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On My Way to Tech-Ed 2008

I'm a bit delirious here on the plane, but what better time to write? My ride to the airport this morning arrived at 4:30 AM and I've had hardly a moment's sleep. I'm a very good procrastinator, especially with things like packing for a trip. So, I was up until 1:00 AM doing just that. Then, when I tried to finally go to sleep, all I could do was think about Tech-Ed and my upcoming presentation on Friday. I think I drifted into a strange sort of dream/waking sleep for a few minutes, but otherwise, I'm running on empty right now. Hopefully the hotel beds are comfortable in Orlando.

I'll be at Tech-Ed all week and am pretty excited about it. I'll be working at the MSDN/TechNet booth in the Community area each day. Then, I will be giving a presentation on Friday during lunch. My presentation this year is titled "Web Widgets with ASP.Net - An Introduction to Rich, Interactive Syndication". I've got it pretty well down now, but still need to find a way to trim some of the time off. I only have a 45 minute slot, but could easily do an hour and a half on this topic. I've done well to pare it down the last couple times I've run through it, and am making sure to retain the most important points. If all goes well on Friday, I should have it down to 40 minutes, and leave 5 minutes at the end for questions.

I brought a small video camera with me this year. So, hopefully I'll get some good video of Tech-Ed and of my presentation as well. If so, I'll look to post it online as soon as possible. Additionally, I'll try to get a summary of my topic in print at some point.

Well, my eyes are hardly staying open and I'm hitting backspace more than actual characters at this point, so I'm gonna close it down for now. I'll write more once I'm in Orlando and rested up a bit. See ya there.