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STO Support Test Blog - TechNet Testing

This is the Scratch Pad for the VSCS T1 Community Apps Team.



Author: Varsha G Date: 07/21/2016



Author: Varsha G Date: 07/19/2016


Author: msdn technet service delivery team Date: 11/25/2015

testing blogs

testing blogs

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 10/06/2015

testing blogs

testing blogs

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 10/02/2015

testing blogs

testing blogs

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 10/02/2015

Testing delayed posting

Testing delayed posting

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 09/23/2015

Test 2


Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 08/27/2015

Test 2

test duplicate title

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 08/27/2015

Test 2


Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 08/19/2015


Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 07/30/2015

Testing migration to Wordpress

Testing.... :)

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 05/08/2015



Author: Pravalika Reddy Date: 04/27/2015

Testing to check activity

Testing to check whether it reflects in activity list.... :)

Author: Pravalika Reddy Date: 04/27/2015

Testing intermittent issues with Image upload.

Testing intermittent issues with Image upload. Second one trying with Gif image

Author: Vinod Ramakrishna Date: 04/10/2015

Testing image upload

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 04/01/2015

Testing with tags

Testing tags

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 03/21/2015

Test for cross posting

Cross posting

Author: Vinod Ramakrishna Date: 02/02/2015

Test for cross posting

Cross posting test

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 01/30/2015

MY test blog

Testing uploading of images through Word 2013

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 01/08/2015

Test to check the draft options

Test to check the draft options when I"m in draft mode I'm not able to see the options...

Author: Vinod Ramakrishna Date: 01/06/2015


Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 01/02/2015

Test to post an embedded video

Test embedded Markup

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 12/12/2014

Test to check whether system is able to identify the user profile

Hi Please leave a test comment here

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 12/12/2014

video test

(Please visit the site to view this video)

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 10/30/2014

Support Test for Writer

This is just a writer permission test. Thank you.

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 05/30/2014

Test pic upload from web pic via Word 2013

Insert a pic from web pic

Author: Mike Wang (MSCS) Date: 05/28/2014

Test pic upload from local computer via Word 2013

Insert a pic from local computer

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 05/28/2014

Test pic upload from local computer via Word 2013

Insert a pic from local computer

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 05/28/2014

Test 5 55

Author: Davy Dai Date: 05/28/2014

Test 4 test

Here is an example in a graphical view to quickly get familiar with different SharePoint...

Author: Davy Dai Date: 05/28/2014

A different Test.

Hi this is a different test. Test link here. Putting stuff here[ ] thanks.

Author: Launchpad Date: 05/28/2014

Test msdn post image via Word 2013

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 05/28/2014

test test4

Author: Davy Dai Date: 05/26/2014

test post for msdn blog profile issues

test post for msdn blog profile issues

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 05/21/2014

5/13 test for images

‘Insert picture’ allows bulk upload of images in WLW:

Author: Tory Deng Date: 04/29/2014

this is a delayed write post.

Hi all, This is a delayed post by using publication settings. This is only a test.

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 04/25/2014

This is a test post. Author may be changed

this is a test. Just a test of the blogging from WLW test.

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 04/21/2014

Test post with pictures from Word

AD FS service in Windows 2012 R2 provides simplified, secured claims based identity federation and...

Author: Launchpad Date: 04/17/2014

test url redirect widget

test url redirect widget

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 04/17/2014

Configuration Manager Support for App-V 5.0 SP2

It has recently been announced that Configuration Manager now supports App-V 5.0 SP2 with either of...

Author: Anonymous Date: 04/08/2014

CoW and its Exclusions in App-V 5.0

CoW stands for Copy on Write and it’s a concept discussed in depth in our App-V 5 SP2 Application...

Author: Anonymous Date: 04/01/2014

Testing Alt-Text for pictures

this is a test.

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 03/27/2014

Adam Test for

This step will apply the Prestaged Media to the OS partition and will take a few minutes to...

Author: Launchpad Date: 03/26/2014

App-V 5.0 and Your PowerShell Profile

As we all know App-V 5.0 is all about PowerShell and if you’re anything like me you’re always...

Author: Anonymous Date: 03/18/2014

test post from Jiangnan Du

this is my test post. Thanks Test: Adding line from Tory

Author: Jiangnan Du Date: 03/16/2014

App-V 5.0 Capacity Planning Highlights

As announced last week, we recently published a great article on TechNet covering App-V 5.0 Capacity...

Author: Anonymous Date: 03/04/2014

App-V 5.0 Capacity Planning Article Now Published

Info around how to plan out and size App-V 5.0 Server Infrastructure has been a hot ask, we recently...

Author: Anonymous Date: 02/27/2014

Another test.

Yes, this is just a test. LINK

Author: Shakti Prasad Mishra Date: 02/14/2014
