Enterprise Portal Wizard User Experience Guidelines
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
An Enterprise Portal wizard page guides the user through a series of simple steps in order to complete a task.
Wizard pages are recommended for:
Infrequent tasks
Complex tasks
Tasks that can be split into simple subtasks in a meaningful way
Tasks that should be performed in a specific sequence
Wizard page for vendor signup
Wizard page for vendor signup
An Enterprise Portal wizard is made up of the following elements:
Step overview – This section, near the top of the page, shows all the steps in the wizard, separated by “greater than” symbols (>).
The active step should be displayed in bold type.
Completed steps should be coded as links so that the user can return to them.
Content area – This is where the fields and other controls are placed. You should keep this part relatively simple so that a user can easily understand each step.
Navigation buttons – The wizard page has navigation buttons at the bottom of the page. The navigation buttons are as follows:
On step 1: Next > | Finish (disabled) | Cancel
When a user clicks Cancel, the user should be returned to the page where the wizard was initiated. If the page cannot be identified, the user should be taken to the default starting page of the area where the wizard is located.
On subsequent steps: < Previous | Next > | Finish (disabled) | Cancel
When a user clicks Cancel, the user should be returned to the page where the wizard was initiated. If the page cannot be identified, the user should be taken to the default start page of the area where the wizard is located.
On the last step: < Previous | Next > (disabled) | Finish | Cancel
When a user clicks Finish or Cancel, the user should be returned to the page where the wizard was initiated.
- All the controls described in the Overview section are highly recommended for a wizard page.
What an Enterprise Portal wizard should not have
An introductory page with no data entry on step 1. (Users should be able to start using the wizard immediately. They do not want to read just introduction text.)
Fields in the content area than cannot be seen without scrolling.