Бөлісу құралы:

PrintJobStatus Перечисление


Указывает текущее состояние задания печати в очереди.

Это перечисление поддерживает побитовую комбинацию значений его членов.

public enum class PrintJobStatus
public enum PrintJobStatus
type PrintJobStatus = 
Public Enum PrintJobStatus


Blocked 512

Ошибка, которая, вероятно, возникла при выполнении предыдущего задания из очереди, заблокировала задание печати.

Completed 4096

Задание печати готово, включая все виды послепечатной обработки.

Deleted 256

Задание печати удалено из очереди (обычно после печати).

Deleting 4

Задание печати находится в процессе удаления.

Error 2

Задание печати находится в состоянии ошибки.

None 0

У задания печати нет определенного состояния.

Offline 32

Принтер отключен.

PaperOut 64

В принтере нет бумаги необходимого размера.

Paused 1

Задание печати приостановлено.

Printed 128

Задание напечатано.

Printing 16

Идет печать задания.

Restarted 2048

Задание печати было заблокировано и перезапущено.

Retained 8192

Задание печати сохранено в очереди после печати.

Spooling 8

Выполняется буферизация задания печати.

UserIntervention 1024

Для исправления ошибки принтеру требуется вмешательство пользователя.


В следующем примере показано, как использовать это перечисление при диагностике проблемы с заданием печати.

// Check for possible trouble states of a print job using the flags of the JobStatus property
static void SpotTroubleUsingJobAttributes (PrintSystemJobInfo^ theJob) 
   if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Blocked) == PrintJobStatus::Blocked)
      Console::WriteLine("The job is blocked.");
   if (((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Completed) == PrintJobStatus::Completed)
      ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Printed) == PrintJobStatus::Printed))
      Console::WriteLine("The job has finished. Have user recheck all output bins and be sure the correct printer is being checked.");
   if (((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Deleted) == PrintJobStatus::Deleted)
      ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Deleting) == PrintJobStatus::Deleting))
      Console::WriteLine("The user or someone with administration rights to the queue has deleted the job. It must be resubmitted.");
   if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Error) == PrintJobStatus::Error)
      Console::WriteLine("The job has errored.");
   if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Offline) == PrintJobStatus::Offline)
      Console::WriteLine("The printer is offline. Have user put it online with printer front panel.");
   if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::PaperOut) == PrintJobStatus::PaperOut)
      Console::WriteLine("The printer is out of paper of the size required by the job. Have user add paper.");
   if (((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Paused) == PrintJobStatus::Paused)
      ((theJob->HostingPrintQueue->QueueStatus & PrintQueueStatus::Paused) == PrintQueueStatus::Paused))
      //HandlePausedJob is defined in the complete example.

   if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Printing) == PrintJobStatus::Printing)
      Console::WriteLine("The job is printing now.");
   if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Spooling) == PrintJobStatus::Spooling)
      Console::WriteLine("The job is spooling now.");
   if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::UserIntervention) == PrintJobStatus::UserIntervention)
      Console::WriteLine("The printer needs human intervention.");
// Check for possible trouble states of a print job using the flags of the JobStatus property
internal static void SpotTroubleUsingJobAttributes(PrintSystemJobInfo theJob)
    if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Blocked) == PrintJobStatus.Blocked)
        Console.WriteLine("The job is blocked.");
    if (((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Completed) == PrintJobStatus.Completed)
        ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Printed) == PrintJobStatus.Printed))
        Console.WriteLine("The job has finished. Have user recheck all output bins and be sure the correct printer is being checked.");
    if (((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Deleted) == PrintJobStatus.Deleted)
        ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Deleting) == PrintJobStatus.Deleting))
        Console.WriteLine("The user or someone with administration rights to the queue has deleted the job. It must be resubmitted.");
    if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Error) == PrintJobStatus.Error)
        Console.WriteLine("The job has errored.");
    if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Offline) == PrintJobStatus.Offline)
        Console.WriteLine("The printer is offline. Have user put it online with printer front panel.");
    if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.PaperOut) == PrintJobStatus.PaperOut)
        Console.WriteLine("The printer is out of paper of the size required by the job. Have user add paper.");

    if (((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Paused) == PrintJobStatus.Paused)
        ((theJob.HostingPrintQueue.QueueStatus & PrintQueueStatus.Paused) == PrintQueueStatus.Paused))
        //HandlePausedJob is defined in the complete example.

    if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Printing) == PrintJobStatus.Printing)
        Console.WriteLine("The job is printing now.");
    if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Spooling) == PrintJobStatus.Spooling)
        Console.WriteLine("The job is spooling now.");
    if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.UserIntervention) == PrintJobStatus.UserIntervention)
        Console.WriteLine("The printer needs human intervention.");
}//end SpotTroubleUsingJobAttributes
' Check for possible trouble states of a print job using the flags of the JobStatus property
Friend Shared Sub SpotTroubleUsingJobAttributes(ByVal theJob As PrintSystemJobInfo)
    If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Blocked) = PrintJobStatus.Blocked Then
        Console.WriteLine("The job is blocked.")
    End If
    If ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Completed) = PrintJobStatus.Completed) OrElse ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Printed) = PrintJobStatus.Printed) Then
        Console.WriteLine("The job has finished. Have user recheck all output bins and be sure the correct printer is being checked.")
    End If
    If ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Deleted) = PrintJobStatus.Deleted) OrElse ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Deleting) = PrintJobStatus.Deleting) Then
        Console.WriteLine("The user or someone with administration rights to the queue has deleted the job. It must be resubmitted.")
    End If
    If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Error) = PrintJobStatus.Error Then
        Console.WriteLine("The job has errored.")
    End If
    If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Offline) = PrintJobStatus.Offline Then
        Console.WriteLine("The printer is offline. Have user put it online with printer front panel.")
    End If
    If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.PaperOut) = PrintJobStatus.PaperOut Then
        Console.WriteLine("The printer is out of paper of the size required by the job. Have user add paper.")
    End If

    If ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Paused) = PrintJobStatus.Paused) OrElse ((theJob.HostingPrintQueue.QueueStatus And PrintQueueStatus.Paused) = PrintQueueStatus.Paused) Then
        'HandlePausedJob is defined in the complete example.
    End If

    If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Printing) = PrintJobStatus.Printing Then
        Console.WriteLine("The job is printing now.")
    End If
    If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Spooling) = PrintJobStatus.Spooling Then
        Console.WriteLine("The job is spooling now.")
    End If
    If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.UserIntervention) = PrintJobStatus.UserIntervention Then
        Console.WriteLine("The printer needs human intervention.")
    End If

End Sub


Это перечисление используется в основном как значение JobStatus свойства .

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