다음을 통해 공유

New Position for Me

I recently switched from managing a large group (VB, VC#, VC++, and Phoenix product units) to working in a staff role for Jason Zander, who is managing a larger group that includes the product units I previously mentioned plus a number of others that Jason mentions in his post.  In my new role, I am working on planning for the next version (and beyond!) for VS Pro and below, which is essentially our traditional dev tools product, which consists of an IDE and a variety of languages, tools, and platform-specific tools.

We are very interested in getting your input for these future versions.  It's our aspiration to build software that developers love, and to do that we need your input.  Many of you have already done so by entering bugs and suggestions on Connect, and these are a great resource for us.  We will be combing through these as part of our planning.  An advantage of posting bugs and suggestions via Connect is that it is easier for us to follow up with you, and for you to check status.  But if blog comments or email work better for you, feel free to do that as well.  The important thing is that we hear from you so that we can build the best product possible.
