
Бөлісу құралы:

Supported metrics for Microsoft.DataFactory/factories

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.DataFactory/factories resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.

For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

For a list of supported logs, see Supported log categories - Microsoft.DataFactory/factories

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Cancelled activity runs metrics

Cancelled activity runs metrics
ActivityCancelledRuns Count Total (Sum) ActivityType, PipelineName, FailureType, Name PT1M Yes
Failed activity runs metrics

Failed activity runs metrics
ActivityFailedRuns Count Total (Sum) ActivityType, PipelineName, FailureType, Name PT1M Yes
Succeeded activity runs metrics

Succeeded activity runs metrics
ActivitySucceededRuns Count Total (Sum) ActivityType, PipelineName, FailureType, Name PT1M Yes
Airflow Integration Runtime Celery Task Timeout Error

Airflow Integration Runtime Celery Task Timeout Error
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeCeleryTaskTimeoutError Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Collect DB Dags

Airflow Integration Runtime Collect DB Dags
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeCollectDBDags Milliseconds Average IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Cpu Percentage

Airflow Integration Runtime Cpu Percentage
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeCpuPercentage Percent Average IntegrationRuntimeName, ContainerName PT1M Yes
Airflow Integration Runtime Cpu Usage

Airflow Integration Runtime Cpu Usage
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeCpuUsage Millicores Average IntegrationRuntimeName, ContainerName PT1M Yes
Airflow Integration Runtime Dag Bag Size

Airflow Integration Runtime Dag Bag Size
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDagBagSize Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Dag Callback Exceptions

Airflow Integration Runtime Dag Callback Exceptions
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDagCallbackExceptions Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG File Refresh Error

Airflow Integration Runtime DAG File Refresh Error
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGFileRefreshError Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Import Errors

Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Import Errors
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingImportErrors Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Last Duration

Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Last Duration
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingLastDuration Milliseconds Average IntegrationRuntimeName, DagFile PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Last Run Seconds Ago

Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Last Run Seconds Ago
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingLastRunSecondsAgo Seconds Average IntegrationRuntimeName, DagFile PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG ProcessingManager Stalls

Airflow Integration Runtime DAG ProcessingManager Stalls
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingManagerStalls Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Processes

Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Processes
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingProcesses Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Processor Timeouts

Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Processor Timeouts
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingProcessorTimeouts Seconds Average IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Total Parse Time

Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Total Parse Time
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingTotalParseTime Seconds Average IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Dependency Check

Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Dependency Check
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGRunDependencyCheck Milliseconds Average IntegrationRuntimeName, DagId PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Duration Failed

Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Duration Failed
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGRunDurationFailed Milliseconds Average IntegrationRuntimeName, DagId PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Duration Success

Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Duration Success
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGRunDurationSuccess Milliseconds Average IntegrationRuntimeName, DagId PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run First Task Scheduling Delay

Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run First Task Scheduling Delay
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGRunFirstTaskSchedulingDelay Milliseconds Average IntegrationRuntimeName, DagId PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Schedule Delay

Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Schedule Delay
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGRunScheduleDelay Milliseconds Average IntegrationRuntimeName, DagId PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Executor Open Slots

Airflow Integration Runtime Executor Open Slots
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeExecutorOpenSlots Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Executor Queued Tasks

Airflow Integration Runtime Executor Queued Tasks
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeExecutorQueuedTasks Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Executor Running Tasks

Airflow Integration Runtime Executor Running Tasks
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeExecutorRunningTasks Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Job End

Airflow Integration Runtime Job End
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeJobEnd Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, Job PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Heartbeat Failure

Airflow Integration Runtime Heartbeat Failure
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeJobHeartbeatFailure Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, Job PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Job Start

Airflow Integration Runtime Job Start
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeJobStart Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, Job PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Memory Percentage

Airflow Integration Runtime Memory Percentage
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeMemoryPercentage Percent Average IntegrationRuntimeName, ContainerName PT1M Yes
Airflow Integration Runtime Memory Usage

Airflow Integration Runtime Memory Usage
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeMemoryUsage Bytes Average IntegrationRuntimeName, ContainerName PT1M Yes
Airflow Integration Runtime Node Count

Airflow Integration Runtime Node Count
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeNodeCount Count Average IntegrationRuntimeName, ComputeNodeSize PT1M Yes
Airflow Integration Runtime Operator Failures

Airflow Integration Runtime Operator Failures
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeOperatorFailures Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, Operator PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Operator Successes

Airflow Integration Runtime Operator Successes
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeOperatorSuccesses Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, Operator PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Open Slots

Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Open Slots
AirflowIntegrationRuntimePoolOpenSlots Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, Pool PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Queued Slots

Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Queued Slots
AirflowIntegrationRuntimePoolQueuedSlots Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, Pool PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Running Slots

Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Running Slots
AirflowIntegrationRuntimePoolRunningSlots Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, Pool PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Starving Tasks

Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Starving Tasks
AirflowIntegrationRuntimePoolStarvingTasks Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, Pool PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Critical Section Busy

Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Critical Section Busy
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerCriticalSectionBusy Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Critical Section Duration

Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Critical Section Duration
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerCriticalSectionDuration Milliseconds Average IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Failed SLA Email Attempts

Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Failed SLA Email Attempts
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerFailedSLAEmailAttempts Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Heartbeats

Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Heartbeats
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerHeartbeat Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Orphaned Tasks Adopted

Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Orphaned Tasks Adopted
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerOrphanedTasksAdopted Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Orphaned Tasks Cleared

Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Orphaned Tasks Cleared
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerOrphanedTasksCleared Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Executable

Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Executable
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerTasksExecutable Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Killed Externally

Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Killed Externally
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerTasksKilledExternally Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Running

Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Running
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerTasksRunning Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Starving

Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Starving
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerTasksStarving Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Started Task Instances

Airflow Integration Runtime Started Task Instances
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeStartedTaskInstances Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, DagId, TaskId PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Created Using Operator

Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Created Using Operator
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstanceCreatedUsingOperator Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, Operator PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Duration

Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Duration
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstanceDuration Milliseconds Average IntegrationRuntimeName, DagId, TaskID PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Failures

Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Failures
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstanceFailures Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Finished

Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Finished
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstanceFinished Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, DagId, TaskId, State PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Previously Succeeded

Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Previously Succeeded
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstancePreviouslySucceeded Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Successes

Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Successes
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstanceSuccesses Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Removed From DAG

Airflow Integration Runtime Task Removed From DAG
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskRemovedFromDAG Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, DagId PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Restored To DAG

Airflow Integration Runtime Task Restored To DAG
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskRestoredToDAG Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName, DagId PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Blocked Main Thread

Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Blocked Main Thread
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTriggersBlockedMainThread Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Failed

Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Failed
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTriggersFailed Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Running

Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Running
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTriggersRunning Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Succeeded

Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Succeeded
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTriggersSucceeded Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Airflow Integration Runtime Zombie Tasks Killed

Airflow Integration Runtime Zombie Tasks Killed
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeZombiesKilled Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M No
Total factory size (GB unit)

Total factory size (GB unit)
FactorySizeInGbUnits Count Maximum <none> PT1M Yes
Integration runtime available memory

Integration runtime available memory
IntegrationRuntimeAvailableMemory Bytes Average IntegrationRuntimeName, NodeName PT1M Yes
Integration runtime available node count

Integration runtime available node count
IntegrationRuntimeAvailableNodeNumber Count Average IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Integration runtime queue duration

Integration runtime queue duration
IntegrationRuntimeAverageTaskPickupDelay Seconds Average IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Integration runtime CPU utilization

Integration runtime CPU utilization
IntegrationRuntimeCpuPercentage Percent Average IntegrationRuntimeName, NodeName PT1M Yes
Integration runtime queue length

Integration runtime queue length
IntegrationRuntimeQueueLength Count Average IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Maximum allowed factory size (GB unit)

Maximum allowed factory size (GB unit)
MaxAllowedFactorySizeInGbUnits Count Maximum <none> PT1M Yes
Maximum allowed entities count

Maximum allowed entities count
MaxAllowedResourceCount Count Maximum <none> PT1M Yes
Copy available capacity percentage of MVNet integration runtime

Copy available capacity percentage of MVNet integration runtime
MVNetIRCopyAvailableCapacityPCT Percent Maximum IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Copy capacity utilization of MVNet integration runtime

Copy capacity utilization of MVNet integration runtime
MVNetIRCopyCapacityUtilization Percent Maximum IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Copy waiting queue length of MVNet integration runtime

Copy waiting queue length of MVNet integration runtime
MVNetIRCopyWaitingQueueLength Count Average IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
External available capacity percentage of MVNet integration runtime

External available capacity percentage of MVNet integration runtime
MVNetIRExternalAvailableCapacityPCT Percent Maximum IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
External capacity utilization of MVNet integration runtime

External capacity utilization of MVNet integration runtime
MVNetIRExternalCapacityUtilization Percent Maximum IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
External waiting queue length of MVNet integration runtime

External waiting queue length of MVNet integration runtime
MVNetIRExternalWaitingQueueLength Count Average IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Pipeline available capacity percentage of MVNet integration runtime

Pipeline available capacity percentage of MVNet integration runtime
MVNetIRPipelineAvailableCapacityPCT Percent Maximum IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Pipeline capacity utilization of MVNet integration runtime

Pipeline capacity utilization of MVNet integration runtime
MVNetIRPipelineCapacityUtilization Percent Maximum IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Pipeline waiting queue length of MVNet integration runtime

Pipeline waiting queue length of MVNet integration runtime
MVNetIRPipelineWaitingQueueLength Count Average IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Cancelled pipeline runs metrics

Cancelled pipeline runs metrics
PipelineCancelledRuns Count Total (Sum) FailureType, CancelledBy, Name PT1M Yes
Elapsed Time Pipeline Runs Metrics

Elapsed Time Pipeline Runs Metrics
PipelineElapsedTimeRuns Count Total (Sum) RunId, Name PT1M Yes
Failed pipeline runs metrics

Failed pipeline runs metrics
PipelineFailedRuns Count Total (Sum) FailureType, Name PT1M Yes
Succeeded pipeline runs metrics

Succeeded pipeline runs metrics
PipelineSucceededRuns Count Total (Sum) FailureType, Name PT1M Yes
Total entities count

Total entities count
ResourceCount Count Maximum <none> PT1M Yes
Cancelled SSIS integration runtime start metrics

Cancelled SSIS integration runtime start metrics
SSISIntegrationRuntimeStartCancel Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Failed SSIS integration runtime start metrics

Failed SSIS integration runtime start metrics
SSISIntegrationRuntimeStartFailed Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Succeeded SSIS integration runtime start metrics

Succeeded SSIS integration runtime start metrics
SSISIntegrationRuntimeStartSucceeded Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Stuck SSIS integration runtime stop metrics

Stuck SSIS integration runtime stop metrics
SSISIntegrationRuntimeStopStuck Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Succeeded SSIS integration runtime stop metrics

Succeeded SSIS integration runtime stop metrics
SSISIntegrationRuntimeStopSucceeded Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Cancelled SSIS package execution metrics

Cancelled SSIS package execution metrics
SSISPackageExecutionCancel Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Failed SSIS package execution metrics

Failed SSIS package execution metrics
SSISPackageExecutionFailed Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Succeeded SSIS package execution metrics

Succeeded SSIS package execution metrics
SSISPackageExecutionSucceeded Count Total (Sum) IntegrationRuntimeName PT1M Yes
Cancelled trigger runs metrics

Cancelled trigger runs metrics
TriggerCancelledRuns Count Total (Sum) Name, FailureType PT1M Yes
Failed trigger runs metrics

Failed trigger runs metrics
TriggerFailedRuns Count Total (Sum) Name, FailureType PT1M Yes
Succeeded trigger runs metrics

Succeeded trigger runs metrics
TriggerSucceededRuns Count Total (Sum) Name, FailureType PT1M Yes