
GEAR AUX STEER ANGLE Aux wheel angle, negative to the left, positive to the right. The aux wheel is the fourth set of gear, sometimes used on helicopters. Percent Over 100 N -
GEAR STEER ANGLE:index Alternative method of getting the steer angle. Index is
0 = center
1 = left
2 = right
3 = aux
Percent Over 100 N -
WATER LEFT RUDDER STEER ANGLE Water left rudder angle, negative to the left, positive to the right. Percent Over 100 N -
WATER RIGHT RUDDER STEER ANGLE Water right rudder angle, negative to the left, positive to the right. Percent Over 100 N -
GEAR CENTER STEER ANGLE PCT Center steer angle as a percentage Percent Over 100 N -
GEAR LEFT STEER ANGLE PCT Left steer angle as a percentage Percent Over 100 N -
GEAR RIGHT STEER ANGLE PCT Right steer angle as a percentage Percent Over 100 N -
GEAR AUX STEER ANGLE PCT Aux steer angle as a percentage Percent Over 100 N -
GEAR STEER ANGLE PCT:index Alternative method of getting steer angle as a percentage. Index is
0 = center
1 = left
2 = right
3 = aux
Percent Over 100 N -
WATER LEFT RUDDER STEER ANGLE PCT Water left rudder angle as a percentage Percent Over 100 N -
WATER RIGHT RUDDER STEER ANGLE PCT Water right rudder as a percentage Percent Over 100 N -
WHEEL RPM:index Wheel rpm. Index is
0 = center
1 = left
2 = right
3 = aux
Rpm N -
CENTER WHEEL RPM Center landing gear rpm Rpm N -
LEFT WHEEL RPM Left landing gear rpm Rpm N -
RIGHT WHEEL RPM Right landing gear rpm Rpm N -
AUX WHEEL RPM Rpm of fourth set of gear wheels. Rpm N -
WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE:index Wheel rotation angle. Index is
0 = center
1 = left
2 = right
3 = aux
Radians N -
CENTER WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE Center wheel rotation angle Radians N -
LEFT WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE Left wheel rotation angle Radians N -
RIGHT WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE Right wheel rotation angle Radians N -
AUX WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE Aux wheel rotation angle Radians N -
GEAR EMERGENCY HANDLE POSITION True if gear emergency handle applied Bool N -
0: unknown
1: normal
2: amphib
Enum N -
ANTISKID BRAKES ACTIVE True if antiskid brakes active Bool N -
RETRACT FLOAT SWITCH True if retract float switch on Bool N -
RETRACT LEFT FLOAT EXTENDED If aircraft has retractable floats. Percent (0 is fully retracted, 100 is fully extended) N -
RETRACT RIGHT FLOAT EXTENDED If aircraft has retractable floats. Percent (0 is fully retracted, 100 is fully extended) N -
STEER INPUT CONTROL Position of steering tiller Percent over 100 N -
GEAR DAMAGE BY SPEED True if gear has been damaged by excessive speed Bool N -
GEAR SPEED EXCEEDED True if safe speed limit for gear exceeded Bool N -
NOSEWHEEL LOCK ON True if the nosewheel lock is engaged. Bool N -

Aircraft Environment Data

AMBIENT DENSITY Ambient density Slugs per cubic feet N -
AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Ambient temperature Celsius N -
AMBIENT PRESSURE Ambient pressure Inches of mercury, inHg N -
AMBIENT WIND VELOCITY Wind velocity Knots N -
AMBIENT WIND DIRECTION Wind direction Degrees N -
AMBIENT WIND X Wind component in East/West direction. Meters per second N -
AMBIENT WIND Y Wind component in vertical direction. Meters per second N -
AMBIENT WIND Z Wind component in North/South direction. Meters per second N -
STRUCT AMBIENT WIND X (latitude), Y (vertical) and Z (longitude) components of the wind. Feet_per_second N -
AMBIENT PRECIP STATE Precip state (bit field)
2 = None
4 = Rain
8 = Snow
Mask N -
AIRCRAFT WIND X Wind component in aircraft lateral axis Knots N -
AIRCRAFT WIND Y Wind component in aircraft vertical axis Knots N -
AIRCRAFT WIND Z Wind component in aircraft longitudinal axis Knots N -
BAROMETER PRESSURE Barometric pressure Millibars N -
SEA LEVEL PRESSURE Barometric pressure at sea level Millibars N -
TOTAL AIR TEMPERATURE Total air temperature is the air temperature at the front of the aircraft where the ram pressure from the speed of the aircraft is taken into account. Celsius N -
WINDSHIELD RAIN EFFECT AVAILABLE Is visual effect available on this aircraft Bool N -
AMBIENT IN CLOUD True if the aircraft is in a cloud. Bool N -
AMBIENT VISIBILITY Ambient visibility Meters N -
STANDARD ATM TEMPERATURE Outside temperature on the standard ATM scale Rankine N -

Helicopter Specific Data

Note: Only variables that specifically mention the Bell helicopter apply to the Bell.

ROTOR BRAKE HANDLE POS Percent actuated Percent Over 100 N -
ROTOR CLUTCH SWITCH POS Switch position Bool N -
ROTOR TEMPERATURE Main rotor transmission temperature Rankine N -
ROTOR CHIP DETECTED Chip detection Bool N -
ROTOR GOV SWITCH POS Switch position Bool N -
ROTOR LATERAL TRIM PCT Trim percent Percent Over 100 N -
ROTOR RPM PCT Percent max rated rpm Percent Over 100 N -
ENG TURBINE TEMPERATURE Turbine temperature. Applies only to Bell helicopter. Celsius scalar 16K (degrees * 16384) N -
ENG TORQUE PERCENT:index Torque. Returns main rotor torque for Bell helicopter, or the indexed rotor torque of other helicopters. Percent scalar 16K (Ft/lbs * 16384) N -
ENG FUEL PRESSURE Fuel pressure. Applies only to Bell helicopter. PSI scalar 16K (Psi * 16384) N -
ENG ELECTRICAL LOAD Electrical load. Applies only to Bell helicopter. Percent scalar 16K (Max load * 16384) N -
ENG TRANSMISSION PRESSURE Transmission pressure. Applies only to Bell helicopter. PSI scalar 16K (Psi * 16384) N -
ENG TRANSMISSION TEMPERATURE Transmission temperature. Applies only to Bell helicopter. Celsius scalar 16K (Degrees * 16384) N -
ENG ROTOR RPM:index Rotor rpm. Returns main rotor rpm for Bell helicopter, or the indexed rotor rpm of other helicopters. Percent scalar 16K (Max rpm * 16384) N -
COLLECTIVE POSITION The position of the helicopter's collective. 0 is fully up, 100 fully depressed. Percent_over_100 N -
NUM SLING CABLES The number of sling cables (not hoists) that are configured for the aircraft. Refer to the document Notes on Aircraft Systems. Number N -
PAYLOAD STATION OBJECT:index Places the named object at the payload station identified by the index (starting from 1). The string is the Container name (refer to the title property of Simulation Object Configuration Files). String Y- set only -
PAYLOAD STATION NUM SIMOBJECTS:index The number of objects at the payload station (indexed from 1). Number N -
SLING OBJECT ATTACHED:index If units are set as boolean, returns True if a sling object is attached. If units are set as a string, returns the container title of the object. There can be multiple sling positions, indexed from 1. The sling positions are set in the Aircraft Configuration File. Bool/String N -
SLING CABLE BROKEN:index True if the cable is broken. Bool N -
SLING CABLE EXTENDED LENGTH:index The length of the cable extending from the aircraft. Feet Y -
SLING ACTIVE PAYLOAD STATION:index The payload station (identified by the parameter) where objects will be placed from the sling (identified by the index). Number Y -
SLING HOIST PERCENT DEPLOYED:index The percentage of the full length of the sling cable deployed. Percent_over_100 N -
A Boolean for whether or not the hook is in pickup mode, so capable of picking up another object.  Bool N -
IS ATTACHED TO SLING Set to true if this object is attached to a sling. Bool N -

Aircraft Miscellaneous Systems Data

SMOKE ENABLE Set to True to activate the smoke system, if one is available (for example, on the Extra). Bool Y All aircraft
SMOKESYSTEM AVAILABLE Smoke system available Bool N -
PITOT HEAT Pitot heat active Bool N All aircraft
FOLDING WING LEFT PERCENT Left folding wing position, 100 is fully folded Percent Over 100 Y -
FOLDING WING RIGHT PERCENT Right folding wing position, 100 is fully folded Percent Over 100 Y -
CANOPY OPEN Percent primary door/exit open Percent Over 100 Y -
TAILHOOK POSITION Percent tail hook extended Percent Over 100 Y -
EXIT OPEN:index Percent door/exit open Percent Over 100 Y -
STALL HORN AVAILABLE True if stall alarm available Bool N -
ENGINE MIXURE AVAILABLE True if engine mixture is available for prop engines. Obsolete value as mixture is always available. Spelling error in variable name. Bool N -
CARB HEAT AVAILABLE True if carb heat available Bool N -
SPOILER AVAILABLE True if spoiler system available Bool N -
IS TAIL DRAGGER True if the aircraft is a taildragger Bool N -
STROBES AVAILABLE True if strobe lights are available Bool N -
TOE BRAKES AVAILABLE True if toe brakes are available Bool N -
PUSHBACK STATE Type of pushback :
0 = Straight
1 = Left
2 = Right
Enum Y -
ELECTRICAL MASTER BATTERY Battery switch position Bool Y All aircraft
ELECTRICAL TOTAL LOAD AMPS Total load amps Amperes Y -
ELECTRICAL BATTERY LOAD Battery load Amperes Y -
ELECTRICAL MAIN BUS VOLTAGE Main bus voltage Volts Y -
ELECTRICAL MAIN BUS AMPS Main bus current Amperes Y -
ELECTRICAL AVIONICS BUS VOLTAGE Avionics bus voltage Volts Y -
ELECTRICAL AVIONICS BUS AMPS Avionics bus current Amperes Y -
ELECTRICAL HOT BATTERY BUS VOLTAGE Voltage available when battery switch is turned off Volts Y -
ELECTRICAL HOT BATTERY BUS AMPS Current available when battery switch is turned off Amperes Y -
ELECTRICAL BATTERY BUS VOLTAGE Battery bus voltage Volts Y -
ELECTRICAL BATTERY BUS AMPS Battery bus current Amperes Y -
ELECTRICAL GENALT BUS VOLTAGE:index Genalt bus voltage (takes engine index) Volts Y -
ELECTRICAL GENALT BUS AMPS:index Genalt bus current (takes engine index) Amperes Y -
CIRCUIT GENERAL PANEL ON Is electrical power available to this circuit Bool N -
CIRCUIT FLAP MOTOR ON Is electrical power available to this circuit Bool N -
CIRCUIT GEAR MOTOR ON Is electrical power available to this circuit Bool N -
CIRCUIT AUTOPILOT ON Is electrical power available to this circuit Bool N -
CIRCUIT AVIONICS ON Is electrical power available to this circuit Bool N -
CIRCUIT PITOT HEAT ON Is electrical power available to this circuit Bool N -
CIRCUIT PROP SYNC ON Is electrical power available to this circuit Bool N -
CIRCUIT AUTO FEATHER ON Is electrical power available to this circuit Bool N -
CIRCUIT AUTO BRAKES ON Is electrical power available to this circuit Bool N -
CIRCUIT STANDY VACUUM ON Is electrical power available to this circuit Bool N Shared Cockpit
CIRCUIT MARKER BEACON ON Is electrical power available to this circuit Bool N -
CIRCUIT GEAR WARNING ON Is electrical power available to this circuit Bool N -
CIRCUIT HYDRAULIC PUMP ON Is electrical power available to this circuit Bool N -
HYDRAULIC PRESSURE:index Hydraulic system pressure. Indexes start at 1. Pound force per square foot N -
HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR PERCENT:index Hydraulic pressure changes will follow changes to this variable. Indexes start at 1. Percent Over 100 Y -
HYDRAULIC SYSTEM INTEGRITY Percent system functional Percent Over 100 N -
STRUCTURAL DEICE SWITCH True if the aircraft structure deice switch is on Bool N -
APPLY HEAT TO SYSTEMS Used when too close to a fire. Bool Y -
DROPPABLE OBJECTS TYPE:index The type of droppable object at the station number identified by the index. String Y -
DROPPABLE OBJECTS COUNT:index The number of droppable objects at the station number identified by the index. Number N -

Aircraft Miscellaneous Data

TOTAL WEIGHT Total weight of the aircraft Pounds N -
MAX GROSS WEIGHT Maximum gross weight of the aircaft Pounds N -
EMPTY WEIGHT Empty weight of the aircraft Pounds N -
IS USER SIM Is this the user loaded aircraft Bool N -
SIM DISABLED Is sim disabled Bool Y -
G FORCE Current g force GForce Y All aircraft
ATC HEAVY Is this aircraft recognized by ATC as heavy Bool Y -
AUTO COORDINATION Is auto-coordination active Bool Y -
REALISM General realism percent Number Y -
TRUE AIRSPEED SELECTED True if True Airspeed has been selected Bool Y -
DESIGN SPEED VS0 Design speed at VS0 Feet per second N -
DESIGN SPEED VS1 Design speed at VS1 Feet per second N -
DESIGN SPEED VC Design speed at VC Feet per second N -
MIN DRAG VELOCITY Minimum drag velocity Feet per second N -
ESTIMATED CRUISE SPEED Estimated cruise speed Feet per second N -
CG PERCENT Longitudinal CG position as a percent of reference chord Percent over 100 N -
CG PERCENT LATERAL Lateral CG position as a percent of reference chord Percent over 100 N -
IS SLEW ACTIVE True if slew is active Bool Y Shared Cockpit
IS SLEW ALLOWED True if slew is enabled Bool Y Shared Cockpit
ATC SUGGESTED MIN RWY TAKEOFF Suggested minimum runway length for takeoff. Used by ATC  Feet N -
ATC SUGGESTED MIN RWY LANDING Suggested minimum runway length for landing. Used by ATC  Feet N -
PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:index Individual payload station weight Pounds Y -
PAYLOAD STATION COUNT Number of payload stations Number N -
USER INPUT ENABLED Is input allowed from the user Bool Y -
TYPICAL DESCENT RATE Normal descent rate Feet per minute N -
VISUAL MODEL RADIUS Model radius Meters N -
CATEGORY One of the following:
String N -
SIGMA SQRT Sigma sqrt Number N -
DYNAMIC PRESSURE Dynamic pressure Pounds per square foot N -
TOTAL VELOCITY Velocity regardless of direction. For example, if a helicopter is ascending vertically at 100 fps, getting this variable will return 100. Feet per second N -
AIRSPEED SELECT INDICATED OR TRUE The airspeed, whether true or indicated airspeed has been selected. Knots N -
VARIOMETER RATE Variometer rate Feet per second N -
VARIOMETER SWITCH True if the variometer switch is on Bool N -
PRESSURE ALTITUDE Altitude reading Meters N -
MAGNETIC COMPASS Compass reading Degrees N -
TURN INDICATOR RATE Turn indicator reading Radians per second N -
TURN INDICATOR SWITCH True if turn indicator switch is on Bool N -
YOKE Y INDICATOR Yoke position in vertical direction Position N -
YOKE X INDICATOR Yoke position in horizontal direction Position N -
RUDDER PEDAL INDICATOR Rudder pedal position Position N -
BRAKE DEPENDENT HYDRAULIC PRESSURE Brake dependent hydraulic pressure reading Pounds per square foot N -
PANEL ANTI ICE SWITCH True if panel anti-ice switch is on Bool N -
WING AREA Total wing area Square feet N -
WING SPAN Total wing span Feet N -
BETA DOT Beta dot Radians per second N -
LINEAR CL ALPHA Linear CL alpha Per radian N -
STALL ALPHA Stall alpha Radians N -
ZERO LIFT ALPHA Zero lift alpha Radians N -
CG AFT LIMIT Aft limit of CG Percent over 100 N -
CG FWD LIMIT Forward limit of CG Percent over 100 N -
CG MAX MACH Max mach CG Machs N -
CG MIN MACH Min mach CG Machs N -
PAYLOAD STATION NAME Descriptive name for payload station String N -
ELEVON DEFLECTION Elevon deflection Radians N -
0: Main
1: Cargo
2: Emergency
3: Unknown
Enum N -
EXIT POSX Position of exit relative to datum reference point Feet N -
EXIT POSY Position of exit relative to datum reference point Feet N -
EXIT POSZ Position of exit relative to datum reference point Feet N -
DECISION HEIGHT Design decision height Feet N -
DECISION ALTITUDE MSL Design decision altitude above mean sea level Feet N -
EMPTY WEIGHT PITCH MOI Empty weight pitch moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
EMPTY WEIGHT ROLL MOI Empty weight roll moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
EMPTY WEIGHT YAW MOI Empty weight yaw moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
EMPTY WEIGHT CROSS COUPLED MOI Empty weigth cross coupled moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
TOTAL WEIGHT PITCH MOI Total weight pitch moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
TOTAL WEIGHT ROLL MOI Total weight roll moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
TOTAL WEIGHT YAW MOI Total weight yaw moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
TOTAL WEIGHT CROSS COUPLED MOI Total weight cross coupled moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
WATER BALLAST VALVE True if water ballast valve is available Bool N -
MAX RATED ENGINE RPM Maximum rated rpm Rpm N -
FULL THROTTLE THRUST TO WEIGHT RATIO Full throttle thrust to weight ratio Number N -
PROP AUTO CRUISE ACTIVE True if prop auto cruise active Bool N -
PROP ROTATION ANGLE Prop rotation angle Radians N -
PROP BETA MAX Prop beta max Radians N -
PROP BETA MIN Prop beta min Radians N -
PROP BETA MIN REVERSE Prop beta min reverse Radians N -
-1: off
0: auto
1: forward
2: aft
3: manual
Enum N -
DROPPABLE OBJECTS UI NAME Descriptive name, used in User Interface dialogs, of a droppable object String N -
MANUAL FUEL PUMP HANDLE Position of manual fuel pump handle. 100 is fully deployed. Percent over 100 N -
0: min
1: auto
2: off
3: apu
4: engines
Enum N -
HYDRAULIC SWITCH True if hydraulic switch is on Bool N -
0: visor up, nose down
1: visor down, nose up
2: visor down, nose 5 degrees
3: visor down, nose 12.5 degrees
Enum N All aircraft
CONCORDE VISOR POSITION PERCENT 0 = up, 1.0 = extended/down Percent over 100 N -
CONCORDE NOSE ANGLE 0 = up Radians N -
REALISM CRASH WITH OTHERS True indicates crashing with other aircraft is possible. Bool N -
REALISM CRASH DETECTION True indicates crash detection is turned on. Bool N -
MANUAL INSTRUMENT LIGHTS True if instrument lights are set manually Bool N -
PITOT ICE PCT Amount of pitot ice. 100 is fully iced. Percent over 100 N -
SEMIBODY LOADFACTOR Y Semibody loadfactor x and z are not supported. Number N -
SEMIBODY LOADFACTOR YDOT Semibody loadfactory ydot Per second N -
RAD INS SWITCH True if Rad INS switch on Bool N -
SIMULATED RADIUS Simulated radius Feet N -
STRUCTURAL ICE PCT Amount of ice on aircraft structure. 100 is fully iced. Percent over 100 N -
ARTIFICIAL GROUND ELEVATION In case scenery is not loaded for AI planes, this variable can be used to set a default surface elevation. Feet N -
SURFACE INFO VALID True indicates SURFACE CONDITION is meaningful. Bool N -
0: Normal
1: Wet
2: Icy
3: Snow
Enum N -
PUSHBACK ANGLE Pushback angle (the heading of the tug) Radians N -
PUSHBACK CONTACTX The towpoint position, relative to the aircrafts datum reference point. Feet N -
PUSHBACK CONTACTY Pushback contact position in vertical direction Feet N -
PUSHBACK CONTACTZ Pushback contact position in fore/aft direction Feet N -
PUSHBACK WAIT True if waiting for pushback. Bool N -
YAW STRING ANGLE The yaw string angle. Yaw strings are attached to gliders as visible indicators of the yaw angle. An animation of this is not implemented in ESP. Radians N -
YAW STRING PCT EXTENDED Yaw string angle as a percentage Percent over 100 N -
INDUCTOR COMPASS PERCENT DEVIATION Inductor compass deviation reading Percent over 100 N -
INDUCTOR COMPASS HEADING REF Inductor compass heading Radians N -
ANEMOMETER PCT RPM Anemometer rpm as a percentage Percent over 100 N -
ROTOR ROTATION ANGLE Main rotor rotation angle (helicopters only) Radians N -
DISK PITCH ANGLE Main rotor pitch angle (helicopters only) Radians N -
DISK BANK ANGLE Main rotor bank angle (helicopters only) Radians N -
DISK PITCH PCT Main rotor pitch percent (helicopters only) Percent over 100 N -
DISK BANK PCT Main rotor bank percent (helicopters only) Percent over 100 N -
DISK CONING PCT Main rotor coning percent (helicopters only) Percent over 100 N -
NAV VOR LLAF64 Nav VOR latitude, longitude, altitude LLA structure N -
NAV GS LLAF64 Nav GS latitude, longitude, altitude LLA structure N -
STATIC CG TO GROUND Static CG to ground Feet N -
STATIC PITCH Static pitch Radians N -
0: off
1: complete
3: reset
4: pause
11: start
Enum N -
0: None
2: Mountain
4: General
6: Building
8: Splash
10: Gear up
12: Overstress
14: Building
16: Aircraft
18: Fuel Truck
Enum N Shared Cockpit
TOW RELEASE HANDLE Position of tow release handle. 100 is fully deployed. Percent over 100 N -
TOW CONNECTION True if a towline is connected to both tow plane and glider. Bool N -
APU PCT RPM Auxiliary power unit rpm, as a percentage Percent over 100 N -
APU PCT STARTER Auxiliary power unit starter, as a percentage Percent over 100 N -
APU VOLTS Auxiliary power unit voltage Volts N -
APU GENERATOR SWITCH True if APU generator switch on Bool N -
APU GENERATOR ACTIVE True if APU generator active Bool N -
APU ON FIRE DETECTED True if APU on fire Bool N -
PRESSURIZATION CABIN ALTITUDE The current altitude of the cabin pressurization.. Feet N -
PRESSURIZATION CABIN ALTITUDE GOAL The set altitude of the cabin pressurization. Feet N -
PRESSURIZATION CABIN ALTITUDE RATE The rate at which cabin pressurization changes. Feet per second N -
PRESSURIZATION PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL The difference in pressure between the set altitude pressurization and the current pressurization. Pounds per square foot N -
PRESSURIZATION DUMP SWITCH True if the cabin pressurization dump switch is on. Bool N -
FIRE BOTTLE SWITCH True if the fire bottle switch is on. Bool N -
FIRE BOTTLE DISCHARGED True if the fire bottle is discharged. Bool N -
CABIN NO SMOKING ALERT SWITCH True if the No Smoking switch is on. Bool Y -
CABIN SEATBELTS ALERT SWITCH True if the Seatbelts switch is on. Bool Y -
GPWS WARNING True if Ground Proximity Warning System installed. Bool N -
GPWS SYSTEM ACTIVE True if the Ground Proximity Warning System is active Bool Y -
IS LATITUDE LONGITUDE FREEZE ON True if the lat/lon of the aircraft (either user or AI controlled) is frozen. If this variable returns true, it means that the latitude and longitude of the aircraft are not being controlled by ESP, so enabling, for example, a SimConnect client to control the position of the aircraft. This can also apply to altitude and attitude.
Also refer to the range of KEY_FREEZE..... Event IDs.
Bool N -
IS ALTITUDE FREEZE ON True if the altitude of the aircraft is frozen. Bool N -
IS ATTITUDE FREEZE ON True if the attitude (pitch, bank and heading) of the aircraft is frozen. Bool N -

Aircraft String Data

ATC TYPE Type used by ATC String (30) N -
ATC MODEL Model used by ATC String (10) N -
ATC ID ID used by ATC String (10) Y -
ATC AIRLINE Airline used by ATC String (50) Y -
ATC FLIGHT NUMBER Flight Number used by ATC String (6) Y -
TITLE Title from aircraft.cfg Variable length string N -
HSI STATION IDENT Tuned station identifier String(6) N -
GPS WP_PREV ID ID of previous GPS waypoint String N -
GPS WP_NEXT ID ID of next GPS waypoint String N -
GPS APPROACH AIRPORT ID ID of airport String N -
GPS APPROACH APPROACH ID ID of approach String N -
GPS APPROACH TRANSITION ID ID of approach transition String N -

AI Controlled Aircraft

AI DESIRED SPEED Desired speed of the AI object. Knots Y -
AI WAYPOINT LIST List of waypoints that an AI controlled object should follow. SIMCONNECT_DATA_WAYPOINT structure list Y -
AI CURRENT WAYPOINT Current waypoint in the list Number Y -
AI DESIRED HEADING Desired heading of the AI object. Degrees Y -
AI GROUNDTURNTIME Time to make a 90 degree turn. Seconds Y -
AI GROUNDCRUISESPEED Cruising speed. Knots Y -
AI GROUNDTURNSPEED Turning speed. Knots Y -
AI TRAFFIC ISIFR Request whether this aircraft is IFR or VFR See Note 1. Boolean N -
AI TRAFFIC STATE English string describing an AI object's state.  If the object is an aircraft under ATC control the string will be one of:
"flt plan"
"preflight support"
"push back 1"
"push back 2"
"pre taxi out"
"taxi out"
"takeoff 1"
"takeoff 2"
"T&G depart"
"go around"
"taxi in"
"postflight support"

If the AI object is not an aircraft under ATC control, the string is one of:


This string also appears in the State column of the Traffic Explorer tool dialog. See Note 1.
String N -
AI TRAFFIC CURRENT AIRPORT ICAO code of current airport. See Note 1. String N -
AI TRAFFIC ASSIGNED RUNWAY Assigned runway name (for example: "32R"). See Note 1. String N -
AI TRAFFIC ASSIGNED PARKING English assigned parking name. The string is the same as the one shown in the Parking column of the Traffic Explorer dialog, and is made up in the form:

Name + Number, Type ( radius )

For example:

Ramp 1, RAMP sml (10m)
Gate G 4, RAMP lrg (18m)

Refer also to the Taxiway Parking section of the Compiling BGL document.
See Note 1.
String N -
AI TRAFFIC FROMAIRPORT ICAO code of the departure airport in the current schedule. See Note 2. String N -
AI TRAFFIC TOAIRPORT ICAO code of the destination airport in the current schedule. See Note 2. String N -
AI TRAFFIC ETD Estimated time of departure for the current schedule entry, given as the number of seconds difference from the current simulation time. This can be negative if ETD is earlier than the current simulation time. See Note 2. Seconds N -
AI TRAFFIC ETA Estimated time of arrival for the current schedule entry, given as the number of seconds difference from the current simulated time. This can be negative if ETA is earlier than the current simulated time. See Note 2. Seconds N -
  1. These variables make most sense for aircraft with flight plans. If an aircraft does not have a flight plan, the value returned will be 0 (or false), or an empty string, depending on the units.
  2. These variables only make sense for aircraft generated by the traffic database, and so have schedules. If an aircraft does not have a schedule, the value returned will be 0 (or false), or an empty string, depending on the units.

Carrier Operations

LAUNCHBAR POSITION Installed on aircraft before takeoff from a carrier catapult. Note that gear cannot retract with this extended. 100 = fully extended. Refer to the document Notes on Aircraft Systems. Percent_over_100 N -
LAUNCHBAR SWITCH If this is set to True the launch bar switch has been engaged. Bool N -
LAUNCHBAR HELD EXTENDED This will be True if the launchbar is fully extended, and can be used, for example, to change the color of an instrument light. Bool N -
NUMBER OF CATAPULTS Maximum of 4. A model can contain more than 4 catapults, but only the first four will be read and recognized by the simulation. Number N -
CATAPULT STROKE POSITION:index Catapults are indexed from 1. This value will be 0 before the catapult fires, and then up to 100 as the aircraft is propelled down the catapult. The aircraft may takeoff before the value reaches 100 (depending on the aircraft weight, power applied, and other factors), in which case this value will not be further updated. This value could be used to drive a bogie animation. Number N -
HOLDBACK BAR INSTALLED Holdback bars allow build up of thrust before takeoff from a catapult, and are installed by the deck crew of an aircraft carrier. Bool N -
BLAST SHIELD POSITION:index Indexed from 1, 100 is fully deployed, 0 flat on deck Percent_over_100 N -
CABLE CAUGHT BY TAILHOOK A number 1 through 4 for the cable number caught by the tailhook. Cable 1 is the one closest to the stern of the carrier. A value of 0 indicates no cable was caught. Number N -
TAILHOOK HANDLE True if the tailhook handle is engaged. Bool N -
SURFACE RELATIVE GROUND SPEED The speed of the aircraft relative to the speed of the first surface directly underneath it. Use this to retrieve, for example, an aircraft's taxiing speed while it is moving on a moving carrier. It also applies to airborne aircraft, for example when a helicopter is successfully hovering above a moving ship, this value should be zero. The returned value will be the same as GROUND VELOCITY if the first surface beneath it is not moving. Feet_per_second N -


RECIP ENG DETONATING:index Indexed from 1. Set to True if the engine is detonating. Bool N -
RECIP ENG CYLINDER HEALTH:index Index high 16 bits is engine number, low 16 cylinder number, both indexed from 1. Percent_over_100 N -
RECIP ENG NUM CYLINDERS Indexed from 1. The number of engine cylinders. Number N -
RECIP ENG NUM CYLINDERS FAILED Indexed from 1. The number of cylinders that have failed. Number N -
RECIP ENG ANTIDETONATION TANK VALVE:index Indexed from 1, each engine can have one antidetonation tank. Installed on racing aircraft. Refer to the document Notes on Aircraft Systems. Bool Y -
RECIP ENG ANTIDETONATION TANK QUANTITY:index Indexed from 1. Refer to the Mission Creation documentationfor the procedure for refilling tanks. Gallons Y -
RECIP ENG ANTIDETONATION TANK MAX QUANTITY:index Indexed from 1. This value set in the Aircraft Configuration File. Gallons N -
RECIP ENG NITROUS TANK VALVE:index Indexed from 1. Each engine can have one Nitrous fuel tank installed. Bool Y -
RECIP ENG NITROUS TANK QUANTITY:index Indexed from 1. Refer to the Mission Creation documentationfor the procedure for refilling tanks. Gallons Y -
RECIP ENG NITROUS TANK MAX QUANTITY:index Indexed from 1. This value set in the Aircraft Configuration File. Gallons N -

Environment Data

This data is referenced by E: in XML gauges.

ABSOLUTE TIME Time, as referenced from 12:00 AM January 1, 0000 Seconds N -
ZULU TIME Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Seconds N -
ZULU DAY OF WEEK GMT day of week Number N -
ZULU DAY OF MONTH GMT day of month Number N -
ZULU MONTH OF YEAR GMT month of year Number N -
ZULU DAY OF YEAR GMT day of year Number N -
ZULU YEAR GMT year Number N -
LOCAL TIME Local time Seconds N -
LOCAL DAY OF WEEK Local day of week Number N -
LOCAL DAY OF MONTH Local day of month Number N -
LOCAL MONTH OF YEAR Local month of year Number N -
LOCAL DAY OF YEAR Local day of year Number N -
LOCAL YEAR Local year Number N -
TIME ZONE OFFSET Local time difference from GMT Seconds N -
TIME OF DAY General time of day:
1 = Day
2 = Dusk/Dawn
3 = Night
Enum N -

Program Data 

This data is referenced by P: in XML gauges.

SIMULATION RATE Time acceleration factor Number N -
UNITS OF MEASURE Units of measure:
0 = English
1 = Metric (with altitude in feet)
2 = Metric (with altitude in meters)
Enum N -

Units of Measurement

The following table gives the strings that are accepted by the SDK for units. All the strings in the same row are identical in meaning. Note that some strings have "per" spelled out, and some use "/", and note that a few contain hyphens or underscores.

  • Distance
  • Area
  • Volume
  • Temperature
  • Angle
  • Global Position
  • Angular Velocity
  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • Time
  • Power
  • Volume Rate
  • Weight
  • Weight Rate
  • Electrical Current
  • Electrical Potential
  • Frequency
  • Density
  • Pressure
  • Torque
  • Miscellaneous Units

When making object definitions in SimConnect, it is possible to request the units that the values are to be received in. All the units in the tables below under one heading (such as Frequency or Speed) can be used as appropriate to the client application, except those under Miscellaneous Units. See the SimConnect documentation for more details.

meter, meters, m ~
centimeter, centimeters, cm ~
kilometer, kilometers, km ~
millimeter, millimeters ~
mile, miles ~
decimile, decimiles One tenth of a mile
nautical mile, nautical miles, nmile, nmiles Nautical mile, 2024 yards
decinmile, decinmiles One tenth of a nautical mile
foot, feet, ft ~
inch, inches, in ~
yard, yards ~
square inch, square inches, sq in, in2 ~
square feet, square foot, sq ft, ft2 ~
square yard, square yards, sq yd, yd2 ~
square meter, square meters, sq m, m2 ~
square centimeter, square centimeters, sq cm, cm2 ~
square kilometer, square kilometers, sq km, km2 ~
square millimeter, square millimeters, sq mm, mm2 ~
square mile, square miles ~
cubic inch, cubic inches, cu in, in3 ~
cubic foot, cubic feet, cu ft, ft3 ~
cubic yard, cubic yards, cu yd, yd3 ~
cubic mile, cubic miles ~
cubic millimeter, cubic millimeters, cu mm, mm3 ~
cubic centimeter, cubic centimeters, cu cm, cm3 ~
meter cubed, meters cubed, cubic meter, cubic meters, cu m, m3 ~
cubic kilometer, cubic kilometers, cu km, km3 ~
liter, liters ~
gallon, gallons ~
quart, quarts ~
kelvin Same graduations as Centigrade but zero degrees Kelvin corresponds to a temperature of -273.15C (Absolute Zero).
rankine Same graduations as Farenheit but zero degrees Rankine corresponds to a temperature of -459.67F
farenheit, fahrenheit ~
celsius ~
radian, radians ~
round, rounds ~
degree, degrees Float
degree latitude ~
degree longitude ~
grad, grads ~
degree latitude, degrees latitude ~
degree longitude, degrees longitude ~
meter latitude, meters latitude ~
radian per second, radians per second ~
revolution per minute, revolutions per minute, rpm, rpms ~
minute per round, minutes per round ~
nice minute per round, nice minutes per round ~
degree per second, degrees per second ~
meter per second, meters/second, m/s ~
meter per minute, meters per minute ~
feet/second ~
feet/minute, ft/min ~
kilometer/hour, kilometers/hour, kilometers per hour, kph ~
knot, knots Nautical mile per hour
mile per hour, miles per hour, mph ~
mach, machs ~
meter per second squared meters per second squared ~
Gforce, G Force Unit of acceleration equal to the acceleration of gravity.
feet per second squared, foot per second squared ~
second, seconds ~
minute, minutes ~
hour, hours ~
day, days ~
hour over 10, hours over 10 ~
year, years ~
Watt, Watts ~
ft lb per second ~
meter cubed per second, meters cubed per second ~
gallon per hour, gallons per hour, gph ~
liter per hour, liters per hour ~
kilogram, kilograms, kg ~
slug, slugs, geepound, geepounds A unit of mass to which a force of one pound imparts an acceleration of one foot per second squared. One geepound, or slug, equals about 14.59 kg or 32.2lb.
pound, pounds, lbs ~
kilogram per second, kilograms per second ~
pound per hour, pounds per hour ~
ampere, amperes, amp, amps ~
volt, volts ~
Hertz, Hz, ~
Kilohertz, KHz ~
Megahertz, MHz ~
Frequency BCD32 Frequency in 32 bit binary coded decimal
Frequency BCD16 Frequency in 16 bit binary coded decimal
Frequency ADF BCD32 ~
kilogram per cubic meter, kilograms per cubic meter ~
Slug per cubic feet, Slugs per cubic feet, Slug/ft3, slug per cubic foot, slugs per cubic foot ~
pound per gallon, pounds per gallon, lbs/gallon ~
pascal, pascals, Pa ~
Newton per square meter, newtons per square meter ~
kilopascal, kpa ~
kilogram force per square centimeter, KgFSqCm ~
millimeter of mercury, millimeters of mercury, mmHg ~
centimeter of mercury, centimeters of mercury, cmHg ~
inch of mercury, inches of mercury, inHg ~
atmosphere, atmospheres, atm ~
millimeter of water, millimeters of water ~
pound-force per square inch, psi ~
pound-force per square foot, psf ~
bar, bars ~
millibar, millibars, mbar, mbars, hectopascal, hectopascals ~
boost cmHg ~
boost inHg ~
boost psi ~
slug feet squared, slugs feet squared ~
kilogram meter squared, kilograms meter squared ~
millibar, millibars, mbar, mbars, hectopascal, hectopascals ~
Newton meter, Newton, meters, nm ~
foot-pound, foot pound, ft-lbs, foot-pounds ~
lbf-feet One lbf-foot equals 1.36 Newton meters
kilogram meter, kilogram meters, kgf meter, kgf meters ~
poundal feet One poundal foot equals 0.042 Newton meters
part ~
half, halfs ~
third, thirds ~
percent, percentage Normally a value between 0 and 100, though sometimes values outside this range are possible (reverse thrust, for example).
percent over 100 Normally a value between 0.0 and 1.0, though sometimes values outside this range are possible (reverse thrust, for example).
bel, bels ~
decibel, decibels ~
more_than_a_half ~
times ~
ratio ~
number, numbers ~
scaler ~
position ~
Enum A positive or negative integer corresponding to the member of the enum
Bool, Boolean The only reliable numeric equivalent is that 0 is returned for False. Non-zero values, especially both 1 and -1, are used to indicate True.
Bco16 ~
mask ~
flags ~
string ~
per radian ~
per degree ~