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Axapta 3: ADO instead of ODBC or install the SP6

I recently did face a quite annoying problem with the OdbcConnection-class on Axapta 3 (client build number: 1951.8). I could access my DB2 (9.5)database without problems, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to close the connection. The only way to close this connection was shutting down the instance that initialized the connection (the Ax-Client or the AOS). The Application-tool from DB2 offers a great tool to monitor the connection hold by each instance. As you can see it was there that the Ax-Client (ax32.exe) did not release the connection:


Here is the reproduction code:

    1:  static server void main(Args _args)
    2:  {
    3:      LoginProperty           loginProperty;
    4:      OdbcConnection          connection;
    5:      Statement               statement;
    6:      ResultSet               resultSet;
    7:      ;
    8:      //initialzing the objects..
    9:      loginProperty = new LoginProperty();
   10:      loginProperty.setDSN("SAMPLE");
   11:      loginProperty.setUsername("usr");
   12:      loginProperty.setPassword("pwd");
   13:      connection = new OdbcConnection(loginProperty);
   14:      statement = connection.createStatement();
   15:      //query
   16:      resultSet = statement.executeQuery("Select count(*) from ADMINISTRATOR.EMPLOYEE");
   17:      //getting infos
   18:      if (resultSet.next())
   19:      {
   20:         info (strfmt("Number of records: %1", resultSet.getInt(1)));
   21:      }
   22:      //disposing object
   23:      resultSet.close();
   24:      resultSet.close();
   25:      connection = null;
   26:  }

After installing the SP6 on Axapta 3 (client build number: 1951.7609), the connection was released with a delay of 60 seconds, but at least I was not forced to shut down the instance.

Another possibility for most common databases is ADO. Since Axapta 3 does not support .Net (Ax4 and Ax2009 are doing this and so you can use ADO.Net instead), ODBC and ADO are the only possibilities. By using ADO I did not face the problems I described above, so if SP6 is not an option for you just use ADO. Here’s the reproduction code for ADO.

    1:  public static void main(Args _args)
    2:  {
    3:  CCADOConnection connection = new CCADOConnection();
    4:  CCADORecordSet rSet = new CCADORecordSet();
    5:  CCADOCommand command;
    7:  str sqlString;
    8:  ;
    9:      //see https://www.connectionstrings.com for further information about your specific provider
   10:      connection.connectionString("Provider=IBMDADB2;Database=SAMPLE;host;Protocol=TCPIP;Port=50000;Uid=usr;Pwd=pwd;");
   11:      //very simple example...
   12:      sqlString = "Select count(*) from ADMINISTRATOR.EMPLOYEE";
   14:      connection.open();
   15:      rSet.open( sqlString, connection);
   16:      // Loop through the records
   17:      While (! RSet.EOF())
   18:      {
   19:          // Show the fields values
   20:          info(rSet.fields().itemIdx(0).value());
   21:          // Next record
   22:          rSet.moveNext();
   23:      }
   24:       rSet.close();
   25:       connection.close();
   26:  }



If you want to know the connection-string for your database, I recommend ConnectionStrings.


  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2009
    Thank you! Your solution was very helpful. I was searching for a way to connect to AS400 from AX and finally stumbled upon your solution.