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A Pathetic Lot

Hal recently posted a couple of e-mails sent to FS Ideas that he thought were, um, interesting...

So I can't resist sharing my all-time favorite.  (OK, I've been in this group for less than two years, but this one is over a year old and really stands out in my mind).  As with MD, the name has been abbreviated to protect his identity.  And for the record, if I were thinking about what my stock options were worth, I'd be looking at about negative $9.00 per share...

From: RD
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 8:30 PM
To: FS Ideas
Subject: Get It Right!!!!
Importance: High

Dear FS,

I know this is only a $60 game, but why can't you guys even get the basic stuff right.

Where is the "Sunshine Skyway Bridge"??????

You know....

the one with the bright, yellow, one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art, suspension cables...

the one you see on The History Channel on their Modern Marvels show...

the one you watch on The Discovery Channel as one of the Top Ten Modern Bridges in the World....

you know.....

the one you had in FS2002.

Maybe your developers should stop thinking about how much their stock options are worth and start working on basic authenticity.

Oh, and thanks...it was a real challenge trying to explain to my 12 year old son, an avid FS player, why his favorite bridge was still missing.

You are a pathetic lot.

Thanks for Nothing