Бөлісу құралы:

Type.GetArrayRank Метод


Возвращает размерность массива.

 abstract int GetArrayRank();
 virtual int GetArrayRank();
public abstract int GetArrayRank ();
public virtual int GetArrayRank ();
abstract member GetArrayRank : unit -> int
abstract member GetArrayRank : unit -> int
override this.GetArrayRank : unit -> int
Public MustOverride Function GetArrayRank () As Integer
Public Overridable Function GetArrayRank () As Integer

Возвращаемое значение

Целое число, указывающее на количество измерений текущего типа.



Функциональность этого метода не поддерживается в базовом классе и должна быть реализована в производном классе.

Текущий тип не является массивом.


В следующем примере показано количество измерений в массиве.

using namespace System;
int main()
      array<Int32, 3>^myArray = gcnew array<Int32,3>(3,4,5);
      Type^ myType = myArray->GetType();
      Console::WriteLine( "myArray has {0} dimensions.", myType->GetArrayRank() );
   catch ( NotSupportedException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "NotSupportedException raised." );
      Console::WriteLine( "Source: {0}", e->Source );
      Console::WriteLine( "Message: {0}", e->Message );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "Exception raised." );
      Console::WriteLine( "Source: {0}", e->Source );
      Console::WriteLine( "Message: {0}", e->Message );

using System;

class MyArrayRankSample
    public static void Main()
            int[,,] myArray = new int[,,] {{{12,2,35},{300,78,33}},{{92,42,135},{30,7,3}}};
            Type myType = myArray.GetType();

            Console.WriteLine("Contents of myArray: {{{12,2,35},{300,78,33}},{{92,42,135},{30,7,3}}}");
            Console.WriteLine("myArray has {0} dimensions.", myType.GetArrayRank());
        catch(NotSupportedException e)
            Console.WriteLine("NotSupportedException raised.");
            Console.WriteLine("Source: " + e.Source);
            Console.WriteLine("Message: " + e.Message);
        catch(Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception raised.");
            Console.WriteLine("Source: " + e.Source);
            Console.WriteLine("Message: " + e.Message);
open System

    let myArray = Array3D.zeroCreate 2 2 3
    myArray[0, 0, 0] <- 12
    myArray[0, 0, 1] <- 2
    myArray[0, 0, 2] <- 35

    myArray[0, 1, 0] <- 300
    myArray[0, 1, 1] <- 78
    myArray[0, 1, 2] <- 33
    myArray[1, 0, 0] <- 92
    myArray[1, 0, 1] <- 42
    myArray[1, 0, 2] <- 135
    myArray[1, 1, 0] <- 30
    myArray[1, 1, 1] <- 7
    myArray[1, 1, 2] <- 3
    let myType = myArray.GetType()

    printfn "Contents of myArray: {{{12,2,35},{300,78,33}},{{92,42,135},{30,7,3}}}"
    printfn $"myArray has {myType.GetArrayRank()} dimensions."
| :? NotSupportedException as e ->
    printfn "NotSupportedException raised."
    printfn $"Source: {e.Source}"
    printfn $"Message: {e.Message}"
| e ->
    printfn "Exception raised."
    printfn $"Source: {e.Source}"
    printfn $"Message: {e.Message}"
Class MyArrayRankSample
    Public Shared Sub Main()
            Dim myArray(,,) As Integer = {{{12, 2, 35}, {300, 78, 33}}, {{92, 42, 135}, {30, 7, 3}}}
            Dim myType As Type = myArray.GetType()
            Console.WriteLine("Contents of myArray: {{{12,2,35},{300,78,33}},{{92,42,135},{30,7,3}}}")
            Console.WriteLine("myArray has {0} dimensions.", myType.GetArrayRank())
        Catch e As NotSupportedException
            Console.WriteLine("NotSupportedException raised.")
            Console.WriteLine(("Source: " + e.Source))
            Console.WriteLine(("Message: " + e.Message))
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("Exception raised.")
            Console.WriteLine(("Source: " + e.Source))
            Console.WriteLine(("Message: " + e.Message))
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

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