Looking for help documentation
There is a simple way to programmatically fetch help documentation for system functions based on what text is stored in the xpo-files.
If you run this:
static void getSystemDocumentation_Job(Args _args)
info(Web::stripHTML(TreeNode::findNode(@"\System Documentation\Functions\abs").AOTgetSource(), true, true));
then an infolog will appear:
Returns the absolute value of arg.
Abs(-100.0) returns the value '100.0'.
Abs(30.56) returns the value '30.56'.
static void Job_Examples_22885_1_abs(Args _args)
real r1;
real r2;
r1 = abs(-3.14);
r2 = abs(3.14);
if (r1 == r2)
print "abs of values are the same";
Unfortunately, special symbols like ‘>’ are converted to something like ‘<’, but still this is a way to understand what the kernel function does.