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Virtual Machine Manager Error Codes (13500-20000)

Links to other error code pages can be found on the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2 Error Codes page.

To find a specific error message in this table, type Ctrl-F and enter the error code. If you have additional information about how to fix an error, add it to the "Additional Troubleshooting Information" column.

Code Message Recommended Action (in product) Additional Troubleshooting Information
13600 The network location override flag must be set when specifying a network location. Specify the OverrideNetworkLocation flag and then try the operation again.
13601 VLAN IDs are not consistent with the VLAN mode. For the VLAN Access mode, specify only -VLANID. For the VLAN Trunk mode, specify only -VLANTrunkID.
13602 VLAN IDs are specified without the VLAN mode. When using -VLANID or -VLANTrunkID, specify the -VLANMode.
13603 The -OverrideNetworkLocation parameter is inconsistent with -NetworkLocation. If -OverrideNetworkLocation is set to TRUE, specify -NetworkLocation. If -OverrideNetworkLocation is set to FALSE, omit -NetworkLocation.
13604 The Virtual Machine Manager server lost connectivity to host %VMHostName; after applying the network settings. This might be the result of an incorrect VLAN setting. Check connectivity from the Virtual Machine Manager server to the host. If there is no connectivity, try connecting a terminal to the host and reverting the changes by using the Hyper-V Virtual Network Manager locally on the host. If that is not possible, provide connectivity between the host and the VMM Server by using a different network adapter.
13605 Cannot set VLAN properties on physical network adapter %FriendlyName;, because it is not connected to a virtual network. Connect the physical network adapter to a virtual network and then try the operation again.
13606 Cannot connect physical network adapter %FriendlyName; to virtual network %VirtualNetworkName;, because it is connected to another virtual network. Disconnect the physical network adapter from the other virtual network and then try the operation again.
13607 The specified network location is not valid. Specify a different network location and then try the operation again.
13609 The specified MAC address range conflicts with an existing Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) or reserved address. Specify a MAC address range, which does not conflict with an existing OUI or reserved range. Virtual Machine Manager default range is 00:1D:D8:B7:1C:00-00:1D:D8:F4:1F:FF.
13610 The specified MAC address range %RangeStart; - %RangeEnd; is not valid. 1. Specify an end address for the range that is greater than the start address.\n\n2. Ensure that the first three octets of the start address and the end address for the range are equal.
13611 All addresses in the MAC address range have been used. Extend the MAC address range or specify a new range.
13612 Cannot connect the virtual network adapter because virtual switch %FriendlyName; on host %VMHostName; has no available ports. Use the VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client to increase the number of ports.\n\nNote: This setting requires the host to be restarted.
13613 Cannot set VLAN properties on virtual network %FriendlyName;, because the virtual network is not bound to the host. Connect the virtual network to the host and then try the operation again.
13614 Host %ComputerName; does not support this VLAN setting. BLANK
13615 Configuring a virtual DHCP server is not supported on host %ComputerName;. BLANK
13616 Binding a virtual network to the host partition is not supported on host %ComputerName;. BLANK
13617 Connecting more than one physical network adapter to a virtual network is not supported on host %ComputerName;. BLANK
13618 A network location is required when overriding the network location. Specify a network location and then try the operation again.
13619 The host physical network adapter cannot be removed from virtual network %VirtualNetworkName; because the virtual network has a VMware service console port on host %ServerName;. Remove the service console port from virtual network %VirtualNetworkName; by using the VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client or specify a different virtual network.
13620 Changing the name of a virtual network is not supported on an ESX host. BLANK
13621 The -Path parameter must be specified for New-VirtualNetwork. Specify the -Path parameter and then try the operation again.
13622 Physical network adapter %FriendlyName; does not support VLAN Trunk mode. BLANK
13623 Cannot remove physical network adapter %FriendlyName; from virtual network %VirtualNetworkName; because the adapter is not connected to the virtual network. Specify a different host network adapter and then try the operation again.
13625 A large number of hosts or virtual machines were selected for display. The network diagram may load slowly and be difficult to use when displaying large numbers of hosts or virtual machines.\n\nDo you want to continue? BLANK
13626 The specified virtual network does not exist. Verify the virtual network name by refreshing the Host Properties dialogue box, go to the Hardware tab and click the Virtual Network option. Then try the operation again.
13627 If network adapter %FriendlyName; is bound to this virtual network, there will be no physical network adapters dedicated to managing host communications. This may prevent Virtual Machine Manager from managing this host over the network.\n\n Do you want to continue? BLANK
13628 Virtual Machine Manager has detected more than one network adapter named %FriendlyName; on host %VMHostName;. Information collected about this adapter by VMM may be inaccurate. To verify the network adaptor's configuration, use Hyper-V Manager. BLANK
13629 Virtual Machine Manager has detected more than one network adapter with the same name. For more details, please refresh host %VMHostName;, and then refer to the job history entry for the host refresh job. BLANK
13630 Virtual Machine Manager has detected more than one network adapter with the same name. For more details, please refresh host cluster %HostClusterName; and refer to the job history entry for the host cluster refresh job. BLANK
13800 The host cluster name contains a character that is not allowed. A host cluster name cannot contain any of the following characters: : * ? < > / | \ ". Check the host cluster name and then try the operation again.
13801 A host cluster with the name %HostClusterName; already exists. Specify a different host cluster name and then try the operation again.
13802 A cluster with the name %HostClusterName; does not exist. Specify a different cluster name and then try the operation again.
13803 The cluster node failure reserve equals or exceeds the number of nodes in cluster %HostClusterName;. Specify a cluster node failure reserve less than the number of nodes in the cluster and then try the operation again.
13804 Access to the cluster %ComputerName; was denied. Ensure that the specified credentials have access to query cluster resources and then try the operation again.
13805 Unable to contact cluster service on %ComputerName;. Ensure that the provided name is a cluster name or the computer name of a node in the cluster, and that the cluster is listed in Active Directory Domain Services. For a newly created cluster, you might need to wait for the cluster name to be added to Active Directory Domain Services.
13806 The host does not exist in cluster %HostClusterName;. Specify a different host name and then try the operation again.
13807 Unable to add %ComputerName; as a virtual machine host. Ensure that the specified machine name is a cluster name or a node of a cluster, and then try the operation again.
13808 Unable to add %ComputerName; as a Library server. Ensure that the specified machine name is a clustered file server or a node of a cluster, and then try the operation again.
13809 Unable to run WMI query on cluster %ComputerName;. Ensure that the specified computer name is a cluster name and that the cluster service is properly installed and running.
13810 Cannot remove host %ComputerName; because it is a part of host cluster %HostClusterName;. Removing the entire cluster will remove all of its hosts. BLANK
13811 Virtual network %FriendlyName;, configured on host %ComputerName;, is not highly available. To make the virtual network highly available, ensure that a virtual network with the same name, tag, and connectivity exists on all hosts in the cluster.
13812 Virtual network %FriendlyName; already exists on the highly available host. BLANK
13813 The specified VMware resource pool was not found. Ensure that the resource pool exists in this virtualization manager and then try the operation again.
13814 The virtual machine %ComputerName; cannot be moved to VMware resource pool %FriendlyName;. Ensure that the target resource pool belongs to the same computer resource and then try the operation again.
13815 Virtual Machine Manager could not enumerate the network shares on %ComputerName;. Ensure that the computer %ComputerName; exists, that the specified credentials have administrative rights, and then try the operation again.
13816 Virtual Machine Manager detected that the library server %ComputerName; is a clustered file server. Virtual Machine Manager will install agent on all the nodes of the failover cluster that is hosting this file server. BLANK
13817 Virtual Machine Manager detected that the library server %ComputerName; is a failover cluster node. If you want to add clustered library server, you should specify the network name of the clustered library server. Are you sure you want to add the failover cluster node as a standalone library server?" BLANK
13916 Not all of the host cluster nodes have processors that are mutually compatible. BLANK
13917 The following virtual machines have more processors than one or more of the hosts in the host cluster: %NameList;. BLANK
13918 Cannot assign virtual machine %VMName; to a VMware resource pool because the virtual machine is not on a VMware ESX host. BLANK
13919 Specified failure node reserve (%ParameterValue;) exceeds the %MaxLimit; limit for host cluster %HostClusterName; (total nodes in cluster- 1). Specify a failure node reserve less than or equal to %MaxLimit;.
13920 Discovered host cluster %HostClusterName; will not be added to Virtual Machine Manager, because a cluster with the same name already exists. BLANK
13921 Highly available virtual machine %VMName; is not supported by VMM because one or more of its network adapters is not configured correctly. Ensure that all of the virtual network adapters are either disconnected or connected to highly available virtual networks.
13922 Highly available virtual machine %VMName; is not supported by VMM because one or more of its network adapters is not configured correctly. Ensure that all of the virtual network adapters are either disconnected or connected to highly available virtual networks. Additionally, each port group the VM is connected to must be present on each of the nodes of the cluster.
13923 Highly available virtual machine %VMName; is not supported by VMM because its cluster resource group is not configured correctly. Ensure that the resource group only contains a single VM resource, a single VM configuration resource, and zero or more disk resources all belonging to this VM.
13924 Highly available virtual machine %VMName; is not supported by VMM because the VM uses non-clustered storage. Ensure that all of the files and pass-through disks belonging to the VM reside on highly available storage.
13925 Host cluster %HostClusterName; cannot be removed directly from Virtual Machine Manager because it is a VMware cluster. To remove the host cluster from Virtual Machine Manager, remove the Virtualization Manager that it belongs to. To destroy the host cluster, use the VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client.
13926 Host cluster %HostClusterName; was not fully refreshed because not all of the nodes could be contacted. Highly available storage and virtual network information reported for this cluster might be inaccurate. Ensure that all the nodes are online and do not have Not Responding status in Virtual Machine Manager. Then refresh the host cluster again.
13927 Host cluster %HostClusterName; was moved, renamed, or deleted outside Virtual Machine Manager. Verify the name of the cluster you want to refresh and then try the operation again.
13928 Highly available virtual machine %VMName; is offline on host %VMHostName;. 1. Ensure that the virtual machine has not been removed from host %VMHostName; by using Hyper-V Manager.\n2. Ensure that all of the resources in cluster resource group %GroupName; are online by using Failover Cluster Manager.
19999 Virtual Machine Manager (%Name;:%Id;) has encountered an error and needed to exit the process. Windows generated an error report with the following parameters: %Value;. BLANK
20000 Stopped working BLANK