Open Charge Map (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

The Open Charge Map service provides access to the worlds largest registry of charging locations. You can integrate this service into your own apps or services and export charging location data into your own systems.
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure Government regions - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Premium | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Premium | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Contact | |
Name | Troy Taylor |
URL | | |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Troy Taylor |
Website | |
Privacy policy | |
Categories | Data |
The connector supports the following authentication types:
Default | Parameters for creating connection. | All regions | Not shareable |
Applicable: All regions
Parameters for creating connection.
This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
API Key | securestring | The API Key for this api | True |
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Get a list of POIs |
Used to fetch a list of POIs (sites) within a geographic boundary or near a specific latitude/longitude. |
Get reference data |
Returns the core reference data used for looking up IDs such as Connection Types, Operators, Countries etc. |
Used to fetch a list of POIs (sites) within a geographic boundary or near a specific latitude/longitude.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
client | string |
String to identify your client application. Optional but recommended to distinguish your client from other bots/crawlers |
Results Maximum
maxresults | integer |
Limit on max number of results returned |
Country Code
countrycode | string |
2-character ISO Country code to filter to one specific country |
Country ID
countryid | array |
Exact match on a given numeric country id (comma separated list) |
latitude | double |
Latitude for distance calculation and filtering |
longitude | double |
Longitude for distance calculation and filtering |
distance | double |
Optionally filter results by a max distance from the given latitude/longitude |
Distance Unit
distanceunit | string |
Opertator ID
operatorid | array |
Exact match on a given EVSE operator id (comma separated list) |
Connection Type ID
connectiontypeid | array |
Exact match on a given connection type id (comma separated list) |
Level ID
levelid | array |
Exact match on a given charging level (1-3) id (comma separated list) |
Usage Type ID
usagetypeid | array |
Exact match on a given usage type id (comma separated list) |
Status Type ID
statustypeid | array |
Exact match on a given status type id (comma separated list) |
Data Provider ID
dataproviderid | array |
Exact match on a given data provider id id (comma separated list). |
Open Data
opendata | boolean |
Use opendata=true for only OCM provided ("Open") data. |
Include Comments
includecomments | boolean |
If true, user comments and media items will be include in result set |
verbose | boolean |
Set to false to get a smaller result set with null items removed. |
compact | boolean |
Set to true to remove reference data objects from output (just returns IDs for common reference data such as DataProvider etc). |
camelcase | boolean |
Set to true to get a property names in camelCase format. |
Charge Point ID
chargepointid | string |
Exact match on a given OCM POI ID (comma separated list) |
Bounding Box
boundingbox | array |
Filter results to a given bounding box. specify top left and bottom right box corners as: (lat,lng),(lat2,lng2) |
polygon | string |
Filter results within a given Polygon. Specify an encoded polyline for the polygon shape. Polygon will be automatically closed from the last point to the first point. |
polyline | string |
Filter results along an encoded polyline, use with distance param to increase search distance along line. Polyline is expanded into a polygon to cover the search distance. |
- response
- array of POI
Returns the core reference data used for looking up IDs such as Connection Types, Operators, Countries etc.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Country ID
countryid | array |
Optional filter on country identifier, exact match on a given numeric country id (comma separated list) |
Set of core reference data used for other API results and UI.
- CoreReferenceData
- CoreReferenceData
A POI (Point of Interest), also referred to as a Site
or ChargePoint
, is the top-level set of information regarding a geographic site with one or more electric vehicle charging equipment present.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
ID | integer |
The OCM reference ID for this POI (Point of Interest). |
UUID | uuid |
A universally unique identifier used as surrogate key. ID and UUID must be preserved when submitting POI update information. |
User Comments
UserComments | array of UserComment |
A list of user comments or check-ins for this site |
Media Items
MediaItems | array of MediaItem |
A list of user submitted photos for this site |
Is Recently Verified
IsRecentlyVerified | boolean |
A dynamically computed value indicating of any recently confirmation activity has taken place for this site (positive check-ins etc) |
Date Last Verified
DateLastVerified | date-time |
A dynamically computed value, the date and time (UTC, ISO 8601) this POI was last confirmed by a user edit or related user comment |
Parent Charge Point ID
ParentChargePointID | string |
If present, this data in this POI supercedes information in another POI. Generally not relevant to consumers. |
Data Provider ID
DataProviderID | integer |
The reference ID for the Data Provider of this POI |
Data Provider Reference
DataProvidersReference | string |
If present, this is the Data Providers own key for this POI within their source data set |
Operator ID
OperatorID | integer |
The reference ID of the equipment network operator or owner |
Operators Reference
OperatorsReference | string |
The network operators own reference for this site (may be a site reference or a single equipment reference) |
Usage Type ID
UsageTypeID | integer |
The reference ID for the site Usage Type, 0 == Unknown |
Usage Cost
UsageCost | string |
Free text description of likely usage costs associated with this site. Generally relates to parking charges whether network operates this site as Free |
AddressInfo | AddressInfo |
The geographic position for site and (nearest) address component information. |
Connections | array of ConnectionInfo |
List of equipment summary information for this site |
Number of Points
NumberOfPoints | integer |
The number of bays or discreet stations available overall at this site. This indicates the limiting for number of simultaneous site users. |
General Comments
GeneralComments | string |
General additional factual information for the POI. Users are discouraged from using this field for opinions on site quality etc. |
Date Planned
DatePlanned | date-time |
The date and time (UTC, ISO 8601) this POI is or was planned for commissioning. In general planned POIs should not be presented to end users until confirmed operational. |
Date Last Confirmed
DateLastConfirmed | date-time |
The date and time (UTC, ISO 8601) this POI was last confirmed according to the data provider or a user. See DateLastVerified for a dynamically computed date based on multiple signals. |
Status Type ID
StatusTypeID | integer |
The overall operational status type reference ID for this POI (i.e. Operational etc). 0 == Unknown |
Date Last Status Update
DateLastStatusUpdate | date-time |
The date and time (UTC, ISO 8601) this POI or directly related child properties were updated. |
Metadata Values
MetadataValues | array of |
Optional array of metadata values. Generally used to indicate data attribution but is also intended for future use to indicate surrounding amenties, links or foreign key values into other data sets. |
Data Quality Level
DataQualityLevel | integer |
A metric applied during imports to indicate a quality level based on available information detail (5 == best). Largely unused currently. |
Date Created
DateCreated | date-time |
The date and time (UTC, ISO 8601) this POI was added to the Open Charge Map database |
Submission Status Type ID
SubmissionStatusTypeID | integer |
The reference ID for the submission status type which applied to this POI. |
DataProvider | DataProvider |
A Data Provider is the controller of the source data set used to construct the details for this POI. Data has been transformed and interpreted from it's original form. Each Data Provider provides data either by an explicit license or agreement. |
OperatorInfo | OperatorInfo |
An Operator is the public organisation which controls a network of charging points. |
UsageType | UsageType |
The Usage Type of a site indicates the general restrictions on usage. |
StatusType | StatusType |
The Status Type of a site or equipment item indicates whether it is generally operational. |
SubmissionStatus | SubmissionStatusType |
Submission Status object, detailing the POI listing status. |
A Data Provider is the controller of the source data set used to construct the details for this POI. Data has been transformed and interpreted from it's original form. Each Data Provider provides data either by an explicit license or agreement.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Website URL
WebsiteURL | string |
Website URL for this data provider |
Comments | string |
General public comments with information about this Data Provider. |
DataProviderStatusType | DataProviderStatusType |
Status object describing whether this data provider is currently enabled and the type of source (manual entry, imported etc). |
Is Edit Restricted
IsRestrictedEdit | boolean |
Currently not implemented. Indicates a potential editing restriction. |
Is Open Data Licensed
IsOpenDataLicensed | boolean |
If true, data provider uses an Open Data license |
Is Approved Import
IsApprovedImport | boolean |
If false, data may not be imported for this provider. |
License | string |
Summary of the licensing which applies for this Data Provider. Each Data Provider has one specific license or agreement. Usage of the data requires acceptance of the given license. |
Date Last Imported
DateLastImported | date-time |
Date and time (UTC) the last import was performed for this data provider (if an import). |
ID | integer |
The reference ID for this Data Provider |
Title | string |
The title for this Data Provider |
An Operator is the public organisation which controls a network of charging points.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Website URL
WebsiteURL | string |
Website for more information about this network |
Comments | string | |
Primary Contact Phone
PhonePrimaryContact | string |
Primary contact number for network users |
Secondary Contact Phone
PhoneSecondaryContact | string |
Secondary contact number |
Is Private Individual
IsPrivateIndividual | boolean |
If true, this operator represents a private individual |
AddressInfo | AddressInfo |
The geographic position for site and (nearest) address component information. |
Booking URL
BookingURL | string |
The URL for the booking. |
Contact Email
ContactEmail | string |
The contact email address. |
Fault Report Email
FaultReportEmail | string |
Used to send automated notification to network operator if a user submits a fault report comment/check-in |
Is Edit Restricted
IsRestrictedEdit | boolean |
If true, this network restricts community edits for OCM data |
ID | integer |
Id |
Title | string |
Title |
The Usage Type of a site indicates the general restrictions on usage.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Is Pay At Location
IsPayAtLocation | boolean |
If true, usage requires paying at location |
Is Membership Required
IsMembershipRequired | boolean |
If true, this usage type requires registration or membership with a service. |
Is Access Key Required
IsAccessKeyRequired | boolean |
If true this usage required a physical access key |
ID | integer |
The identifier. |
Title | string |
The title. |
The Status Type of a site or equipment item indicates whether it is generally operational.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Is Operational
IsOperational | boolean |
Whether is operational. |
Is User Selectable
IsUserSelectable | boolean |
Whether is user selectable. |
ID | integer |
The identifier. |
Title | string |
The title. |
Submission Status object, detailing the POI listing status.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
ID | integer |
Submission Status Type reference ID |
Title | string |
The title. |
Is Live
IsLive | boolean |
If true, POI listing is live (not draft or de-listed) |
The country details.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
ID | integer |
The Id Schema |
ISO Code
ISOCode | string |
The ISO code Schema |
Continent Code
ContinentCode | string |
The Continent code Schema |
Title | string |
The Title Schema |
The geographic position for site and (nearest) address component information.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
ID | integer |
ID |
Address Line
AddressLine1 | string |
First line of nearby street address |
Address Line 2
AddressLine2 | string |
Second line of nearby street address |
Town or City
Town | string |
Town or City |
State or Province
StateOrProvince | string |
State or Province |
Postcode | string |
Postal code or Zipcode |
Country ID
CountryID | integer |
The reference ID for the Country |
Country | Country |
The country details. |
Latitude | double |
Site latitude coordinate in decimal degrees |
Longitude | double |
Site longitude coordinate in decimal degrees |
Contact Telephone
ContactTelephone1 | string |
Primary contact number |
Contact Telephone 2
ContactTelephone2 | string |
Secondary contact number |
Contact Email
ContactEmail | string |
Primary contact email |
Access Comments
AccessComments | string |
Guidance for users to use or find the equipment |
Related URL
RelatedURL | string |
Optional website for more information |
Distance | double |
Distance from search location, if search is around a point |
Distance Unit
DistanceUnit | integer |
Unit used for distance, 1= Miles, 2 = KM |
Title | string |
General title for this location to aid user |
A user comment or check-in for a specific charging point (POI/Site).
Name | Path | Type | Description |
ID | integer |
The identifier. |
Charge Point ID
ChargePointID | integer |
The charge point identifier. |
Comment Type ID
CommentTypeID | integer |
The comment type identifier. |
CommentType | UserCommentType |
Category for a user comment, e.g. General Comment, Fault Report (Notice To Users And Operator). |
UserName | string |
The username. |
Comment | string |
The comment. |
Related URL
RelatedURL | string |
The related URL address. |
Date Created
DateCreated | date-time |
The date created. |
User | UserInfo |
The short public summary profile for a specific Open Charge Map user. |
Check In Status Type ID
CheckinStatusTypeID | integer |
The check in status type identifier. |
CheckinStatusType | CheckinStatusType |
Classification for the users comment or experience using a specific charging location. |
A user submitted media item related to a specific charge point or site. Currently always an image.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
ID | integer |
The identifier. |
Charge Point ID
ChargePointID | integer |
The charge point identifier. |
Item URL
ItemURL | string |
The item URL address. |
Item Thumbnail URL
ItemThumbnailURL | string |
The item thumbnail URL address. |
Comment | string |
The comment. |
Is Enabled
IsEnabled | boolean |
Whether is enabled. |
Is Video
IsVideo | boolean |
Whether is video. |
Is Featured Item
IsFeaturedItem | boolean |
Whether is featured item. |
Is External Resource
IsExternalResource | boolean |
Whether is external resource. |
User | UserInfo |
The short public summary profile for a specific Open Charge Map user. |
Date Created
DateCreated | string |
The date created. |
Details on the equipment type and power capability.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
ID | integer |
The identifier. |
Connection Type ID
ConnectionTypeID | integer |
The connection type identifier. |
ConnectionType | ConnectionType |
The type of end-user connection an EVSE supports. |
Reference | string |
Optional operators reference for this connection/port |
Status Type ID
StatusTypeID | integer |
Status Type reference ID. 0 = Unknown |
StatusType | StatusType |
The Status Type of a site or equipment item indicates whether it is generally operational. |
Level ID
LevelID | integer |
A general category for power capability. Deprecated in favour of documenting specific equipment power in kW. |
Level | LevelType |
A general category for equipment power capability. Deprecated for general use. Currently computed automatically based on equipment power. |
Amps | integer |
EVSE supply max current in Amps |
Voltage | double |
EVSE supply voltage |
Power KW
PowerKW | double |
Peak available power in kW |
Current Type ID
CurrentTypeID | integer |
The supply type reference ID (e.g. DC etc) |
CurrentType | SupplyType |
Indicates the EVSE power supply type e.g. DC (Direct Current), AC (Single Phase), AC (3 Phase). |
Quantity | integer |
Optional summary number of equipment items available with this specification |
Comments | string |
The comments. |
The type of end-user connection an EVSE supports.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Formal Name
FormalName | string |
Formal (standard) name for this connection type |
Is Discontinued
IsDiscontinued | boolean |
If true, this is an discontinued but used connection type |
Is Obsolete
IsObsolete | boolean |
If true, this is an obsolete connection type and is unlikely top be present in modern infrastructure |
ID | integer |
The identifier. |
Title | string |
The title. |
A general category for equipment power capability. Deprecated for general use. Currently computed automatically based on equipment power.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
ID | integer |
The identifier. |
Title | string |
The title. |
Comments | string |
The comments. |
IsFastChargeCapable | boolean |
If true, this level is considered 'fast' charging, relative to other levels. |
Indicates the EVSE power supply type e.g. DC (Direct Current), AC (Single Phase), AC (3 Phase).
Name | Path | Type | Description |
ID | integer |
The identifier. |
Title | string |
The title. |
The short public summary profile for a specific Open Charge Map user.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
ID | integer |
The identifier. |
Username | string |
The username. |
Reputation Points
ReputationPoints | integer |
The reputation points. |
Profile Image URL
ProfileImageURL | string |
The profile image URL address. |
Classification for the users comment or experience using a specific charging location.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
ID | integer |
The identifier. |
Title | string |
The title. |
Is Check In Automated
IsAutomatedCheckin | boolean |
If true, check in or comment was provided by an automated system. |
Is Positive
IsPositive | boolean |
If true, this type of check in/comment is considered positive. |
Set of core reference data used for other API results and UI.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Charger Types
ChargerTypes | array of LevelType |
The charger types. |
Connection Types
ConnectionTypes | array of ConnectionType |
The connection types. |
Check In Status Types
CheckinStatusTypes | array of CheckinStatusType |
The check in status types. |
Countries | array of Country |
The countries. |
Current Types
CurrentTypes | array of SupplyType |
The current types. |
Data Providers
DataProviders | array of DataProvider |
The data providers. |
Operators | array of OperatorInfo |
The operators. |
Status Types
StatusTypes | array of StatusType |
The status types. |
Submission Status Types
SubmissionStatusTypes | array of SubmissionStatusType |
The submission status types. |
Usage Types
UsageTypes | array of UsageType |
The usage types. |
User Comment Types
UserCommentTypes | array of UserCommentType |
The user comment types. |
Category for a user comment, e.g. General Comment, Fault Report (Notice To Users And Operator).
Name | Path | Type | Description |
ID | integer |
The identifier. |
Title | string |
The title. |
Status object describing whether this data provider is currently enabled and the type of source (manual entry, imported etc).
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Is Provider Enabled
IsProviderEnabled | boolean |
If false, results from this data provider are not currently enabled |
ID | integer |
The reference ID for this provider status type |
description | string |
The Title of this status type |