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Troubleshoot Connectivity Issue in SQL Server 2005 - Part II

Please visit https://blogs.msdn.com/sql_protocols/archive/2005/10/22/483684.aspx for troubleshooting connection problems when SNAC(SQL Native Client) connect to SQL Server 2005.

Part II – Connection Fail when MDAC connects to SQL Server 2005


Use osql.exe to simulate the connection string in your application and quick troubleshoot if your application uses ODBC provider and use Query Analyzer (isqlw.exe) in SQL Server 2000 for OLEDB provider. Usually, they are located under %SYSTEMDRIVE%Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80toolsbinn.


How to distinguish your application is using MDAC client or SNAC client:

1) From connection string, especially follow blue part:



DRIVER= {SQL Server}; SERVER=xx; Trusted_connection=yes; Connect Timeout=30



Provider= SQLOLEDB; Data Source=xx; Integrated Security=SSPI;Connect Timeout=30



DRIVER= {SQL Native Client}; SERVER=xx; Trusted_connection=yes; Connect Timeout=30



Provider=SQLNCLI; Data Source=xx; Integrated Security=SSPI; Connect Timeout=30


2) From error message:

Osql /Sxxx /E ß “xxx” is an unknown server


Result of using MDAC client:


[DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

[DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).


[DBNETLIB]Specified SQL server not found.


Result of using SNAC client:


Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53]

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.


Basic connection string:          osql(sqlcmd) /S[prefix]<servername> /E

                                                osql(sqlcmd) /S[prefix]<servername><Instance> /E


Before start troubleshooting, another important thing is to identify MDAC version on your client box.


Step 1: Browse to the following Microsoft Web Site to know about MDAC release version.


Step 2: Browse to the following Microsoft Web Site to download the tool that help you check the MDAC version on your client box.



However, MDAC does not provide so many visible error messages like SNAC, which makes it more difficult to troubleshoot connection problems when using MDAC connect against Yukon. Most likely, any of the follow three errors you would see in any case. Therefore, I will give tips for troubleshooting not based on the messages, but, on various Protocols Setting in SQL Server 2005.


Message 1:

[DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. 


Message 2:

[DBNETLIB]Specified SQL server not found.


Message 3:

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (PreLoginHandshake()).]General network error. Check your network documentation.


Before further troubleshooting, you need to know what is the current protocol setting on the server box, and make sure server is running and sqlbrowser service is running, two ways to check.


1) Go to SSCM( SQL Server Configuration Manager ), click “protocols for  <Instance>”, you can see the status of each protocol that server support.

2) Look at server ERRORLOG file.


- Key words indicates server shared memory is enabled -

“Server local connection provider is ready to accept connection on [\.pipeSQLLocalMSSQLSERVER]” or [ \.pipeSQLLocal<InstanceName>]


- Key words indicates server named pipe is enabled -

Server local connection provider is ready to accept connection on [ \.pipeMSSQL$<InstanceName>sqlquery ] or [ \.pipesqlquery ]

Note: you may also see these key words even when only shared memory is enabled. To make sure server remote named pipe is enabled, you need to do one more thing, test connection through named pipe. “osql /S\<machinename>pipesqlquery /E” or

“osql /S\<machinename>pipeMSSQL$<InstanceName>sqlquery /E” only when the connection succeeds that means server is listening on name pipe.


- Key words indicates server TCP/IP is enabled –

Server is listening on ['any' <ipv4> <Port Number>] or

[ <ipaddress> <ipv4> <Port Number>].

First one is when enabling server “ListenonAllIPs”, and second one is when server listening on individual IP. To further verify, you can test whether sql server is listening on the exact port using "netstat -ano| findstr <PortNumber>".



Thereby, the following troubleshooting tips would be based on which protocol was enabled. When you came across connection failure, please first identify what is the current protocol configuration on your server box.


Note: only when I explicitly point out named instance, otherwise, all cases apply to both default instance and named instance. And, normally, there are three parts in “Server” or “DataSource” field in the connection string. [<Prefix>]<Server>[<InstanceName>], in the server part, it could be any of those:

  1. “.”
  2. “(local)”
  3. “localhost”
  4. <machinename>
  5. “”
  6. FQDN(Server Fully Qualified Domain Name)
  7. <IpAddress>


Assumption: Follow situation are mainly cover MDAC 2.8/2.81/2.82 client connects against Yukon RTM on Windows 2000/Windows 2003/Windwos XP.


Case 1 – Only shared memory was enabled:


Go through follow reason list:


1) You might specify “tcp:” in your connection string, however, TCP was disabled, to resolve this, remove the prefix.


2) You might specify ”np:” in your connection string, plus, specify localhost or FQDN or “” or <ServerIP> in the server part in Server or DataSource field in your connection string, to resolve this, either enable name pipe or specify <machinename> as Server part.


3) You might specify localhost or FQDN or “” or <ServerIP>, to resolve this specify <machinename> as Server part.


4) You might specify “lpc:” in your connection string, plus, specify localhost or FQDN or “” or <ServerIP> in the server part in Server or DataSource field in your connection string, to resolve this, specify <machinename>  instead as Server part.


5) You might first, use OLEDB provider; secondly, connect to local default instance through "." or "(local)", to resolve this, replace the server part as <machinename>.


Case 2 – Shared Memory and TCP/IP was enabled, but Named Pipe was disabled.


Go through follow reason list:


1) You might specify ”np:” in your connection string, plus, specify  localhost or FQDN or “” or <ServerIP> in the server part in Server or DataSource field in your connection string, to resolve this, either enable name pipe or specify <machinename> as Server part.

2) You might specify “lpc:” in your connection string, plus, specify in the server part in Server or DataSource field in your connection string. To resolve this, replace to <machinename>.


Case 3 - Shared Memory and Named Pipe was enabled, but TCP/IP was disabled.


Go through follow reason list:


1) You might specify “tcp:” in your connection string, however, TCP was disabled, to resolve this, remove the prefix.

2) You might first, use OLEDB provider; secondly, connect to local default instance through "." or "(local)", to resolve this, replace the server part as <machinename>.


Case 4 – Only Named Pipe was enabled.


Go through follow reason list:


1) You might specify “tcp:” in your connection string, however, TCP was disabled, to resolve this, remove the prefix.

2) You might first, use OLEDB provider; secondly, connect to local default instance through "." or "(local)", to resolve this, replace the server part as <machinename>.


Case 5 – Only TCP was enabled.


Go through follow reason list:

1) You might specify “np:” prefix in your connection string, Named Pipe was disabled. To resolve this, remove the prefix.


Case 6 – Only Shared Memory was disabled.

Case 7 – All protocols are enabled.


All connection in Case 6 and Case 7 should succeeds unless some special cases.


Special Cases:


Case 1: localhost


Windows 2000 and Windows XP do not recognize “localhost” as a representative of local machine in pipe name. In another word, you can not connect  to default instance through explicit pipe \localhostpipesqlquery( eg, you connection string like "Data Source = \localhostpipesqlquery; Integrated Security = SSPI" or "osql /S\localhostpipesqlquery /E") on Win2k and WinXP when remote name pipe was enabled.


Case 2: Connect to local named instance


If you can not identify cause for connection fail when use MDAC connecting to local  named instance, there are two other possible reasons:

1) Your application was running under an account that has no permission to the registry entry where MDAC client reads (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server<InstanceName>MSSQLServer).

2) SQL Browser service was not enabled or running.


Case 3: Remote Connection


Whenever remote connection fail and you saw any of above error messages, you should first check whether remote named pipe or tcp was enabled or sqlbrowser service was enabled and running. Please see “SQL Server 2005 Connectivity Issue TroubleShoot –Part I” for more detail info.


Case 4: Blank


If you use ODBC driver and leave the server part as blank when connecting to local default instance, connection would fail. Please explicitly specify server name whenever make connection. The error message when connection fail usually is “[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Neither DSN nor SERVER keyword supplied ”.


Case 5: "." or "(local)"


To emphasize this, if you use MDAC OLEDB, you can not connect to local default instance through "." or "(local)" whenever TCP was disabled on the Server. To resolve this, please use <machinename> instead.




When you discover any connection fail through MDAC client to SQL Server 2005, please first make sure server is accessible and SQL instance is running; secondly, identify which protocol is enabled; finally, go through above scenarios to track the root cause.


Ming Lu SQL Server Protocols

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