Check for existence of a hot fix / Service Pack with DCM Solution
How many times would you have wanted to check if a certain hot fix or a Service Pack is installed on a machine? Well it’s pretty simple to do with the DCM Solution Accelerator! This article shows you exactly how to do it.
Same three questions as before J…
- What is it that I want to do? Check for existence of a hot fix called KB12345.
- Where is the data for the hot fixes located? In WMI under the namespace root\cimv2 in the class Win32_QuickFixEngineering. Theproperty I need is hotfixID.
- What is by desired hot fix? KB12345
- Create a WMI data source and populate properties
Name: WMI DS
Namespace: root\cimv2
WMI Class Name: Win32_QuickFixEngineering
- Create a Setting and populate properties
Property: HotfixID
- Create a rule and populate properties
Rule Name: CheckHotfix
Rule Type: Active
Rule Query: exists('KB12345')
How to generate Query?
Click Build Rule Query. In the Functions dropdown, select Exists. In the Expression textbox, enter KB12345 and hit the Save Rule button.
Event Description: The hot fix KB12345 does not exist!
Event ID: 123
Severity: Error
This is how you would check for the existence of a hot fix or a service pack. I have included the sample manifest in this post!
However, please take care of the following:
1. If you create a rule using Exists function, you should not use the same data source / setting to create another rule. Please duplicate by creating another data source / setting if would like to create new rules.
2. This is more like a fyi... When you create an Exists function, the UI automatically appends a Where Clause to the WMI Data source. Please do not change it.