You may receive Msi API Error 80004005 when running update syntax on a msi table using WiRunSQL.vbs script.
When you are referring to , and browsing through the examples, you may find that while rest of the commands works as mentioned in the msdn link, the update command throws an error at times
C:\>Cscript WiRunSQL.vbs Test.msi "UPDATE `Error` SET `Error`.`Message`='Testing' WHERE `Error`.`Error`='1322'"
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Msi API Error 80004005: OpenView,Sql
1: 2232 2: B.msi 3: 1322 4: UPDATE `Error` SET `Error`.`Message`= 'Testing' WHERE `Error`.`Error`='1322'
Check the columns that you are updating. If the column you are updating is a primary key, it will fail with the above error.
To resolve the above issue you need to specify MSIMODIFY_REPLACE value 4. From the msdn documentation: it Updates or deletes and inserts a record into a table. Must first call **MsiViewFetch** with the same record. Updates record if the primary keys are unchanged. **Deletes old row and inserts new if primary keys have changed**. Fails with a read-only database. This mode cannot be used with a view containing joins.
The above update syntax is trying to update the changes in the table directly because of which it fails. In the script below we are fetching the record making the necessary changes and then adding the record back to the table.
Find the script code below
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeDirect = 2
Dim sPathToMSI, sNewVersion, retVal, objWI, objDB, objView, objRecord
WScript.Echo "Specify Select statement: "
sQuery = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
If sQuery="" Then
End IF
WScript.Echo "Specify Column Value: "
sNewVersion = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
If sNewVersion="" Then
End IF
Sub Main
Dim objArgs, ArgCount, cArgument, objFS, sArgument
retVal = 1
'Get the command line parameters.
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
ArgCount = objArgs.Count
If ArgCount = 0 Then
End If
sPathToMSI = CStr(WScript.Arguments(0))
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not objFS.FileExists(sPathToMSI) Then
Fail "File: '" & sPathToMSI & "' doesn't exist!"
End If
Set objWI = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set objDB = objWI.OpenDatabase(sPathToMSI, msiOpenDatabaseModeDirect)
Set objView = objDB.OpenView(sQuery)
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch
If Not objRecord Is Nothing Then
sOldVersion = objRecord.StringData(1)
objRecord.StringData(1) = sNewVersion
objView.Modify MSIMODIFY_REPLACE, objRecord
Fail "No Matching Records found"
End If
WScript.Quit retVal
End Sub
Sub CheckError
Dim message, errRec
If Err = 0 Then Exit Sub End If
message = Err.Source & " " & Hex(Err) & ": " & Err.Description
If Not objWI Is Nothing Then
Set errRec = objWI.LastErrorRecord
If Not errRec Is Nothing Then message = message & vbLf & errRec.FormatText
End If
Fail message
End Sub
Sub Fail(message)
WScript.Echo message
WScript.Quit 2
End Sub
Content by : Saurav Basu
- Anonymous
December 03, 2015
The comment has been removed