Бөлісу құралы:

Process.WorkingSet Свойство



This property has been deprecated. Please use System.Diagnostics.Process.WorkingSet64 instead. https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202


Process.WorkingSet has been deprecated because the type of the property can't represent all valid results. Use System.Diagnostics.Process.WorkingSet64 instead.


This property has been deprecated. Please use System.Diagnostics.Process.WorkingSet64 instead. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202

Возвращает использование физической памяти связанного процесса (в байтах).

 property int WorkingSet { int get(); };
[System.Obsolete("This property has been deprecated.  Please use System.Diagnostics.Process.WorkingSet64 instead.  https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")]
public int WorkingSet { get; }
[System.Obsolete("Process.WorkingSet has been deprecated because the type of the property can't represent all valid results. Use System.Diagnostics.Process.WorkingSet64 instead.")]
public int WorkingSet { get; }
[System.Obsolete("This property has been deprecated.  Please use System.Diagnostics.Process.WorkingSet64 instead.  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")]
public int WorkingSet { get; }
public int WorkingSet { get; }
[<System.Obsolete("This property has been deprecated.  Please use System.Diagnostics.Process.WorkingSet64 instead.  https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")>]
member this.WorkingSet : int
[<System.Obsolete("Process.WorkingSet has been deprecated because the type of the property can't represent all valid results. Use System.Diagnostics.Process.WorkingSet64 instead.")>]
member this.WorkingSet : int
[<System.Obsolete("This property has been deprecated.  Please use System.Diagnostics.Process.WorkingSet64 instead.  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")>]
member this.WorkingSet : int
member this.WorkingSet : int
Public ReadOnly Property WorkingSet As Integer

Значение свойства

Полное количество физической памяти в байтах, которое использует связанный процесс.



В следующем примере запускается экземпляр Блокнота. Затем в примере извлекаются и отображаются различные свойства связанного процесса. В примере определяется, когда завершается процесс, и отображается код завершения процесса.

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
using namespace System::Threading;
int main()
      Process^ myProcess;
      myProcess = Process::Start( "NotePad.exe" );
      while (  !myProcess->HasExited )
         // Get physical memory usage of the associated process.
         Console::WriteLine( "Process's physical memory usage: {0}", myProcess->WorkingSet.ToString() );
         // Get base priority of the associated process.
         Console::WriteLine( "Base priority of the associated process: {0}", myProcess->BasePriority.ToString() );
         // Get priority class of the associated process.
         Console::WriteLine(  "Priority class of the associated process: {0}", myProcess->PriorityClass );
         // Get user processor time for this process.
         Console::WriteLine( "User Processor Time: {0}", myProcess->UserProcessorTime.ToString() );
         // Get privileged processor time for this process.
         Console::WriteLine( "Privileged Processor Time: {0}", myProcess->PrivilegedProcessorTime.ToString() );
         // Get total processor time for this process.
         Console::WriteLine( "Total Processor Time: {0}", myProcess->TotalProcessorTime.ToString() );
         // Invoke overloaded ToString function.
         Console::WriteLine( "Process's Name: {0}", myProcess->ToString() );
         Console::WriteLine( "-------------------------------------" );
         if ( myProcess->Responding )
            Console::WriteLine( "Status:  Responding to user interface" );
            Console::WriteLine( "Status:  Not Responding" );
         Thread::Sleep( 1000 );
      Console::WriteLine(  "Process exit code: {0}", myProcess->ExitCode.ToString() );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "The following exception was raised:  {0}", e->Message );

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;

namespace ProcessSample
    class MyProcessClass
        public static void Main()
                using (Process myProcess = Process.Start("NotePad.exe"))
                    while (!myProcess.HasExited)

                        Console.WriteLine($"Physical memory usage     : {myProcess.WorkingSet}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Base priority             : {myProcess.BasePriority}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Priority class            : {myProcess.PriorityClass}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"User processor time       : {myProcess.UserProcessorTime}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Privileged processor time : {myProcess.PrivilegedProcessorTime}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Total processor time      : {myProcess.TotalProcessorTime}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Process's Name            : {myProcess}");

                        if (myProcess.Responding)
                            Console.WriteLine("Status:  Responding to user interface");
                            Console.WriteLine("Status:  Not Responding");


                    Console.WriteLine($"Process exit code: {myProcess.ExitCode}");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"The following exception was raised: {e.Message}");
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Threading

Namespace Process_Sample
    Class MyProcessClass

        Public Shared Sub Main()

                Using myProcess = Process.Start("NotePad.exe")

                    While Not myProcess.HasExited


                        Console.WriteLine($"Process's physical memory usage          : {myProcess.WorkingSet}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"Base priority of the associated process  : {myProcess.BasePriority}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"Priority class of the associated process : {myProcess.PriorityClass}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"User processor time                      : {myProcess.UserProcessorTime}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"Privileged processor time                : {myProcess.PrivilegedProcessorTime}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"Total processor time                     : {myProcess.TotalProcessorTime}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"Process's name                           : {myProcess}")

                        If myProcess.Responding Then
                            Console.WriteLine("Status:  Responding to user interface")
                            Console.WriteLine("Status:  Not Responding")
                        End If
                    End While

                    Console.WriteLine($"Process exit code: {myProcess.ExitCode}")
                End Using

            Catch e As Exception
                Console.WriteLine($"The following exception was raised: {e.Message}")
            End Try
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace 'Process_Sample


Значение, возвращаемое этим свойством, представляет последний обновленный размер используемой процессом памяти рабочего набора в байтах. Чтобы получить самый актуальный размер, сначала необходимо вызвать Refresh() метод .

Рабочий набор процесса —это набор страниц памяти, которые в настоящее время видны процессу в физической оперативной памяти (RAM). Эти страницы являются резидентными и доступны для использования приложением без активации ошибки страницы.

Рабочий набор включает как общие, так и частные данные. Общие данные включают страницы, содержащие все инструкции, выполняемые процессом, включая модули процесса и системные библиотеки.

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