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New to Debugging?

I've just finished writing up an e-mail for some new people in my team about starting Debugging and the use of the WinDBG tool.

So I thought I would share this out here as well.

I've got some great colleagues in my extended European team and also my US colleagues and so I'll point you towards some topics they've already written on this subject.

(I'd like to thank them for taking the time to write these posts and hope they won't mind me ripping them off!)

My colleague Carlo Cardella in Italy has written a series of posts about an introduction to debugging  and I think they are a good starting point.

New to Debugging
Things to Do Before Debugging
Why Should we care about symbols
Capturing a Dump
Taking Control over Windbg

Ok, so now that you understand the Debugging Basics here’s some more information about using WinDBG from another colleague Johan Straarup who's in Sweden.
Getting Started with WinDbg Part 1
Getting Started with WinDbg Part 2

Tom Christian is a US based engineer who writes a lot about Asp.Net Debugging.

He's written a post about Debugging Asp.Net on a Production Environment which is very useful.

Tess Ferrandez also works in Sweden and is very well known in the .Net Debugging world.

She has created a series of .Net Debugging Demo Labs which you will find here.
Then if you have time then also read her 21 most popular blog posts.

Doug Stewart is based in the UK and sits next to me so I often talk about IIS\Asp.Net issues with him.

His Debugging posts are listed here.

Last but not least Nicolas Dietrich has a very good post on dissecting an Asp.Net 2.0 request .