Бөлісу құралы:

Пример свойства DeleteRule (Visual Basic)

В этом примере демонстрируется свойство DeleteRule объекта Key . Код добавляет новую таблицу , а затем определяет новый первичный ключ, задав параметру DeleteRuleзначение adRICascade.

' BeginDeleteRuleVB  
Sub Main()  
    On Error GoTo DeleteRuleXError  
    Dim kyPrimary As New ADOX.Key  
    Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog  
    Dim tblNew As New ADOX.Table  
    ' Connect the catalog  
    cat.ActiveConnection = "Provider='Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0';" & _  
                     "data source='Northwind.mdb';"  
    ' Name new table  
    tblNew.Name = "NewTable"  
    ' Append a numeric and a text field to new table.  
    tblNew.Columns.Append "NumField", adInteger, 20  
    tblNew.Columns.Append "TextField", adVarWChar, 20  
    ' Append the new table  
    cat.Tables.Append tblNew  
    ' Define the Primary key  
    kyPrimary.Name = "NumField"  
    kyPrimary.Type = adKeyPrimary  
    kyPrimary.RelatedTable = "Customers"  
    kyPrimary.Columns.Append "NumField"  
    kyPrimary.Columns("NumField").RelatedColumn = "CustomerId"  
    kyPrimary.DeleteRule = adRICascade  
    ' Append the primary key  
    cat.Tables("NewTable").Keys.Append kyPrimary  
    Debug.Print "The primary key is appended."  
    'Delete the table as this is a demonstration.  
    cat.Tables.Delete tblNew.Name  
    Debug.Print "The primary key is deleted."  
    'Clean up  
    Set cat.ActiveConnection = Nothing  
    Set cat = Nothing  
    Set kyPrimary = Nothing  
    Set tblNew = Nothing  
    Exit Sub  
    Set cat = Nothing  
    Set kyPrimary = Nothing  
    Set tblNew = Nothing  
    If Err <> 0 Then  
        MsgBox Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error"  
    End If  
End Sub  
' EndDeleteRuleVB  

См. также:

Свойство DeleteRule (ADOX)
Объект Key (ADOX)