Forefront TMG 2010 @ Home - Multiple ISPs with DHCP
The Forefront Threat Management Gateway is an excellent solution for edge security - however working with the Gateway at home is a bit more of a challenge. At home I have both DSL & Cable so using TMG enables me to load balance internet traffic across both.
But here's the problem - the ISP Redundancy feature within TMG required a static IP address and DNS entries. Most residential/mass markets ISPs make it very challenging to get a static IP address now.
So here's a handy script to update your ISP redundancy gateway settings if you're using multiple ISPs providing DHCP addressing. In this example I've named my external network adapters "DSL" & "Cable" for easy reference and set this script to as a scheduled task on the TMG server:
= new-object -comobject "FPC.Root"
= $root.GetContainingArray()
= $isaarray.networkconfiguration.networks
= $networks | ? {$_.Name -eq "External"}
= $External.IspRedundancyConfig
= $IspConfig.Isps
= $ISPs | ? {$_.Name -eq "Cable"}
= $ISPs | ? {$_.Name -eq "DSL"}
($Cable.GatewayIPAddress -ne ((netsh interface ip show address "Cable" | `
"Default Gateway") -replace '^[^\d]+'))
$Cable.GatewayIPAddress = (netsh interface ip show address "Cable" | `
select-string "Default Gateway") -replace '^[^\d]+'
($DSL.GatewayIPAddress -ne ((netsh interface ip show address "DSL" | `
"Default Gateway") -replace '^[^\d]+'))
$DSL.GatewayIPAddress = (netsh interface ip show address "DSL" | `
select-string "Default Gateway") -replace '^[^\d]+'