Бөлісу құралы:

RegistrationErrorInfo Класс


Извлекает расширенные сведения об ошибках для методов, связанных с несколькими объектами COM+. Учитываются также методы, устанавливающие, импортирующие и экспортирующие приложения и компоненты COM+. Этот класс не наследуется.

public ref class RegistrationErrorInfo sealed
public sealed class RegistrationErrorInfo
type RegistrationErrorInfo = class
Public NotInheritable Class RegistrationErrorInfo


В следующем примере кода показано, как получить расширенные сведения об ошибках о методах, связанных с несколькими объектами COM+.

   String^ applicationName = "Queued Component";
   String^ typeLibraryName = nullptr;
   RegistrationHelper^ helper = gcnew RegistrationHelper;
   // Call the InstallAssembly method passing it the name of the assembly to 
   // install as a COM+ application, the COM+ application name, and 
   // the name of the type library file.
   // Setting the application name and the type library to NULL (nothing in Visual Basic .NET
   // allows you to use the COM+ application name that is given in the assembly and 
   // the default type library name. The application name in the assembly metadata 
   // takes precedence over the application name you provide to InstallAssembly. 
   helper->InstallAssembly( "C:..\\..\\QueuedComponent.dll",  applicationName,  typeLibraryName, InstallationFlags::CreateTargetApplication );
   Console::WriteLine( "Registration succeeded: Type library {0} created.", typeLibraryName );

   // Create a RegistrationConfig object and set its attributes
   // Create a RegistrationHelper object, and call the InstallAssemblyFromConfig
   // method by passing the RegistrationConfiguration object to it as a 
   // reference object
   RegistrationConfig^ registrationConfiguration = gcnew RegistrationConfig;
   registrationConfiguration->AssemblyFile = "C:..\\..\\QueuedComponent.dll";
   registrationConfiguration->Application = "MyApp";
   registrationConfiguration->InstallationFlags = InstallationFlags::CreateTargetApplication;
   RegistrationHelper^ helperFromConfig = gcnew RegistrationHelper;
   helperFromConfig->InstallAssemblyFromConfig(  registrationConfiguration );
catch ( RegistrationException^ e ) 
   Console::WriteLine( e->Message );

   // Check whether the ErrorInfo property of the RegistrationException object is null. 
   // If there is no extended error information about 
   // methods related to multiple COM+ objects ErrorInfo will be null.
   if ( e->ErrorInfo != nullptr )
      // Gets an array of RegistrationErrorInfo objects describing registration errors
      array<RegistrationErrorInfo^>^ registrationErrorInfos = e->ErrorInfo;
      // Iterate through the array of RegistrationErrorInfo objects and disply the 
      // ErrorString for each object.
      System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = registrationErrorInfos->GetEnumerator();
      while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
         RegistrationErrorInfo^ registrationErrorInfo = (RegistrationErrorInfo^)( myEnum->Current );
         Console::WriteLine( registrationErrorInfo->ErrorString );
    string applicationName = "Queued Component";			
    string typeLibraryName = null;
    RegistrationHelper helper = new RegistrationHelper();
    // Call the InstallAssembly method passing it the name of the assembly to
    // install as a COM+ application, the COM+ application name, and
    // the name of the type library file.
    // Setting the application name and the type library to NULL (nothing in Visual Basic .NET
    // allows you to use the COM+ application name that is given in the assembly and
    // the default type library name. The application name in the assembly metadata
    // takes precedence over the application name you provide to InstallAssembly.
    helper.InstallAssembly(@"C:..\..\QueuedComponent.dll", ref applicationName, ref typeLibraryName, InstallationFlags.CreateTargetApplication);
    Console.WriteLine("Registration succeeded: Type library {0} created.", typeLibraryName);

    // Create a RegistrationConfig object and set its attributes
    // Create a RegistrationHelper object, and call the InstallAssemblyFromConfig
    // method by passing the RegistrationConfiguration object to it as a
    // reference object
    RegistrationConfig registrationConfiguration = new RegistrationConfig();
    registrationConfiguration.Application = "MyApp";
    registrationConfiguration.InstallationFlags = InstallationFlags.CreateTargetApplication;
    RegistrationHelper helperFromConfig = new RegistrationHelper();
    helperFromConfig.InstallAssemblyFromConfig(ref registrationConfiguration);

catch(RegistrationException e)

    // Check whether the ErrorInfo property of the RegistrationException object is null.
    // If there is no extended error information about
    // methods related to multiple COM+ objects ErrorInfo will be null.
    if(e.ErrorInfo != null)
        // Gets an array of RegistrationErrorInfo objects describing registration errors
        RegistrationErrorInfo[] registrationErrorInfos = e.ErrorInfo;

        // Iterate through the array of RegistrationErrorInfo objects and disply the
        // ErrorString for each object.

        foreach (RegistrationErrorInfo registrationErrorInfo in registrationErrorInfos)
    Dim applicationName As String = "Queued Component"
    Dim typeLibraryName As String = Nothing
    Dim helper As New RegistrationHelper

    ' Call the InstallAssembly method passing it the name of the assembly to 
    ' install as a COM+ application, the COM+ application name, and 
    ' the name of the type library file.
    ' Setting the application name and the type library to NULL (nothing in Visual Basic .NET
    ' allows you to use the COM+ application name that is given in the assembly and 
    ' the default type library name. The application name in the assembly metadata 
    ' takes precedence over the application name you provide to InstallAssembly. 
    helper.InstallAssembly("C:..\..\QueuedComponent.dll", applicationName, typeLibraryName, InstallationFlags.CreateTargetApplication)
    MsgBox("Registration succeeded: Type library " & typeLibraryName & " created.")

    ' Create a RegistrationConfig object and set its attributes
    ' Create a RegistrationHelper object, and call the InstallAssemblyFromConfig
    ' method by passing the RegistrationConfiguration object to it as a 
    ' reference object
    Dim registrationConfiguration As New RegistrationConfig()
    registrationConfiguration.AssemblyFile = "C:..\..\QueuedComponent.dll"
    registrationConfiguration.Application = "MyApp"
    registrationConfiguration.InstallationFlags = InstallationFlags.CreateTargetApplication
    Dim helperFromConfig As New RegistrationHelper()

Catch e As RegistrationException

    ' Check whether the ErrorInfo property of the RegistrationException object is null. 
    ' If there is no extended error information about 
    ' methods related to multiple COM+ objects ErrorInfo will be null.
    If Not (e.ErrorInfo Is Nothing) Then
        ' Gets an array of RegistrationErrorInfo objects describing registration errors
        Dim registrationErrorInfos As RegistrationErrorInfo() = e.ErrorInfo

        ' Iterate through the array of RegistrationErrorInfo objects and disply the 
        ' ErrorString for each object.
        Dim registrationErrorInfo As RegistrationErrorInfo
        For Each registrationErrorInfo In registrationErrorInfos
        Next registrationErrorInfo
    End If
End Try



Возвращает код ошибки для объекта или файла.


Возвращает описание ErrorCode.


Возвращает значение ключа для объекта, вызвавшего ошибку (если это возможно).


Возвращает точную спецификацию элемента, вызвавшего ошибку, например, имя свойства.


Возвращает имя объекта или файла, вызвавшего ошибку.



Определяет, равен ли указанный объект текущему объекту.

(Унаследовано от Object)

Служит хэш-функцией по умолчанию.

(Унаследовано от Object)

Возвращает объект Type для текущего экземпляра.

(Унаследовано от Object)

Создает неполную копию текущего объекта Object.

(Унаследовано от Object)

Возвращает строку, представляющую текущий объект.

(Унаследовано от Object)

Применяется к