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It's a small world after all

I had two experiences this week that made me think "It's a small world after all."

The first was at PDC last week.  We set up a meeting with regional directors (RD's) interested in C#.  I arrived a little late, so I missed introductions.  During the our discussion, I recommended Effective C# to one of the RD's, only to find out that I was recommending the book to the author himself, Bill Wagner.  I was a little embarassed at the moment, but I take some solace in the fact that I said nice things about his book :-).

The second was in the KPL demo I blogged about earlier.  As part of the demo, they showed some code that a parent in the KPL community had written and contributed.  The demo'er said he didn't know who it was, where he/she lived, etc.  As it turned out, the contributor was in the room :-).  There were grins all around.
