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Virtual Machine Manager Error Codes (2500-2999)

Links to other error code pages can be found on the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2 Error Codes page.

To find a specific error message in this table, type Ctrl-F and enter the error code. If you have additional information about how to fix an error, add it to the "Additional Troubleshooting Information" column.

Code Message Recommended Action (in product) Additional Troubleshooting Information
2600 Unable to connect to the database because of a fatal database error. It is unlikely that the database itself has been damaged. Review the event log and take appropriate action. Ensure that SQL Server is running.
2601 Unable to connect to the VMM database. Ensure that the SQL Server is running and configured correctly.
2602 Database integrity is in question because of a hardware or software problem. Contact an experienced SQL administrator whenever this error occurs. Look at Windows Event Log for troubleshooting. Run DBCC CHECKDB to determine the extent of the damage. It is possible that the problem is in the cache only and not on the disk itself. If so, restarting SQL Server corrects the problem. Otherwise, use DBCC to repair the problem. In some cases, it may be necessary to restore the VMM database.
2603 Unable to connect to the VMM database because the database is in an inconsistent state. Contact an experienced SQL administrator whenever this error occurs. In some cases, it may be necessary to restore the VMM database. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Help and Support.
2604 Database operation failed. Ensure that the SQL Server is running and configured correctly, and try the operation again.
2605 Unable to connect to the VMM database because of a general database failure. Ensure that the SQL Server is running and configured correctly, then try the operation again.
2606 Unable to perform the job because one or more of the selected objects are locked by another job. To find out which job is locking the object, in the Jobs view, group by Status, and find the running or canceling job for the object. When the job is complete, try again.
2607 The SQL Server service account does not have permission to access Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). Ensure that the SQL Server service is running under a domain account or a computer account that has permission to access AD DS. For more information, see "Some applications and APIs require access to authorization information on account objects" in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=121054.
2801 Operation timed out on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2802 Virtualization host is out of resources on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2803 Too many virtual machines started on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2804 The virtual machine must be running for this operation to take place on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2805 Could not find the specified virtual machine on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2806 A virtual machine could not be started because its resource allocation exceeds the amount of host resources available on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2807 The operation could not be done because the virtualization service is shutting down on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2808 A script is already attached to this event on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2809 Preference was not found on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2810 Illegal preference value was specified on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2811 Preference cannot be changed for a running or saved virtual machine on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2812 Preference change was successful but will not take effect until the next time the virtual machine is started on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2813 The activation dictionary could not be loaded. This can be caused by a corrupted or missing saved state file. BLANK
2814 The virtual machine's saved state is not compatible with this version of Virtualization Service on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2815 The virtual machine's saved state could not be accessed because the user has insufficient access rights on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2816 A virtual machine name was not specified on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2817 The name of the virtual machine is too long. The length of the name cannot be more than 256 characters. BLANK
2818 The virtual machine name contains a character that is not allowed (*?:<>/|\"). Specify a valid virtual machine name.
2819 A virtual machine with this name already exists on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2820 Operation cannot be performed on a running virtual machine on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2821 Attempt to restore a virtual machine with no saved state on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2822 The drive specified on the %ServerName; host server on the %ServerName; server is not valid. BLANK
2823 Attempt to attach a drive to a bus location that is already in use on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2824 Additions are not installed in this virtual machine, or the virtual machine has never been started on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2825 Additions feature is not available; either Additions are not installed or the feature has been disabled on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2826 The specified folder is not being shared by the Additions on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2827 Cannot execute a command in the guest because the virtual machine is paused on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2828 Attempt to unmount the media present in virtual machine DVD drive failed on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2829 Could not capture floppy drive image on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2830 Could not capture host floppy drive on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2831 Could not capture floppy drive image on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2832 The differencing drive parent path on the %ServerName; server is not valid. BLANK
2833 Attempt to create a file larger than what the host volume supports on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2834 The file cannot be read-only on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2835 The hard drive image type cannot be used for this operation on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2836 The hard drive image could not be opened on the %ServerName; host server. Ensure that the file still exists and is not in use by any other applications. BLANK
2837 The host drive linked to by this virtual hard disk image cannot be found on the %ServerName; server. Ensure that the host drive for this virtual hard disk image still exists. BLANK
2838 An unknown error occurred attempting to access a virtual hard disk image %FileName; on the %ServerName; server. Ensure the file %FileName; is actually a virtual hard disk image.
2839 The virtual hard disk image %FileName; is not valid on the %ServerName; server. Ensure that the file has the ".vhd" virtual hard disk image extension and that the file is actually a virtual hard disk image. If you are attaching it to an IDE bus, the maximum disk size is 127GB.
2840 A virtual hard disk image size cannot be larger than 2,088,960 MB. A FAT16 virtual hard disk image size cannot be greater than 2,000 MB on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2841 An unformatted virtual hard disk image size must be at least 3 MB. A FAT16 virtual hard disk image size must be at least 3 MB. A FAT32 virtual hard disk image size must be at least 514 MB on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2842 A differencing drive must be linked to the parent it was created with. If the parent virtual hard disk image was replaced, it could lead to the child pointing at the wrong virtual hard disk image. BLANK
2843 Host Ethernet adapter does not exist on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2844 A duplicate virtual network name was specified on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2845 A virtual network with the given ID could not be found on the %ServerName; server. This virtual network might be required as part of another object. Ensure that the virtual network has not been removed or deleted, and then try the operation again.
2846 A virtual NIC Ethernet address cannot be set if the NIC has a dynamic Ethernet address on the %ServerName; server. To set the Ethernet address, first set the Ethernet dynamic address property to false. BLANK
2847 The IP address string is not formed correctly on the %ServerName; server. A properly formed IP address follows the pattern "X.X.X.X", where 0 <= X <= 255. BLANK
2848 The IP address string must be a class A, class B, or class C address on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2849 The network mask is not valid for the class of network address on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2850 The starting IP address is not in a valid range on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2851 The ending IP address is not in a valid range on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2852 The starting IP address must be less than the ending IP address on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2853 The Ethernet address for a network interface can either be generated dynamically by virtual server or can be set to a static address by the user. This function cannot be called when the address is set to be generated dynamically. BLANK
2854 Access to the requested drive failed because the drive is already in use on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2855 The media that is currently captured by this drive does not match the type that is required for the requested operation on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2856 No license is available on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2857 The license installed on the %ServerName; host server is not valid. BLANK
2858 The license key on the %ServerName; host server is not valid. BLANK
2859 The license value on the %ServerName; host server is not valid. BLANK
2860 Current limit on active virtual machines has been reached on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2861 Current limit on host memory has been reached on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2862 Current limit on virtual machine memory has been reached on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2863 Attempt to invoke trial license routines on a license that is not a trial license on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2864 The trial license installed either has not yet started or is already finished on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2865 The mouse device has not been powered up in the guest on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2866 The mouse device is currently set to use absolute mouse coordinates on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2867 The mouse device is currently set to use relative mouse coordinates on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2868 Failed to set or release exclusive mode as requested on the %ServerName; server. This could be because the virtual machine is no longer running, or because another process has already acquired exclusive mode on the virtual machine's keyboard device. BLANK
2869 Failed to find the video device for a virtual machine on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2870 An attempt was made to add a duplicate user or group to a security object on the %ServerName; server. BLANK
2871 The value provided for the MAC address is not valid or is an incorrectly formatted address for the VM %VMName; on the %ServerName; server. Enter a valid unicast MAC address in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.
2890 VMM cannot complete the Virtual Server operation on the %ServerName; server. Check the Windows Event Log on the %ServerName; server to determine the cause of the error and make corrections. Then try the operation again.
2891 VMM cannot complete the Virtual Server operation on the %ServerName; server because of the error: %VMAsyncTaskErrorMessage; Resolve the issue in Virtual Server and then try the operation again.
2900 An internal error has occurred. Restart the agent on the machine %ServerName;, and then try the operation again.
2901 The operation did not complete successfully because of a parameter or call sequence that is not valid. Ensure that the parameters are valid, and then try the operation again.
2902 There is not enough space on the disk to create %FileName; on the %ServerName; server. Create additional disk space on the volume containing %FileName;, and then try the operation again.
2903 VMM could not locate the specified file %FileName; on the %ServerName; server. This file might be required as part of another object. Ensure that you have specified a valid path parameter, and that all necessary files are present. Try the operation again.
2904 VMM could not find the specified path %FileName; on the %ServerName; server. Ensure that you have specified a valid file name parameter, and then try the operation again.
2905 The file name, folder name, or volume label syntax %FileName; is incorrect on the %ServerName; server. Ensure that the path name does not contain the characters (\ / : * ? " < > | ), and then try the operation again.
2906 The specified path %FileName; is not valid on the %ServerName; server. Ensure that you have specified a valid path, and then try the operation again.
2907 The file name of file %FileName; exceeds the maximum path length of 260 characters on %ServerName;. Specify a valid path, and then try the operation again.
2908 The file %FileName; cannot be accessed because it is in use by another process on the %ServerName; server. Wait until the other process is completed, and then try the operation again.
2909 VMM cannot create the file %FileName; because the file name already exists on the %ServerName; server. Specify a unique file name, and then try the operation again.
2910 VMM does not have appropriate permissions to access the resource %FileName; on the %ServerName; server. Ensure that Virtual Machine Manager has the appropriate rights to perform this action.
2911 Insufficient resources are available to complete this operation on the %ServerName; server. Ensure that the virtual machine host has sufficient memory and disk space to perform this action. Try the operation again.
2912 An internal error has occurred trying to contact an agent on the %ServerName; server. Ensure the agent is installed and running. Ensure the WS-Management service is installed and running, then restart the agent.
2913 A generic Virtual Server exception has occurred on the %ServerName; server. Try the operation again.
2914 The connection to the %ServerName; server cannot be established. Ensure the server is up and running along with the virtualization service.
2915 The WS-Management service cannot process the request. Object not found on the %ServerName; server. Ensure that the agent is installed and running. If the error persists, reboot %ServerName; and then try the operation again.
2916 VMM is unable to complete the request. The connection to the agent %ServerName; was lost. Ensure that the WS-Management service and the agent are installed and running and that a firewall is not blocking HTTP traffic. If the error persists, reboot %ServerName; and then try the operation again.
2917 Virtual Machine Manager cannot process the request because an error occurred while authenticating %ServerName;. Possible causes are:\n1) The specified user name or password are not valid.\n2) The Service Principal Name (SPN) for the remote computer name and port does not exist.\n3) The client and remote computers are in different domains and there is not a two-way full trust between the two domains. Log in by using an account on the same domain as the VMM server, or by using an account on a domain that has a two-way full trust with the domain of the VMM server, and then try the operation again. If this does not work, purge the Kerberos tickets on the VMM server by using kerbtray.exe, available at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=93709. Then, reset the SPN for %ServerName; by using setspn.exe available from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=93710. If this still does not fix the problem, make %ServerName; a member of a workgroup instead of a domain, restart the computer, rejoin the domain, and then try the operation again.
2918 The folder name %FileName; is not valid on the %ServerName; server. Ensure that %FileName; is a valid folder name, and then try the operation again.
2919 The destination file %FileName; already exists or the destination device is not ready on the %ServerName; server. Ensure that you have specified a valid path, delete the file if it exists, and then try the operation again.
2920 An I/O error occurred while opening the file %FileName; on the %ServerName; server. Ensure that you have specified a valid path, delete the file if it exists, and then try the operation again.
2921 VMM cannot complete the operation on the file %FileName; on the %ServerName; server. One of the following system errors occurred: a file is read-only, the specified path is a directory, or Virtual Machine Manager does not have the required permissions. Ensure that the path is valid and VMM has the appropriate rights to perform this action.
2922 VMM is unable to create a temporary file on the %ServerName; server. A unique temporary file name is not available. Ensure that the system has enough resources and the appropriate rights to proceed, and then try the operation again.
2923 A malformed response was received while trying to contact the VMM agent on %ServerName;. 1) Ensure the VMM agent is installed and that the VMMAgent service is running.\n2) If the VMMAgent service is running, restart the service, and then verify that WS-Management is installed correctly and that the WinRM service is running.\n3) Check the manufacturers’ Web sites to ensure that you have the latest drivers for your network adapters and other devices.
2924 Unable to complete the request. Operation on the %ServerName; server timed out. Try the operation again.
2925 The device used to access the specified path %FileName; is not ready on the %ServerName; server. Insert the appropriate media into the available device or specify a different path, and then try the operation again.
2926 Logon failure. Unknown user name or bad password on the %ServerName; server. Set a valid username and password and try the operation again.
2927 A Hardware Management error has occurred trying to contact server %ServerName;. Check that WinRM is installed and running on server %ServerName;. For more information use the command "winrm helpmsg hresult".
2928 The specified logon credentials are not valid on the %ServerName; server. Set a valid domain username and password and try the operation again.
2929 VMM could not resolve the specified file %FileName; on the %ServerName; server. Ensure that you have specified a valid file name, then try the operation again.
2930 The network path %FileName; was not found on the %ServerName; server. Ensure that the share name provided is valid and then try the operation again.
2940 VMM is unable to complete the requested file transfer. The connection to the HTTP server %BITSServerName; could not be established. Ensure that the HTTP service and/or the agent on the machine %BITSServerName; are installed and running and that a firewall is not blocking HTTPS traffic.
2941 VMM is unable to complete the request. The connection to the agent on machine %ServerName; has been lost. Ensure that the WS-Management service and the agent are installed and running and that a firewall is not blocking HTTP traffic.
2942 VMM is unable to complete the requested file transfer. The HTTP server %BITSServerName; returned access denied. Ensure that the HTTP service and/or the agent on the machine %BITSServerName; are installed and running.
2943 VMM is unable to complete the requested operation because there are no logon servers available. Ensure that the domain controller is up and running and that you have access to it.
2944 VMM is unable to complete the requested operation because the server name %ServerName; could not be resolved. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
2945 Unable to connect to the Virtual Server service on the server %ServerName;. Ensure that the Virtual Server service and the Virtual Machine Manager Agent are installed and running on the server %ServerName;.
2946 A malformed response was received trying to contact server %ServerName; (%DetailedErrorMessage;). Ensure that the communication is set up properly.
2947 Virtual Machine Manager cannot complete the VirtualCenter action on the server %ServerName; because of the following error: %DetailedErrorMessage;. Resolve the issue and then try the operation again.
2948 Virtual Machine Manager cannot complete the VirtualCenter action on server %ServerName; because of the following error: %DetailedErrorMessage; (%Value;). This error occurs when the key, name, or identifier for the element that you are trying to add already exists for an element in the collection. Provide unique values for those parameters and then try the operation again.
2949 Virtual Machine Manager cannot complete the VirtualCenter action on server %ServerName; because of the following error: %DetailedErrorMessage; (%Value;). This error occurs when a function contains an invalid argument. Resolve the issue and then try the operation again.
2950 Virtual Machine Manager cannot complete the VirtualCenter action on server %ServerName; because of the following error: %DetailedErrorMessage;. This error occurs when a referenced component of a managed object - either a data object type (such as a role or permission) or a primitive (such as a string) - cannot be found. Resolve the issue and then try the operation again.
2951 Virtual Machine Manager cannot complete the VirtualCenter action on server %ServerName; because of the following error: %DetailedErrorMessage; (%Value;). This error occurs when an operation is denied access because of insufficient privileges on a managed object. Resolve the issue and then try the operation again.
2952 %FileName; cannot be created on server %ServerName; because the target volume is not set to "Available for placement." Specify a different target volume or set the target volume to "Available for placement" and then try the operation again.
2953 VMware ESX Server host %ServerName; is not in the same VirtualCenter as host %VMHostName;. Specify a different server and then try the operation again.
2971 The virtual machine %VMName; can not be started because the run under credentials are not valid on the %ServerName; server. Set the run under credentials for %VMName; to valid credentials and try the operation again.
2972 The credentials supplied for the virtual machine to run under are not valid. Enter a valid account and password, and then try the operation again.