SMO Sample: Create and Start a Job
Purpose of sample: Create simple job and start the job after creation.
Server svr = new Server(instance);
JobServer agent = svr.JobServer;
if (agent.Jobs.Contains("New Smo Job"))
agent.Jobs["New Smo Job"].Drop();
Job j = new Job(agent, "New Smo Job");
JobStep js = new JobStep(j, "Step 1");
js.SubSystem = AgentSubSystem.TransactSql;
js.Command = "select 1";
Disclaimer: this sample doesn't handle exceptions and may not function as expected. Use at own risk. It is good practice to test an application before using it in production.
January 28, 2006
Thank you. You code was for me big simplify and it was propably only one I found. Once again thanks. I didn't know how to get to earlier created job in SQL and run it.Anonymous
November 25, 2007
ur blog was a lifesaver!!!was stuck with this problem for quite a while!!Anonymous
January 02, 2008
Hi, Your sample is so simple to understand. Can you please tell me how to start the jobs that are already created in sql server. And other thing is, The jobs is started already and it has failed in a particular step. In this situation how can I start the job from this particular step. Please help me in this scenerios. Thanks.Anonymous
February 29, 2008
Hi! Thanks for your script, but it's not work for me with error Start failed for Job 'New Smo Job' because in the job instance has not contained any steps... And it's work fine: Server sqlServer = new Server(strServerName); JobServer jobServer = sqlServer.JobServer; if (jobServer.Jobs.Contains("New Smo Job")) { jobServer.Jobs["New Smo Job"].Drop(); } Job j = new Job(jobServer, "New Smo Job"); j.Create(); JobStep js = new JobStep(j, "Step 1"); js.SubSystem = AgentSubSystem.TransactSql; js.Command = "select 1"; js.Create(); j.ApplyToTargetServer(sqlServer.Name); j.Start();Anonymous
May 15, 2008
I used your code to create a job but I add a shedule to start it frequently like this: public void CreateJob_Sql_Periodique(string JName, string dbName, string dName, travail t, DateTime Date, TimeSpan Heure, FrequencyTypes F, int i) { //création d'un job Job SQLJob = new Job(MonServeur.JobServer, JName); //pas besoin de connecter au serveur //MonServeur.ConnectionContext.Connect(); //définir les propriétés du job SQLJob.Description = "Chek And Back Up " + dbName; SQLJob.Category = "Database Maintenance"; SQLJob.UserData = t;// le nom de la base de donnée et le dossier de sauvegarde //créer le job sur le serveur Sql Agent SQLJob.Create(); //définir les jobsteps du Job JobStep aJobStep = new JobStep(SQLJob, "Step 1: Backup the Database"); //le type de la commande aJobStep.SubSystem = AgentSubSystem.TransactSql; //chaîne de caractère de la commande string sExt = "EXEC master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint '-S " + DataSource + " -U " + User + " -P " + Password + " -D " + dbName + " -CkDB -CkAl -CkCat -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpDB " + dName + " -BkExt BAK -DelBkUps 2weeks -BkUpOnlyIfClean -Rpt " + dName + @"" + "BackDB_Checks.txt'"; aJobStep.Command = sExt; aJobStep.OnSuccessAction = StepCompletionAction.QuitWithSuccess; aJobStep.OnFailAction = StepCompletionAction.QuitWithFailure; //créer le Jobstep aJobStep.Create(); //création d'une planification JobSchedule SQLSchedule = new JobSchedule(SQLJob, "BackupA_" + dbName); SQLSchedule.FrequencyTypes = F; if (F == FrequencyTypes.Daily) { SQLSchedule.FrequencySubDayTypes = FrequencySubDayTypes.Hour; SQLSchedule.FrequencySubDayInterval = 1; SQLSchedule.FrequencyInterval = i; } else if (F == FrequencyTypes.Weekly) { SQLSchedule.FrequencyInterval = 2; SQLSchedule.FrequencyRecurrenceFactor = i; } // pour hebdomadaire ou mensuel //SQLSchedule.FrequencyRecurrenceFactor = r; SQLSchedule.ActiveStartDate = Date; SQLSchedule.ActiveStartTimeOfDay = Heure; // this schedule has no end time or end date SQLSchedule.ActiveEndDate = new DateTime(9999, 12, 30); SQLSchedule.ActiveEndTimeOfDay = new TimeSpan(23, 59, 0); SQLJob.JobSchedules.Refresh(); SQLSchedule.Create(); //appliquer les modifications au serveur SQLJob.ApplyToTargetServer(DataSource); SQLJob.Refresh(); MessageBox.Show("Planification de sauvegarde crée avec succes"); MessageBox.Show(sExt); }