MsgboxViewer blog
Software performance, profiling, and design
Let’s talk about Developer Tools Things
I am working with Windows Intune group as an SDET. Had been with Microsoft since 2005. My areas of expertise are: Windows Intue, SQL Server, SQL Server Connectivity/protocols, ADO.NET, SSRS, SSIS. Follow me here: https://twitter.com/chmediko
This is where I log my learnings, hacks, surprises and frowns regarding .Net and associated technologies...
Development Challenges, Tips and Tricks while working on Office 365 Dev
My learnings while working with ASP.Net and IIS and other Microsoft technologies
Sven Gruenitz writes about OS and application pre-installation.
Windows workflow, azure, and developer's life in China
How-Tos, Thoughts and Experiences with Microsoft SharePoint !
Glenn Block - .NETFX
Another ALT.NET guy at Microsoft
The continuing story of a boy, his dog and their discovery of the world outside...of WDM.
Appunti, Documenti e Procedure per utilizzare al meglio i Microsoft Online Services - Salanitro Fulvio
Developing for Exchange, Graph, REST and Outlook APIs
Just another Technet site