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Modern Web Development Resources.

Last week I was on an Asp.Net MVC and HTML 5 training course.

Sometimes I find it really useful to take a step back (out of the debugger) and look at how people are developing modern Web applications on the Microsoft Web Platform today.

I’ve compiled this short list of resources that I am finding useful.

Shawn Wildermuth is writing a very interesting series on how he has developed his new site https://firstinked.com/

MSDN Magazine are launching a new monthly Colum called the Web Development Report written by Rachel Appel who is a Web Developer in DPE in the US.

https://caniuse.com/ is a great resource to determine the HTML 5, CSS or SVG support in browsers.

https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/bb424812-f742-41ef-974a-cdac607df921 is a Browser Switcher for Visual Studio to allow you to debug your application in a variety of browsers.

https://getglimpse.com/ is a useful MVC\Asp.Net 4.0 debugger engine.

The Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Web Standards update will get you HTML 5 and CSS 3 support in VS2010.

The Visual Studio Web Essentials package is also very useful.

I’m on a journey this year to understand as much about this as I can and these resources are a great place to start.