다음을 통해 공유

Replace Text within multiple Wikipages using PowerShell

 Script for Sharepoint 2010 Enterprise Wikis!

$logfile = "c:\logfile.txt"
$web = Get-SPWeb "https://intranet/wikiurl"
$list = $web.GetList(($web.ServerRelativeUrl.TrimEnd("/") + "/Wiki%20Pages"))

$search = "search_text"
$replace = "replace_test"

(get-date).ToString() + " >>> Script Startet >> Parameter: Search = " + $search + " | Replace = "+$replace   | add-content $logfile
(get-date).ToString() + " >>> Script Startet >> Parameter: Search = " + $search + " | Replace = "+$replace   | add-content $logfile
foreach ($item in $list.items)

if ($item["Page Content"].contains($search))


(get-date).ToString() + " >>> " +  $item.name + " checked out"   | add-content $logfile

do {write-host -NoNewline .;Start-Sleep -m 10;} while ($item.file.CheckOutStatus -eq "None")


$item["Page Content"] = $item["Page Content"].replace($search ,$replace );


(get-date).ToString() + " >>> " +  $item.name + " modified"   | add-content $logfile

(get-date).ToString() + " >>> " +  $search + " changed by " + $replace  | add-content $logfile

sleep 1

$item.file.CheckIn("checked in by administrator");

(get-date).ToString() + " >>> " +  $item.name + " checked in"   | add-content $logfile


write-host $item.name "modified" -foregroundcolor red





Script for migrated SharePoint 2007 Wikis to SP 2010!


["Page Content"] has been replaced by ["ows_WikiField"]




$logfile = "c:\logfile.txt"

$web = Get-SPWeb "https://intranet/wikiurl"

$list = $web.GetList(($web.ServerRelativeUrl.TrimEnd("/") + "/Wiki%20Pages"))


$search = "search_text"

$replace = "replace_test"



(get-date).ToString() + " >>> Script Startet >> Parameter: Search = " + $search + " | Replace = "+$replace   | add-content $logfile

(get-date).ToString() + " >>> Script Startet >> Parameter: Search = " + $search + " | Replace = "+$replace   | add-content $logfile

foreach ($item in $list.items)



 if ($item["ows_WikiField"].contains($search))



  (get-date).ToString() + " >>> " +  $item.name + " checked out"   | add-content $logfile

  do {write-host -NoNewline .;Start-Sleep -m 10;} while ($item.file.CheckOutStatus -eq "None")


  $item["ows_WikiField"] = $item["ows_WikiField"].replace($search ,$replace );


  (get-date).ToString() + " >>> " +  $item.name + " modified"   | add-content $logfile

  (get-date).ToString() + " >>> " +  $search + " changed by " + $replace  | add-content $logfile

  sleep 1

  $item.file.CheckIn("checked in by administrator");

  (get-date).ToString() + " >>> " +  $item.name + " checked in"   | add-content $logfile


  write-host $item.name "modified" -foregroundcolor red




  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    to run this script, you have to be a sharepoint farm admin.
    otherwhise you cannot run sharepoint specific powershell commands.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    For other readers, if you just want to search and replace on a single page, edit the page in a non-Internet Explorer browser. Copy the text of the page to a text editor. Do the search and replace in the text editor. Then paste the updated text back in to the browser and save.

  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2013
    Nice post ,thanks for sharing this information . <a href="www.raybiztech.com/Sharepoint-Portal-Solutions.html">Sharepoint Developers</a>

  • Anonymous
    August 06, 2014
    Hi Thomas, script looks awesome but I'm having trouble referencing Get-SPWeb. Where can I get the PowerShell CmdLet Get-SPWeb? I'm not the SharePoint administrator, I just a user of our corporate SharePoint.

  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2015
    this is great to just change text on the page!
    What I really need, is to change the url of a link on a wiki page.

  • Anonymous
    March 18, 2015
    I was trying to update the links in SharePoint 2013 within the wiki pages changing it from /some/old/location/wikipage.aspx to just wikipage.aspx. Everything works until the Update. For some reason, item.Update() removes the href in a link after it runs.
    I really don't know why this happens and I've found nothing referencing that online.

  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2015
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 23, 2015
    The script looks good, but I keep getting below error ...

    You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
    At C:UsersSPSFarmAdminDesktopfindNReplace.ps1:25 char:7
    + if ($item["Page Content"].contains($search))
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

    You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
    At C:UsersSPSFarmAdminDesktopfindNReplace.ps1:25 char:7
    + if ($item["Page Content"].contains($search))
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

  • Anonymous
    November 12, 2015
    For SharePoint 2013 Enterprise WIki, use $item["Wiki Content"] instead of "Page Content". It works great! Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    September 07, 2017
    Ольга добрый день!Мне интересно цены на еду Если сам готовишь? И алкоголь на острове панглао