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The news

I hate to break a long silence with an unhappy note, but here you have it:


Yes, the studio is closing and development on Flight Simulator 11 is being "indefinitely postponed'.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do next, but I'm looking forward to figuring it out. 

I know that this news will affect not just all of us here in ACES, but those in the Flight Simulator community - customers, 3rd-party developers, real-world pilots, etc.  My heart goes out to those who will be negatively impacted.

Personally, I'm excited about exploring other options, but will be sad to no longer be working with these great folks every day.



  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2009
    Don't forget the people who aspired to work for ACES. Dreaming that I'd one day be able to work on Flight Simulator is what motivated my CS course work at Georgia Tech (on top of another engineering degree). And MSFS is what originally motivated me to go get my private certificate... Sad news indeed. Good luck on your future pursuits!

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    Hi Susan, This is a question for the gauge guru of all gauge gurus. I have a plane I am modelling that has two fuel selectors; Left and Right wingtanks.  Each manages its own side seperately.  The selectors positions are as follows;

  •  Left= On/Off

  •  Right= On/Off For some reason, the code keeps including one extra zone; left gains right tank-on, and right tank gains 'main' tank. Then..   When selecting off, they both shut off.  As a matter of fact, when clicking on, both turn on also.  The only time they are both 'on' is when you boot the aircraft up, but if trying to switch them on, it is impossible, where in it selects either Left or Right tank only, or off..   (or Main or Right as secondaries). There is 'no' call for these secondaries in the Mouse zones. There is 'no' addition for a position for a secondary call for each selector. Each selector has its own mouse zone. The 'Off' seems to act as a 'All Selectors Cut Off' control, rather then only stopping fuel flow from one tank. It appears to me that there is a hidden mystery in some partial code that is causing this, which I hope you can find. But......    (this is the $10,000.00 question). Can one have 2 fuel selectors run together or seperately? Also, can they be shut off seperately.  I think that is the main issue I am hitting.  I need to know if its possible to turn on Left, then Right, and have fuel flowing from both and not just one.  They have to all be running or 'active'. I hope you know the ansere.  It has stumped the lower echilon gurus so far. My condolences on the shutting down of Aces.  I still cannot believe it.  One of the great things about Windows was always 'Flight Simulator'...   Kind regards, Bill Lionheart Creations Ltd.

  • Anonymous
    March 05, 2009
    Bill- fuel selector management in all versions FS is a bit quirky. For anything complex, I strongly suggest you do your own gauge for fuel transfer / fuel burning...

  • Anonymous
    March 30, 2009
    ok I'm making a new start with Vista 64 bit windows now I made something. a new program that will let you fly make and build your flying world. plus online pro chat with skype or any other voip. yeah i have set it up and it works with all fs_fsx-reg. _fs_2004 and fx_gold_and acceleration x or any other sim. mac or pc. it has a mac converter to windows vista now I know I can't put it on the market MSN WILL  CALL THERE Lawers. TO STOP ME. SO I CAN SELL THIS PROGRAM OR EVEN PUT IT ONLINE. I have the right software AND HARDWARE PLUS I ALL FITS ON A SIDE HARD DRIVE YOU HAVE TO HAVE a 300 gig harddrive it has  a smart software that fixes bugs and errors plus updates to xp perfect and vista as well. so what should i do with this software program

  • Anonymous
    March 30, 2009
    sorry i caN TYPE MOST TEC GUYS CAN'T

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2009
    I found it incredible that MS let go all of the talent that had produced software that is so much more than a game. First and foremost, I hope (and am sure) that all those within Aces have found suitable employment by now so their talent doesn't go to waste. I very much doubt we've seen the last of flight simulator though, it's too big a market.

  • Anonymous
    August 29, 2014
    Thanks for share always was interested in flying if we need a professional simulator, see here