Plumsail HelpDesk

The API allows interact with Plumsail HelpDesk ticketing system. Visit for more information.
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Standard | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Standard | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Contact | |
Name | Plumsail |
URL | | |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Plumsail Inc. |
Website | |
Privacy policy | |
Categories | Collaboration;Business Management |
This connector helps you to manipulate data in your HelpDesk with the help of Power Automate.
Visit for more information.
To start using it you need to complete following prerequisites:
Then, once you created an API key, you are ready to create your first Flow.
Just search for “Plumsail HelpDesk” in you Flow and add an appropriate action:
When you add an action for the first time you will be asked for Connection Name
and for Access Key
. You can type any name for the connection. For example, Plumsail HelpDesk
Then paste the API key you created in the first step to Access Key
- Power Automate (Microsoft Flow) Actions
- Get tickets
- Create a ticket
- Delete a ticket
- Get a single ticket
- Download attachment
- Update a ticket
- Get all comments for a ticket
- Create a comment
- Get a single comment
- Get contacts
- Create a contact
- Get a single contact by Email
- Update a contact by Email
- Delete a contact
- Get a single contact by ID
- Update a contact by ID
- Get organizations
- Create an organization
- Delete an organization
- Get a single organization
- Update an organization
- Delete an organization by title
- Get a single organization by title
- Update an organization by title
The connector supports the following authentication types:
Default | Parameters for creating connection. | All regions | Shareable |
Applicable: All regions
Parameters for creating connection.
This is shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, connection is shared as well. For more information, please see the Connectors overview for canvas apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
Name | Type | Description | Required |
API Key | securestring | The API Key for this api | True |
Data center region | string | True |
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Create a comment |
Creates new comment for a ticket with specified ID and returns it. |
Create a contact |
Creates new contact and returns it. |
Create a ticket |
Creates new ticket and returns created ticket. |
Create an organization |
Creates new item in Organizations list and return it |
Delete a contact |
Deletes contact by Id |
Delete a ticket |
Deletes ticket by Id. |
Delete an organization |
Deletes organization by Id. |
Delete an organization by title |
Deletes organization by title |
Download attachment |
Returns attachment file for specific ticket by its name, or returns error code |
Get a single comment |
Gets a comment by ID and returns it. |
Get a single contact by Email |
Gets a contact by email and returns it. |
Get a single contact by Id |
Gets a contact by Id and returs it. |
Get a single organization |
Gets organization by Id and returns it |
Get a single organization by title |
Gets an organization by title and returns it. |
Get a single ticket |
Gets a ticket by Id and returns it |
Get all comments for a ticket |
Gets all comments for a ticket with specified Id. |
Get contacts |
Get contacts list |
Get organizations |
Get organizations list |
Get tickets |
Returns list of TicketRead objects, each TicketRead object has the following fields: Category, Created, TicketID, Status, Requester etc. Check TicketRead object definition for more details |
Update a contact |
Finds a contact by Id and updates it. Returns updated contact. |
Update a contact by Email |
Finds a contact by email and updates it. Returns updated contact. |
Update a ticket |
Gets a ticket by Id and updates it. Returns updated ticket. |
Update an organization |
Gets an organization by Id and returns it. |
Update an organization by title |
Gets an organization by title and updates it. Returns updated organization. |
Creates new comment for a ticket with specified ID and returns it.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
AttachmentContent | True | binary |
File Content |
Attachment File Name
Name | True | string | |
Comment Body
body | True | string | |
Comment Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Comment Author Email
fromEmail | True | string | |
Comment MessageId
messageId | string | ||
Ticket Id
ticketId | True | integer |
Ticket ID |
- Body
- CommentRead
Creates new contact and returns it.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Contact Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Contact Email
True | string | ||
Contact Alternate Email
emailAlternate | string | ||
Contact Role
role | string | ||
Contact SPUserId
spUserId | integer | ||
Contact Name
title | True | string | |
Update Contact if exists
updateIfExists | boolean |
Update contact if it already exists |
- Body
- ContactRead
Creates new ticket and returns created ticket.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Ticket Assignee Email or SharePoint Group Name
assignedToEmail | string | ||
AttachmentContent | True | binary |
File Content |
Attachment File Name
Name | True | string | |
Ticket Body
body | True | string | |
Ticket Category
category | string | ||
Ticket Cc Emails
ccEmails | array of string | ||
Ticket Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Ticket DueDate
dueDate | date-time | ||
Ticket Priority
priority | string | ||
Ticket Requester Email
requesterEmail | True | string | |
Ticket Status
status | string | ||
Ticket Subject
subject | True | string | |
Ticket SupportChannel
supportChannel | string | ||
Ticket Tags Titles
tagTitles | array of string |
- Body
- TicketRead
Creates new item in Organizations list and return it
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Organization Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Organization Title
title | True | string |
- Body
- OrganizationRead
Deletes contact by Id
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Contact Id
id | True | integer |
Contact Id |
Deletes ticket by Id.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Ticket Id
id | True | integer |
Ticket Id |
Deletes organization by Id.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Organization Id
id | True | integer |
Organization Id |
Deletes organization by title
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Organization title
title | True | string |
Organization title |
Returns attachment file for specific ticket by its name, or returns error code
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Ticket Id
id | True | integer |
Ticket Id |
Attachment Filename
filename | True | string |
Attachment Filename |
- Result file
- binary
Gets a comment by ID and returns it.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Ticket Id
ticketId | True | integer |
Ticket Id |
Comment Id
id | True | integer |
Comment ID |
$select | string |
An ODATA $select query option to specify which fields to return for a list item. You can use * to return all available fields. |
$expand | string |
An ODATA $expand query option to specify that the request returns the values of lookups. |
- Body
- CommentRead
Gets a contact by email and returns it.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Contact Email
True | string |
Contact Email |
$select | string |
An ODATA $select query option to specify which fields to return for a list item. You can use * to return all available fields. |
$expand | string |
An ODATA $expand query option to specify that the request returns the values of lookups. |
- Body
- ContactRead
Gets a contact by Id and returs it.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Contact Id
id | True | integer |
Contact Id |
$select | string |
An ODATA $select query option to specify which fields to return for a list item. You can use * to return all available fields. |
$expand | string |
An ODATA $expand query option to specify that the request returns the values of lookups. |
- Body
- ContactRead
Gets organization by Id and returns it
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Organization Id
id | True | integer |
Organization Id |
$select | string |
An ODATA $select query option to specify which fields to return for a list item. You can use * to return all available fields. |
$expand | string |
An ODATA $expand query option to specify that the request returns the values of lookups. |
- Body
- OrganizationRead
Gets an organization by title and returns it.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Organization title
title | True | string |
Organization title |
$select | string |
An ODATA $select query option to specify which fields to return for a list item. You can use * to return all available fields. |
$expand | string |
An ODATA $expand query option to specify that the request returns the values of lookups. |
- Body
- OrganizationRead
Gets a ticket by Id and returns it
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Ticket Id
id | True | integer |
Ticket Id |
$select | string |
An ODATA $select query option to specify which fields to return for a list item. You can use * to return all available fields. |
$expand | string |
An ODATA $expand query option to specify that the request returns the values of lookups. |
- Body
- TicketRead
Gets all comments for a ticket with specified Id.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Ticket Id
ticketId | True | integer |
Ticket ID |
$select | string |
An ODATA $select query option to specify which fields to return for a list item. You can use * to return all available fields. |
$expand | string |
An ODATA $expand query option to specify that the request returns the values of lookups. |
$filter | string |
An ODATA $filter query option to restrict the entries returned |
$orderBy | string |
An ODATA $orderBy query option for specifying the order of entries. |
- response
- array of CommentRead
Get contacts list
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
$select | string |
An ODATA $select query option to specify which fields to return for a list item. You can use * to return all available fields. Use $select=PhoneNumber,Title,Email,ID to include phone number. |
$expand | string |
An ODATA $expand query option to specify that the request returns the values of lookups. |
$filter | string |
Use ODATA $filter option to find required contact. For example, use $filter=Title eq 'Bill Gates' to find person by full name. Use $filter=substringof('@DOMAIN', Email) to find person with email from domain (DOMAIN) |
$orderBy | string |
An ODATA $orderBy query option for specifying the order of entries. |
$top | integer |
An ODATA $top query option to select the first n items of the return set for return (default = 50, maximum = 100). |
$skiptoken | string |
An ODATA $skiptoken query option to skip over items until the specified item is reached and return the rest. |
- response
- array of ContactRead
Get organizations list
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
$select | string |
An ODATA $select query option to specify which fields to return for a list item. You can use * to return all available fields. |
$expand | string |
An ODATA $expand query option to specify that the request returns the values of lookups. |
$filter | string |
An ODATA $filter query option to restrict the entries returned |
$orderBy | string |
An ODATA $orderBy query option for specifying the order of entries. |
$top | integer |
An ODATA $top query option to select the first n items of the return set for return (default = 50, maximum = 100). |
$skiptoken | string |
An ODATA $skiptoken query option to skip over items until the specified item is reached and return the rest. |
- response
- array of OrganizationRead
Returns list of TicketRead objects, each TicketRead object has the following fields: Category, Created, TicketID, Status, Requester etc. Check TicketRead object definition for more details
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
$select | string |
An ODATA $select query option to specify which fields to return for a list item. You can use * to return all available fields. |
$expand | string |
An ODATA $expand query option to specify that the request returns the values of lookups. |
$filter | string |
An ODATA $filter query option. For example, use $filter=Status/Title eq STATUS or $filter=Status/Title ne STATUS (STATUS may be 'Pending', 'New', 'In Progress', 'Solved' etc) to get tickets by with specific status, or $filter=Status/Title ne Solved to get active tickets, or $filter=Created gt '2023-08-18' to get tickets created after specific date. Use Category field to filter by category, AssignedTo/Email to filter by assignee email, AssignedTo/Title to filter by assignee name. Use $filter=substringof('@DOMAIN', Requester/Email) to find person with email from domain (DOMAIN). Overdue tickets are only active tickets where DueDate is less than today. |
$orderBy | string |
An ODATA $orderBy query option for specifying the order of entries. |
$top | integer |
An ODATA $top query option to select the first n items of the return set for return (default = 50, maximum = 100). |
$skiptoken | string |
An ODATA $skiptoken query option to skip over items until the specified item is reached and return the rest. |
- response
- array of TicketRead
Finds a contact by Id and updates it. Returns updated contact.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Contact Id
id | True | integer |
Contact Id |
Contact Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Contact Email
True | string | ||
Contact Alternate Email
emailAlternate | string | ||
Contact Role
role | string | ||
Contact SPUserId
spUserId | integer | ||
Contact Name
title | True | string |
- Body
- ContactRead
Finds a contact by email and updates it. Returns updated contact.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Contact Email
True | string |
Contact email |
Contact Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Contact Email
True | string | ||
Contact Alternate Email
emailAlternate | string | ||
Contact Role
role | string | ||
Contact SPUserId
spUserId | integer | ||
Contact Name
title | True | string |
- Body
- ContactRead
Gets a ticket by Id and updates it. Returns updated ticket.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Ticket Id
id | True | integer |
Ticket Id |
Ticket Assignee Email or SharePoint Group Name
assignedToEmail | string | ||
AttachmentContent | True | binary |
File Content |
Attachment File Name
Name | True | string | |
Ticket Body
body | True | string | |
Ticket Category
category | string | ||
Ticket Cc Emails
ccEmails | array of string | ||
Ticket Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Ticket DueDate
dueDate | date-time | ||
Ticket Priority
priority | string | ||
Ticket Requester Email
requesterEmail | True | string | |
Ticket Status
status | string | ||
Ticket Subject
subject | True | string | |
Ticket SupportChannel
supportChannel | string | ||
Ticket Tags Titles
tagTitles | array of string |
- Body
- TicketRead
Gets an organization by Id and returns it.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Organization Id
id | True | integer |
Organization Id |
Organization Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Organization Title
title | True | string |
- Body
- OrganizationRead
Gets an organization by title and updates it. Returns updated organization.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Organization title
title | True | string |
Organization title |
Organization Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Organization Title
title | True | string |
- Body
- OrganizationRead
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Assignee CustomFields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Assignee Email
string | ||
Assignee Alternate Email
emailAlternate | string | |
Assignee ID
id | integer | |
Assignee Role
role | string | |
Assignee SPUserId
spUserId | integer | |
Assignee Full Name
title | string |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Cc CustomFields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Cc Email
string | ||
Cc Alternate Email
emailAlternate | string | |
id | integer | |
Cc Role
role | string | |
Cc SPUserId
spUserId | integer | |
Cc Full Name
title | string |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Comment Body
body | string | |
Comment Creation Date
created | date-time | |
Comment Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Comment Author Email
fromEmail | string | |
Comment Author Name
fromName | string | |
Comment ID
id | integer | |
Comment MessageId
messageId | string |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Contact Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Contact Email
string | ||
Contact Alternate Email
emailAlternate | string | |
Contact ID
id | integer | |
Contact Role
role | string | |
Contact SPUserId
spUserId | integer | |
Contact Full Name
title | string |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Organization Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Organization ID
id | integer | |
Organization Title
title | string |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Requester CustomFields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Requester Email
string | ||
Requester Alternate Email
emailAlternate | string | |
Requester ID
id | integer | |
Requester Role
role | string | |
Requester SPUserId
spUserId | integer | |
Requester Full Name
title | string |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Tag Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Tag ID
id | integer | |
Tag Title
title | string |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Ticket Assignee
assignedTo | Assignee | |
Ticket Attachments
attachments | array of string | |
Ticket Category
category | string | |
Ticket Cc
cc | array of Cc | |
Ticket Creation Date
created | date-time | |
Ticket Custom Fields
customFields | object |
JSON string containing custom field values |
Ticket Due Date
dueDate | date-time | |
Ticket ID
id | integer | |
Ticket Priority
priority | string | |
Ticket Requester
requester | Requester | |
Ticket Resolution Date
resolutionDate | date-time | |
Ticket Status
status | string | |
Ticket Subject
subject | string | |
Ticket Tags
tags | array of TagRead | |
Custom Ticket ID
ticketID | string |
This is the basic data type 'binary'.