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Florin Lazar - Consistency Checkpoint

Make it simple, robust and scalable

System.Transactions and Allow Inbound/Outbound DTC Settings

If you do distributed transactions across the network, you know about Allow Inbound and Allow...

Author: florinlazar Date: 09/24/2009

Intro for Microsoft Azure .Net Service Bus

Clemens Vasters gives a great introduction to Microsoft Azure .Net Service Bus and its 4 feature...

Author: florinlazar Date: 04/02/2009

Atbroker.exe application error - CTRL-ALT-END in a remote session

I use remote desktop daily. The Atbroker.exe application error followed by black screen seemed to be...

Author: florinlazar Date: 11/25/2008

When not to use transactions and where you can't use transactions

Transactions are great when everyone plays in. You group a set of activities together under a...

Author: florinlazar Date: 05/08/2008

MSDTC and COM+ Configuration Tool in Vista

To access the MSDTC and COM+ configuration tool in Windows Vista, also known as Component Services...

Author: florinlazar Date: 05/07/2008

Exception Handling without catch(Exception)

The design guidelines for exception handling are quite clear on avoiding “catch all” and/or avoiding...

Author: florinlazar Date: 05/07/2008

Working with CMD and Long Path Names

I like using the command prompt for a lot of things and working with long (or very long) path names...

Author: florinlazar Date: 05/06/2008

How to Use System.Data with System.Transactions and Maintain Atomicity and Data Consistency

The Bug I call it a bug. Initially I was persuaded to believe it was a feature; later I was...

Author: florinlazar Date: 05/05/2008

Limitation of TransactionScope (and using)

If you read the documentation for TransactionScope, you will find: "If no exception occurs within...

Author: florinlazar Date: 05/05/2008

Avoiding Transaction Promotion with Multiple Connections - Improvements in System.Data and SQL Server 2008

Great news! The new updates added to System.Data and SQL Server 2008 finally allow multiple...

Author: florinlazar Date: 05/02/2008

A Simpler TransactionScope

In .Net 3.5 I can write a transactional code block as follows:transacted(()=> { using...

Author: florinlazar Date: 03/24/2008

Flowing or propagating transactions in .Net

System.Transactions transactions are bounded to the appdomain. Which means that if you make...

Author: florinlazar Date: 02/20/2008

TIP is now deprecated

TIP is getting deprecated - see the note at...

Author: florinlazar Date: 01/22/2008

MSDN Magazine Article on Transactional File System

Jason Olson describes the Transactional NTFS and how you can take advantage of it in your...

Author: florinlazar Date: 07/11/2007

WCF in Romania

These days I'm in Romania with a tour at 3 universities (in Bucharest, Cluj and Iasi) talking about...

Author: florinlazar Date: 05/03/2007

"Orcas" March 07 CTP: Support for OASIS WS-AT 1.1 and WS-Coord 1.1

In the "Orcas" March 2007 CTP for Visual Studio and .Net, Windows Communication Foundation brings...

Author: florinlazar Date: 03/07/2007

Allowing Transactions into Your Component: "Do you really want that?"

Supporting transactions is part of your component contract. If you shipped a component yesterday...

Author: florinlazar Date: 03/07/2007

Supporting Promotable Transactions and Phase 0

If you are providing support for promotable transactions for your resource manager using PSPE then...

Author: florinlazar Date: 02/10/2007

When transaction promotion goes "bad"

We already know the benefits of promotable transactions. They are all about performance, being very...

Author: florinlazar Date: 02/08/2007

Comments for 90 days only

I'm getting way too much spam these days. I wanted to keep the comments open for ever so I can get...

Author: florinlazar Date: 10/03/2006

Phase0 in .Net System.Transactions

In a previous post (https://blogs.msdn.com/florinlazar/archive/2006/01/29/518956.aspx) I talked about...

Author: florinlazar Date: 04/09/2006

Our Own Forum is Now Live! Please Join Us at the "Transactions Programming Forum"

I'm really happy to announce that our own forum, dedicated to transactions in Windows and .Net is...

Author: florinlazar Date: 03/10/2006

Dedicated Site for Transactions on Microsoft.com

In an effort to have a common place for all the transactions technologies we provide (and we started...

Author: florinlazar Date: 03/01/2006

MSDTC: The Magic of Phase Zero (Phase0) – Or – When Using 2PC Transactions Is Not Enough

The most known technique of implementing distributed transaction is the "two-phase commit" (2PC)....

Author: florinlazar Date: 01/29/2006

Windows Communication Foundation (Indigo) Home Page

Windows Communication Foundation (Indigo) has its own page now at https://windowscommunication.net/

Author: florinlazar Date: 01/29/2006

Windows Communication Foundation ("Indigo") Forum

Indigo has its own forum now:https://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=118The forum is...

Author: florinlazar Date: 10/10/2005

Why and When to use transactions?

Many people ask - do I need transactions? Why do I need them? When to use them? The answer is...

Author: florinlazar Date: 10/04/2005

SQL Server 2005 with COM+/DTC is first in a new TPC-C result

The new results posted by Dell running SQL Server 2005 with COM+/DTC tops TPC-C by Price/Performance...

Author: florinlazar Date: 10/04/2005

Fast transactions with System.Transactions and Microsoft SQL Server 2000

The simplest way to use transactions today with Microsoft SQL Server 2000, using .Net Framework 2.0,...

Author: florinlazar Date: 09/29/2005

MSDN Developer Guide for System.Transactions

The Visual Studio 2005 developer guide for System.Transactions is now available at...

Author: florinlazar Date: 09/17/2005

How to run Windows Explorer as a different user (so I can do admin work)

As you probably know from my old posts, I log into my Windows computers with a normal user account...

Author: florinlazar Date: 09/17/2005

DTCPing: Troubleshooting MSDTC Connectivity Issues

In today's world, security hardening is causing many headaches to software developers and admins....

Author: florinlazar Date: 09/16/2005

Transactions Sessions at PDC 2005

If you are at PDC this year, don't forget to attend the sessions related to transactions. An easy...

Author: florinlazar Date: 09/14/2005

WS Specs for Transactions Updated

The WS specifications related to Transactions (WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction and...

Author: florinlazar Date: 08/22/2005

Indigo Transaction Samples

Some transaction related sample code using Indigo is shown at...

Author: florinlazar Date: 08/22/2005

Indigo and Avalon Beta1 RC Available for Download

"Indigo" and "Avalon" Beta1 RC are available for download at...

Author: florinlazar Date: 05/23/2005

Writing a resource manager that supports promotable transactions (or Promotable Single Phase Enlistment aka PSPE) in System.Transactions

A key feature that targets performance in System.Transactions is the Promotable Single Phase...

Author: florinlazar Date: 05/17/2005

What is the Lighweight Transaction Manager and why do you need to know about it

A "hidden" feature available in System.Transactions is the Lightweight Transaction Manager (LTM). It...

Author: florinlazar Date: 05/12/2005

What do you want to know about transactions?

Please don't hesitate to send me your suggestions or questions or topics you would like to be...

Author: florinlazar Date: 05/07/2005

Blog on Transactional NTFS

I found out about this blog a few days ago. Malcolm Smith, a developer from the Transactional NTFS...

Author: florinlazar Date: 04/27/2005

Using Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003 SP1 and MSDTC on Clusters

In order to allow Windows XP SP2 or Windows Server 2003 SP1 to talk to a remote MSDTC located in a...

Author: florinlazar Date: 04/27/2005

MSDN Product Feedback Center

You've found a bug in a Microsoft product, and you don't know where to report it? Use MSDN Product...

Author: florinlazar Date: 04/21/2005

MSDN TV: Introduction to Indigo

My team is "live" on TV again. Steve is giving a quick "how-to" write an Indigo service and client...

Author: florinlazar Date: 04/19/2005

Transacted APIs - A Migration Process

Let me start with a short story. I presented a while ago to some of my friends how cool...

Author: florinlazar Date: 04/19/2005

Transaction.Current and Ambient Transactions

Ambient transactions are defined as transactions that live in the current thread or object context...

Author: florinlazar Date: 04/19/2005

Building Transacted Code Blocks with System.Transactions.TransactionScope

Transacted code blocks are a group of actions that occur as part of a transaction. With its atomic...

Author: florinlazar Date: 04/16/2005

Another preview for Indigo

March 2005 Indigo CTP is now available to download for MSDN Subscribers at...

Author: florinlazar Date: 03/17/2005

Jim Johnson and "Adventures in Atomicity"

Please welcome Jim Johnson to the blog world: https://pluralsight.com/blogs/jimjohn/ Jim is the...

Author: florinlazar Date: 02/07/2005

Why is the new MSN Search engine ignoring my blog?

The new MSN Search engine is simply ignoring my blog:...

Author: florinlazar Date: 02/07/2005

MSDN TV: Introducing System.Transactions in .NET Framework 2.0

Mike Clark from my team is "introducing System.Transactions in .NET Framework 2.0" in this MSDN TV...

Author: florinlazar Date: 02/06/2005
