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Weekly Roundup – 2/28/16

Weekly roundup on topics like powershell, DSC, Azure, Azure Stack, and System Center.

Why Nano Server is the future of the datacenter - https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/windowsserver/2016/02/10/exploring-nano-server-for-windows-server-2016/

Try out an early version of OpenSSH on Windows - https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/releases

Nesting Powershell DSC configurations from different files - https://serversquestions.com/sq/questions/view/161803

Real World Powershell DSC - https://blog.serverfault.com/2015/03/05/how-we-upgrade-a-live-data-center/

Configure a task to call a powershell script in VScode - https://abizy.com/p/view.html?url=https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35645842/how-do-i-configure-a-task-to-call-a-powershell-script-in-vscode

Improvements to Azure AD Connect - https://ow.ly/YCGXF

Staging Servers Must Die: Feature Flags & Devops - https://ow.ly/YCGXF

On-the-fly metric aggregation in OMS - https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/msoms/2016/02/26/on-demand-metric-aggregation-and-visualization-in-oms/

Challenges of adopting containers - https://hubs.ly/H02cz3c0

Automate your Development Workflow with Docker - https://bit.ly/1WIjepd

Using tags in Azure RM templates - https://ow.ly/YuauH

Azure Resource Manager Visualizer - https://armviz.io/