Leak Tracking with PowerShell
One of my holiday tasks was to learn some PowerShell. While reading/skimming through a book on the subject, I decided to create a quick script which would track memory utilization for a given application. In the past I've used a stand-alone application which would take a snapshot of all the processes and dump out the memory utilization, number of handles, etc. I would then call this application from a batch file periodically to generate a trend of the resource usage. This was an indispensible tool for tracking memory leaks etc., but required some post processing to filter out only the application I cared about. Using PowerShell I was able to whip up a quick script which gave me much the same information without having multiple processing stages.
# MemSnapGetHeader - returns the header string.
function MemSnapGetHeader([string] $procName = "*")
$time = get-date
$header = "MemSnap Report`n"
$header += "`nStart Time: "
$header += $time.DateTime
$header += "`nProcess: "
$header += $procName
$header += "`n`nTime (s), Threads, Handles, Working Set, Total CPU (s)"
return $header
# MemSnapGetLine - returns the current comma delimited stats for the
# given application name.
function MemSnapGetLine([string] $procName)
$procInfo = get-process $procName
# if we get back more than one, just grab the first one
if($procInfo.length -ge 2)
$procInfo = $procInfo[0]
# build the stats string
$ret = "" + $procInfo.Threads.Count
$ret += ", " + $procInfo.Handles
$ret += ", " + $procInfo.WS
$ret += ", " + $procInfo.CPU
return $ret
# MemSnap - this function is the main processing loop which will gather
# the application stats.
# hit Ctrl-C to break out of the loop
function MemSnap([string] $procName = "*", [int] $delay = 10)
$time = 0
$header = MemSnapGetHeader $procName
$line = "" + $time + ", "
$line += MemSnapGetLine $procName
# echo out the current stats
sleep $delay
$time += $delay
To run it, first we load the script file, and then we call the monitoring function with the application to track:
> . C:\memsnap.ps1
> MemSnap "explorer"
You may need to set script execution permissions if you haven't already:
> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
As this was my very first PowerShell script, comments about inefficiencies, best practices, etc. are more than welcome...
- Anonymous
January 07, 2008
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